Fallon Show humiliates Bachmann with misogynistic song

Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

It shouldnt be long now for the lefties to start squealing for civility.
She's waiting for an apology from the network.

Hope she's not holding her breath. She's gonna need teflon panties. If she thinks this is a big deal, she's not ready for the WH.

Michele Bachmann responds to Roots' song choice | Inside TV | EW.com

"NBC apologizes to Bachmann over song"

New York (CNN) -- NBC has apologized to Rep. Michele Bachmann after the house band for "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" played an inappropriate song during her appearance on the show Monday.

While Fallon offered an apology via Twitter to the Republican presidential candidate Tuesday, Bachmann called for an official apology from the TV network the following day. The NBC apology came Wednesday, CNN confirmed."
NBC apologizes to Bachmann over song - CNN.com

"If she thinks this is a big deal, she's not ready for the WH."

You know, you may actually have a point there....
....how about this one?

"In November 2006, then-Senator Obama rebuked New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd for mentioning his prominent ears. “You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive … [because] I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears,” he told Dowd seven weeks after the column appeared."

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/08/16/obama-i-have-it-tougher-than-abe-lincoln/#ixzz1ee65QUrB

On the other hand, I've noticed that the Left is rarely concerned about being consistent....
....carry on.
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Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

It shouldnt be long now for the lefties to start squealing for civility.

there is such a double standard. imagine if it were michelle obama. it's like when letterman joked about arod knocking up palin's high school daughter. outrage for that kind of thing is a political one way street.
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Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

It shouldnt be long now for the lefties to start squealing for civility.

there is such a double standard. imagine if it were michelle obama. it's like when letterman joked about arod knocking up palin's high school daughter. outrage for that kind of thing is a political one way street.

It's Thanksgiving still, so backatcha on the 'being a dick' front.
It shouldnt be long now for the lefties to start squealing for civility.

there is such a double standard. imagine if it were michelle obama. it's like when letterman joked about arod knocking up palin's high school daughter. outrage for that kind of thing is a political one way street.

It's Thanksgiving still, so backatcha on the 'being a dick' front.

I should remind you many of us have been labeled terrorists from the number two in command. Imagine wanting spending reductions.

Do terrorists take the holidays off? Just curious!
She's waiting for an apology from the network.

Hope she's not holding her breath. She's gonna need teflon panties. If she thinks this is a big deal, she's not ready for the WH.

Michele Bachmann responds to Roots' song choice | Inside TV | EW.com

"NBC apologizes to Bachmann over song"

New York (CNN) -- NBC has apologized to Rep. Michele Bachmann after the house band for "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" played an inappropriate song during her appearance on the show Monday.

While Fallon offered an apology via Twitter to the Republican presidential candidate Tuesday, Bachmann called for an official apology from the TV network the following day. The NBC apology came Wednesday, CNN confirmed."
NBC apologizes to Bachmann over song - CNN.com

"If she thinks this is a big deal, she's not ready for the WH."

You know, you may actually have a point there....
....how about this one?

"In November 2006, then-Senator Obama rebuked New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd for mentioning his prominent ears. “You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive … [because] I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears,” he told Dowd seven weeks after the column appeared."

Read more: Abe Lincoln | Barack Obama | Federalists | Presidential Critics | The Daily Caller

On the other hand, I've noticed that the Left is rarely concerned about being consistent....
....carry on.

Oh Yippee!

Then this matter is resolved!

Joyous day. Not the wingers on here can get over their outrage. The wrong has been righted!
Comedy at the expense of leaders is a treasured freedom, grow up, anyone that unintentionally comical should be used to it by now.
I haven't condemned it.

I think conservatives goofy-assed insistence that the liberals on here "condemn" things they deem to be offensive is utterly idiotic.

So I simply refuse to play their stupid game.

Other then that, in before the merge!
Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack
and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

Rush intros Michelle Obama to "I Like Big Butts".
Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack
and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

Rush intros Michelle Obama to "I Like Big Butts".

I am so fucking outraged!!!!!!!!!!!! I demand every single conservative on this board apologize for Limbaugh's behavior, because they are all somehow responsible for this!

I also find it extremely and hilariously ironic that Limbaugh would parody anyone with a song about fat asses.
Most people that watch the news are aware of Fallon's disgusting welcome of Michelle Bachmann on his show, playing 'Lyin' A** B****' as she walked on stage. Talk about classless...whatever

But if you look up who the fall guy is for that song, they're blaming "Ahmir Khalid Thompson" the drummer, who has been "reprimanded" If you go to Ahmir's facebook page, libs are running to his defense. Oh well, right?

"[Ayanna Smith] Who do I need to cut??? The Bachmann chick? I have a brand new box of razor blades and some fresh lemon juice! Cause apparently a civil, artistic protest is not enough..."

Civil artistic protest? No rebuke, Ahmir is not deleting her post or the dozens applauding what he has done...wow no regrets I guess

Conservative talk show hosts would never stoop to this kind of attack
and their audiences wouldn't put up with it if they did. I'm just curious...are the average libs really that low? Do you agree with this kind of crud? Is there any class to the left whatsoever? Are there any democrats on this board that have a problem with this?

Rush intros Michelle Obama to "I Like Big Butts".

I am so fucking outraged!!!!!!!!!!!! I demand every single conservative on this board apologize for Limbaugh's behavior, because they are all somehow responsible for this!

I also find it extremely and hilariously ironic that Limbaugh would parody anyone with a song about fat asses.


I am so fucking outraged!!!!!!!!!!!! I demand every single conservative on this board apologize for Limbaugh's behavior, because they are all somehow responsible for this!

I also find it extremely and hilariously ironic that Limbaugh would parody anyone with a song about fat asses.


Any conservative on this board who doesn't condemn this directly to me obviously supports this behavior and is an utter piece of shit.

So sayeth me.
Let this post stand as the official "I condemn Limbaugh's Actions" for all the conservatives on the board. Feel free to quote this and put your name under the dotted line.


Failure to do so means you support such bad behavior which makes you personally responsible for me being so jaded about the incivility of the American political process or something like that.

Do it for your children.
While it wasn't a public 'blindside' of the First Lady or a deliberate attempt to humiliate and disrespect her, and it was given in a very different context, I agree that Rush was way over the line in unkind poor taste in his effort to be humorous, and yes, I do condemn that and think nobody should condone it. I will be writing Rush today to express my disapproval. It is an area in which Rush sometimes does have clay feet: humor expressed in really bad taste. While I have never felt it was intentionally malicious, I have never liked or appreciated that.
While it wasn't a public 'blindside' of the First Lady or a deliberate attempt to humiliate and disrespect her....

Please explain how it wasn't intended to disrespect her.

While I agree it wasn't "to her face" so to speak, it definitely was an attempt at humiliation and disrespect.
Let this post stand as the official "I condemn Limbaugh's Actions" for all the conservatives on the board. Feel free to quote this and put your name under the dotted line.


Failure to do so means you support such bad behavior which makes you personally responsible for me being so jaded about the incivility of the American political process or something like that.

Do it for your children.

What if I put someone elses name below the line?

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