Fake Trump Supporter Demands To See Voter Fraud Evidence


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, who regularly attends Trump rallies and interviews supporters of the former president, got quite the shock while interviewing attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas over the weekend. O’Sullivan appeared to be genuinely shocked when speaking to a man who goes by Grizzly Joe. “Do you accept Joe Biden won the election?” O’Sullivan asked. Joe bluntly answered, “Yeah.” A stunned O’Sullivan followed with, “So you are, you know, one of the very few people I am likely to meet here this weekend who will tell me that Biden won the election fairly.” “That's unfortunate,” Joe replied.

“I gotta have the evidence. I gotta see it,” Joe said. “If you tell me you're gonna release the Kraken, show me the freakin’ Kraken for crying out loud. Show me the freakin’ Kraken. Show me a piece of the Kraken. Show me something.” “And don't tell me to go to Mr. Pillow man's website to get the information,” Joe said, “and I click on there and you get a million sites, ads pop up and I'm still not gonna see even a fingernail of the freakin’ Kraken.”

This guy is obviously a liberal Deep State plant who is trying to create doubts among the Trump faithful -- for him to have the audacity to dare question the brilliance of Sidney Powell and Lin Wood -- for him to have the audacity to claim they have not shown more than enough proof that Venezuela and China conspired with Biden to steal the election using North Korean submarines and bamboo ballots paid for by George Soros -- the evidence is out there and this guy claims he hasn't seen it?? Ridiculous.

The Arizona audit has already shown that Trump won by 2.4 million votes -- 32 people with connections to the Biden campaign have already been indicted; including Biden's campaign manager and his personal attorney....Chelsea Clinton was just indicted last week, but the media didn't report it.....but when August comes and Trump is back in office; Grizzly Joe will sing a different tune....and if none of this happens -- that's ok too....we can claim we were being sarcastic to trigger the libs...because at the end of the day, that is what is most important.
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It's not surprising that liberals would go undercover at CPAC and pretend to be conservatives for a few days. It's spying, just like when Obama illegally spied on Trump.


“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election​

A group of “bipartisan” neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been “simulating” multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020 election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes “unprecedented” measures, which the Biden campaign could take to foil a new Trump inauguration. “Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election

Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

This 'War Game' Maps Out What Happens If The President Contests The Election​

The liberal world is definitely an alternative universe.
So you believe that thinking Trump will be somehow reinstalled after the Arizona "audit" is reasonable and real world?
If that triggers you -- he will claim to believe it....

If he thought not breathing air would trigger you; he would try to suffocate himself to death....then blame you for choking him
The liberal world is definitely an alternative universe.
So you believe that thinking Trump will be somehow reinstalled after the Arizona "audit" is reasonable and real world?
If that triggers you -- he will claim to believe it....

If he thought not breathing air would trigger you; he would try to suffocate himself to death....then blame you for choking him
I dunno, I'm pretty sure they really, truly, sincerely believe this stuff.
If the justice dept. or various deep state operators don't stop the forensic audits, the deep state media will be charged with lying the whole thing away. But no matter what, the proof that Trump won the election will be obvious to all rational Americans. There will, however, never be enough proof to sway the unstable TDS haters.
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There is evidence of voter fraud…

Yes, there is evidence…

Of course there is evidence every election cycle but there is never enough to overturn any Presidential Election which mean Trump is never heading back to the Oval Office unless he win in 2024…

All this “ Election was stolen “ nonsense is to get the gullible base to send money so Trump can live comfortably off them, and it is working!
Low IQ Democrat dupes are so stupid that they think it isn't fake.
Low IQ Democrats watch the fake news on CNN instead of watching the real news on OAN and Fox.
Could you explain to the forum, why you are desperately trying to distort the discussion by conflating OAN and FOX?

Or are you too fucking stupid and brainwashed to even realize it??

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