Fake News, you decide. This time with PROPER POLL RESPONSES.

Which is the LEAST credible

  • Fox News

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • CNN

    Votes: 7 43.8%

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • CBS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ABC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NBC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OAN

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Print

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other see below

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Huffington Post, National Enquirer are among the most unreliable. The spin is very strong these days--Getting the facts from the wire services--with a dip into the BBC--is my routine.

I find print a bit more nuanced--but the only way to get a 360 degree view is multiple articles..and stringent fact-checking.
InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Huffington Post, National Enquirer are among the most unreliable. The spin is very strong these days--Getting the facts from the wire services--with a dip into the BBC--is my routine.

I find print a bit more nuanced--but the only way to get a 360 degree view is multiple articles..and stringent fact-checking.
that's why your an idiot your bitch Obama and Clinton mentioned these as fake sites and the ddie hard real retards believed it ran with it and still believe today.
YOU ARE SO FKN RETARDED you can't see the lies proven and put before you.

It's a shame even other leftist see it and are stepping back the reall fkg idiots still think like you do LOL

Fox News


MSMLies.com | Database of Media Lies
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InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Huffington Post, National Enquirer are among the most unreliable. The spin is very strong these days--Getting the facts from the wire services--with a dip into the BBC--is my routine.

I find print a bit more nuanced--but the only way to get a 360 degree view is multiple articles..and stringent fact-checking.
that's why your an idiot
Coming from you..i can only consider that a compliment..thank you!
Most of the MSM is biased left. Fox is biased right. So ya gotta try to watch it all and then try to figure out what the real news is. Hell I don't watch any of it anymore.

Same with print media. Hard to really find out any reliable news on any day of the week.

It all boils down to what you want to believe. Not what the actual real news is.
Most of the MSM is biased left. Fox is biased right. So ya gotta try to watch it all and then try to figure out what the real news is. Hell I don't watch any of it anymore.

Same with print media. Hard to really find out any reliable news on any day of the week.

It all boils down to what you want to believe. Not what the actual real news is.
For some..too many...that's become true.

Mistaking beliefs for facts..can be a horrible mistake!~
InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Huffington Post, National Enquirer are among the most unreliable. The spin is very strong these days--Getting the facts from the wire services--with a dip into the BBC--is my routine.

I find print a bit more nuanced--but the only way to get a 360 degree view is multiple articles..and stringent fact-checking.
that's why your an idiot
Coming from you..i can only consider that a compliment..thank you!

why u r a dumb ass and they love it u morons.


Jeff Bezos paid $250 million for the Washington Post, but it could cost Amazon $75 billion, says Wells Fargo

The best part of slamming fact in front of you RETARDS IS YOU CAN'T USE INFOWARS AS YOUR EXCUSE TO DENY IT LMFAO gawd u are ----------DUMB
InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Huffington Post, National Enquirer are among the most unreliable. The spin is very strong these days--Getting the facts from the wire services--with a dip into the BBC--is my routine.

I find print a bit more nuanced--but the only way to get a 360 degree view is multiple articles..and stringent fact-checking.
that's why your an idiot
Coming from you..i can only consider that a compliment..thank you!

why u r a dumb ass and they love it u morons.

View attachment 266509

Jeff Bezos paid $250 million for the Washington Post, but it could cost Amazon $75 billion, says Wells Fargo

The best part of slamming fact in front of you RETARDS IS YOU CAN'T USE INFOWARS AS YOUR EXCUSE TO DENY IT LMFAO gawd u are ----------DUMB
Not so dumb as to post something completely off topic and attempt to hijack this thread with a butt-hurt defense of InfoWars.
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As a NON RETARD I realize that a good poll is designed to get YOUR opinion not reinforce my own opinion.

Have at it.

In all honesty the least dishonest sources currently seem to be independent You Tube "journalists" reporting on the ground from where have you about whatever timely newsworthy event. Problem with many of those guys and gals? They're also in it to make a buck and push an agenda. Seems we only get the truth these days when the truth is worth more dollars or subscribers than the spin. As for fact checking current events? Good luck with that. You'd almost have to conduct your own independent investigations, and by that I mean visiting or calling up police press officers, local news station reporters and interviewing eye witnesses because we sure as hell can't trust the emperor of search engines, ISP's or Trick-o-Pedia.
Most of the MSM is biased left. Fox is biased right. So ya gotta try to watch it all and then try to figure out what the real news is. Hell I don't watch any of it anymore.

Same with print media. Hard to really find out any reliable news on any day of the week.

It all boils down to what you want to believe. Not what the actual real news is.
For some..too many...that's become true.

Mistaking beliefs for facts..can be a horrible mistake!~

Having your news source boot a story completely is the biggest danger.. And the left leaning sites and networks do that all the time.. The biggest political scandal of our lifetimes was/is unfolding while Mueller diddled and the left played footsie with Avennati and the Kavanaugh women and some kid in a MAGA who didn't do nothing..

And to the detriment of the WHOLE country, all of left wing cable news BANNED the unfolding details, and the print media (with the exception of NYTimes and a few others) booted all the details as well... It will be a TRUE 2nd coming of the sky shouting on election night 2016, when the nation suddenly realizes that not only were they played about Trump/Russia, but they were DENIED access to the biggest political story of their lives....

If you don't what I'm talking about -- go back to your "wire services and BBC"...
Hard to say who is worse, but many of them use services like Reuther's, infamous for running stories by 'independent contractors', like the many faked videos made by terrorist propagandists, especially Arabs. CNN caved in to the La Raza vermin and fired Lou Dobbs, who had built up the channel in the first place, the New York Times had been a fake news peddler for decades and brags about its censorship of news that doesn't fit it's PC views. And, as of Trump's nomination, they have all outed themselves as competing for who can shed any pretense of objectivity and lose credibility the quickest, pandering to traitors, sick freaks, etc., with enthusiasm and support. Nothing left of the 'fourth estate' that the Constitution intended to protect, so they shouldn't be allowed to claim that protection and should exposed to being sued out of existence for their lying.
Most of the MSM is biased left. Fox is biased right. So ya gotta try to watch it all and then try to figure out what the real news is. Hell I don't watch any of it anymore.

Same with print media. Hard to really find out any reliable news on any day of the week.

It all boils down to what you want to believe. Not what the actual real news is.
For some..too many...that's become true.

Mistaking beliefs for facts..can be a horrible mistake!~

Having your news source boot a story completely is the biggest danger.. And the left leaning sites and networks do that all the time.. The biggest political scandal of our lifetimes was/is unfolding while Mueller diddled and the left played footsie with Avennati and the Kavanaugh women and some kid in a MAGA who didn't do nothing..

And to the detriment of the WHOLE country, all of left wing cable news BANNED the unfolding details, and the print media (with the exception of NYTimes and a few others) booted all the details as well... It will be a TRUE 2nd coming of the sky shouting on election night 2016, when the nation suddenly realizes that not only were they played about Trump/Russia, but they were DENIED access to the biggest political story of their lives....

If you don't what I'm talking about -- go back to your "wire services and BBC"...
If i don't..err what? Know? Like?

I don't see this as the 'biggest political story of my life." Just a matter of perspective, I guess. My life has included Watergate and Iran/Contra.

But to the point...I've not been kept from knowledge of the current doings in DC....I doubt I give them quite the weight you do..but that is not the fault of the media, that's just my judgement on the relative importance of the whole thing. I think there is so very much spin on anything that comes from inside the beltway--I handle it all with utmost skepticism--no matter Republican or Democrat.

I bow to your judgement on the networks..simply because i seldom watch them. they're short of actual news and long on commentary--which i can get here anytime i wish.
As a NON RETARD I realize that a good poll is designed to get YOUR opinion not reinforce my own opinion.

Have at it.

Excuse you!

How dare you claim that you are less retarded than our rent a cop from San Francisco that posted his, her or it poll about bias news sources!

You should apologize and say " CNN is the only News Source for me! "...

Nah, messing with you and today's news is based on tabloid nonsense and real journalism is dead.

Anyone that proclaims MSNBC or CNN are not bias nor slant their reporting or never report false tabloid news through their political commentary news are either lying or just full of shit because MSM has proven they are no better than FOX or political spin radio.

Now excuse me while I watch Democracy Now and get the most unbiased news source you can have...

( Yeah I know off to the corner I go )
As a NON RETARD I realize that a good poll is designed to get YOUR opinion not reinforce my own opinion.


Pack mentality is what fuels & facilitates fakery,fraud,and freelance bullsh*t Gramps

Polls are insiduously engineered to such ends....

I don't see this as the 'biggest political story of my life." Just a matter of perspective, I guess. My life has included Watergate and Iran/Contra.

Your life also includes an attempt to use the nation''s highest intel resources to spy on and prank an opposition campaign -- domestically AND abroad -- and the affiliates of an elected President during a transition.. You don't KNOW THIS -- because your BBC and "wire services" have screwed you over....

Worse than a keystone cops break-in... But Hey !! Keep on with your Evil Eye...
LOL..appears to be a bit of disconnect in your response. You appear to be invested in the idea that your story is not reported..and yet, it has been..exhaustively, in fact. If that is not enough for you, lord knows it has been hashed over on this site ad nauseum.

I come to different conclusions then do you. That is not the fault of the BBC nor the wire services, it is the result of my own take of the 'facts'--what precious few of those are around this issue. I weight a lot of things differently...and I use Occam's Razor a lot.

An example--To some, a conversation between two FBI agents disparaging Trump is a smoking a gun..as if because someone holds an opinion..they MUST be biased, and further, must act on that bias. While i think that one can act professionally despite opinion..and that they do..everyday. Prosecutors convict people they like...Attorneys defend clients they despise.

My point is this...we are operating from the same set of 'facts'--you do not 'know' anymore than I do..I just weight them differently--and, dare I say it, in a less partisan way.
That is not the fault of the BBC nor the wire services, it is the result of my own take of the 'facts'--what precious few of those are around this issue. I weight a lot of things differently...and I use Occam's Razor a lot.

Like you I was a BBC fan and wire service fan BEFORE the last 4 year election.. The BBC was COMPLETELY biased against Trump from the day he announced.. And they managed to carry every FALSE STORY about Russian collusion with Trump and not a WHISPER of the connections that this evil plot to fix an election and then over-turn it INCLUDED their own Intelligence service and was partly directed from British soil... No more BBC. No more wire services. I'll use congressional testimony from the record directly or from CSPAN.. I'll build my OWN Bayesian probabilities out of that.

And you cannot USE Occam's Razor on multiple choice decisions if you don't KNOW jack shit about ALL the available evidence and facts....

Occam's Razor also sucks at divining truth when CRIMINALITY and deception is involved. That's the truth...
I don't see this as the 'biggest political story of my life." Just a matter of perspective, I guess. My life has included Watergate and Iran/Contra.

Your life also includes an attempt to use the nation''s highest intel resources to spy on and prank an opposition campaign -- domestically AND abroad -- and the affiliates of an elected President during a transition.. You don't KNOW THIS -- because your BBC and "wire services" have screwed you over....

Worse than a keystone cops break-in... But Hey !! Keep on with your Evil Eye...

Definitely the most disturbing aspect of the corruption in the Obama administration is its use of CIA and FBI appointees. Meuller's own Russian investments through Soros is a giant red flag that deserves a lot of attention and investigation, and we know who Comey is as well.

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