Fake News Now Has 318 Retractions of Lying/Smearing Project Veritas


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"
The Democrat controlled liberal news media LIE all the time because LIES work. The vast majority of voters don't have time to pay attention to politics. Naturally they believe whatever the fake news spews on a daily basis. These Dem politicians and liberal news outlets are filthy worm infested pigs.
The Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post makes a lot of retractions. But they don't issue retractions for over 99% of their fake news articles.

Actually the Jimmy's World Post had to disable the comments section on their website because as soon as they wrote their fake news articles they would get called out almost immediately.
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas
Fake news.

Mendacity is the metier of Democrats.
"depending on what the meaning of 'is' is." - Loathing the Military Clinton
"I will close Guantanamo in one year." - BozoBama, who "has been to 57 states" and "doesn't speak Austrian."
"I don't want my children living in a jungle (of integrated schools)." - Joe Biden
In public remarks, Obama has usually blamed Congress for his failure to close the prison. But months of reporting revealed a highly charged series of political maneuvers, involving nearly every part of the Administration. The attempt to close the prison has entailed tense negotiations with foreign officials, heated confrontations during meetings in the White House Situation Room, and, especially, a long-running fight with the Pentagon, which outplayed Obama for years. For those who worked to implement his policy, often without support, the frustrations were acute. “You need White House backing,” a senior Administration official told me. “If something went wrong, the risk was all ours. Gitmo was a potential career-ender.”--Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo

It is simple. The right wing are simply practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God) regarding their respect for natural rights. They had to go outside of the US because natural rights are recognized in State Constitutions.
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time. If I label it fake news, it's fake news.
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time.
Only infidels do it that way. Not enough moral of true witness bearing to go around right winger?
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas

But yet Project Veritas's coverage of Scott Foval got him kicked to the curb. His own words burried him.
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time.
Only infidels do it that way. Not enough moral of true witness bearing to go around right winger?
The Washington Post is just another CFR mouthpiece and proof that Operation Mockingbird is still alive and well.
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time.
Only infidels do it that way. Not enough moral of true witness bearing to go around right winger?
That's a nonsensical word salad. Would you care to rephrase that, dumbass?
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time.
Only infidels do it that way. Not enough moral of true witness bearing to go around right winger?
The Washington Post is just another CFR mouthpiece and proof that Operation Mockingbird is still alive and well.
And right wingers are more credible?
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas

I cannot take you seriously. Job 34:30 applies.
Project veritas is welcome to substantiate this:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Any problem with bearing True Witness, right wingers?
Fake news.
Not faithful enough to the moral of true witness bearing, right winger?
The Jimmy's World Post article you linked to is factually incorrect. Therefore it earned my 'fake news' rating.

Being a speed reader, I give fake news warnings as a free service to USMB forumers so they don't have to waste their time.
Only infidels do it that way. Not enough moral of true witness bearing to go around right winger?
The Washington Post is just another CFR mouthpiece and proof that Operation Mockingbird is still alive and well.
And right wingers are more credible?
And leftards are more credible? Doesn't it depend on what side of the fence one is on? Mileage varies for both. I dropped the tribalism attitude and vacated the "left versus right" paradigm. What I have noticed since the scales fell from my eyes is that at the very top of the bought and paid for political leaders of both parties? They back-slap each other behind closed doors after pretending to wage verbal war against each other on the House and Senate floor. Politics is akin to the WFF except the participants are mostly fat and out of shape but they could give any wrestler )that is promoting an up coming match) a run for his money with their indignant outrage and tough talk.
The video is rather long (8:23) but in summary, Fake News outlets, such as the Washington Post, lie all the time. It's the Post's 8th retraction. When will they stop lying? Don't hold your breath.

RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group. The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption". The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas

I cannot take you seriously. Job 34:30 applies.
Are you on drugs?
BOTH sides, inside the Beltway, subscribe to the same unconstitutional, or even spirit of the constitution, limits.

To pretend they are different is being willfully blind- the MSM are enablers of STUPID as a vocation. They lead the willfully blind onto the merry go round- and where it stops nobody knows-

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