Faith... with no organized rules..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is it really necessary that a persons faith be organized into a religion...?

If you accept that there is a higher power than yourself and you require yourself to do the right, fair and proper things..etc.

Eh...just thinking out loud..
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There are necessary orders, necessary keys in which open, influence the higher levels, deeper planes... It just is... always has been... and likely will forever be... There are systematic cycles that we seem to be bound by and it may not be more about physical or psychological development as it is the combined unity of those and then, too, genetics... Yes... It is, necessarily, religiously influenced.
There are necessary orders, necessary keys in which open, influence the higher levels, deeper planes... It just is... always has been... and likely will forever be... There are systematic cycles that we seem to be bound by and it may not be more about physical or psychological development as it is the combined unity of those and then, too, genetics... Yes... It is, necessarily, religiously influenced.

This sounds brilliant... but I'm slow...I'm thinking on it..

We need guidance.. is that what your saying..we can't do it on our own..
It's not necessary...but for some, the fellowship of sharing the ceremonies and traditions is part of the appeal.
When I pray, I pray to God. It seems so silly to me to begin my prayers with, "Dear Higher Power"... I have enough faith to believe my higher power is God.
When I pray, I pray to God. It seems so silly to me to begin my prayers with, "Dear Higher Power"... I have enough faith to believe my higher power is God.

Same here.. it's much simpler...:eusa_angel:
Growing up I went to Baptist and Methodist churches.
In navy boot camp it was Catholic (if only to get out of cleaning the barracks).

These days it's Pentecostal Church of God when I manage to get there.

The churches are like what Sherry said about fellowship.

But it is the personal relationship with Him that removes the need for walls and a steeple.

Is it really necessary that a persons faith be organized into a religion...?

If you accept that there is a higher power than yourself and you require yourself to do the right, fair and proper things..etc.

Eh...just thinking out loud..

I am in agreement with a great president on this topic, although I realize many people feel differently and I respect those differences.

"When I do good I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion"...Abraham Lincoln
I think you need to ask yourself a question:

Does God have a plan for us?

If so, then there have got to be some rules.

If not, then what was the point?
Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna - whomever - may very well have been spirit incarnate.

But the hammer of spiritual pestilence that has smitten the human race with such dirisive force has in many ways invoked such an ugly plague upon our species. Has it been our blessing or has it been our curse?

Bind my feet to earth, stretch my mind to stars. With the two I can only hope to know myself in relation to both. And in so doing, know myself in relation to my fellow beings.

The Book According to Mr. H. 11.07.11 :D
Book it, Danno.

Fret not over the shortcommings of your heart- be they with God or man, for your heart beats within yourself and no other, whether God or man.

In other words- don't sweat the small shit, folks. :thup:
Is it really necessary that a persons faith be organized into a religion...?

If you accept that there is a higher power than yourself and you require yourself to do the right, fair and proper things..etc.

Eh...just thinking out loud..

You'll probably see me post this again in the future.

God is a God of order. Everything we need to know as humans is in Genesis. He created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. To show that man was not created to work, but to worship Him. As well as to show that The Sabbath was created for man, not man for The Sabbath. Work came in the form of a curse after they ate of the forbidden fruit. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked...

Everything man needed, was already provided by the time he was created. Air to breathe, animals for companionship and for caring, nature to enjoy and to tend to, fruits of all manner to eat and partake of. Fruits and vegatables were the original diet BTW. Not meat. That came after sin was introduced in the world.

Everything God does is done in order. He created the heavens and the earth, then the sea and then the trees/greenage, then the animals, etc. So too, should we worship. The Church is a body. aka the Body of Christ. Your eye doesn't look one way and you walk another way, that's a dysfunctional body. So too goes The Church.

The lack of "rules" as you put it is akin to free-for-all, which is not order, and is akin to chaos, which is not of God's will, as God is a God of order.

Hopefully you got the point.
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Is it really necessary that a persons faith be organized into a religion...?

If you accept that there is a higher power than yourself and you require yourself to do the right, fair and proper things..etc.

Eh...just thinking out loud..

You'll probably see me post this again in the future.

God is a God of order. Everything we need to know as humans is in Genesis. He created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. To show that man was not created to work, but to worship Him. As well as to show that The Sabbath was created for man, not man for The Sabbath. Work came in the form of a curse after they ate of the forbidden fruit. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked...

Everything man needed, was already provided by the time he was created. Air to breathe, animals for companionship and for caring, nature to enjoy and to tend to, fruits of all manner to eat and partake of. Fruits and vegatables were the original diet BTW. Not meat. That came after sin was introduced in the world.

Everything God does is done in order. He created the heavens and the earth, then the sea and then the trees/greenage, then the animals, etc. So too, should we worship. The Church is a body. aka the Body of Christ. Your eye doesn't look one way and you walk another way, that's a dysfunctional body. So too goes The Church.

The lack of "rules" as you put it is akin to free-for-all, which is not order, and is akin to chaos, which is not of God's will, as God is a God of order.

Hopefully you got the point.
Wonderful post... But would you mind to further explain what the forbidden fruit was and why work... was given to man? :dunno: So many genuinely seem to have no clue.

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