Failure of our liberal unconstitutional big government


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States

11-Yr-Old Girl Saves Baby Bird From Cat, Mom Gets $535 Fine:

Today’s shining example of how liberals have created a government that is failing the American people comes from Fredericksburg, VA - where a young girl prevented the family cat from pouncing on a lost baby woodpecker and her mom ended up with a $535 ticket (and faces the possibility of jail time) for violating the "Federal Migratory Bird Act".

Despite the fact that 11-year-old Skylar Capo actually saved the tiny lost woodpecker from a violent death, and then successfully released the bird back into the wild, a Virginia State Trooper was still dispatched to the Capo home where Skylar’s mom was slapped with the $535 ticket.

Why? It all has to do with the "Migratory Bird Treaty Act":

For the 311 million (or so) Americans who are probably not familiar with the restrictions of this Federal regulation, it states the following:

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird, or the parts, nests, or eggs of such a bird except under the terms of a valid permit issued pursuant to Federal regulations.

There are so many failures in this liberal-created, over-regulated, big government story it's tough to decide where to begin. For one, the child is 11 years old. Everyone knows that a child (unless otherwise deemed in specific cases) cannot enter into a legal agreement and cannot be held accountable to US laws (it's why juviniles are released from detention centers when they turn 18 even when they committed a murder). Failure #1. Second, the child never sold, transported, possessed, imported, exported, or sold this bird. She simply saved it from a cat and then released it into the wild. Failure #2. Third, if the law is there to "protect" the animal and the girl doesn't intervene, the animal dies from the cat. She saved the animal, and is punished by a law designed to save the animal. Failure #3. The news organization tried to contact the government about this issue, and they government will not take their calls or respond. So much for being held accountable by the people, uh? Failure #4. With the 22 billion laws (thanks to the fascist Dumbocrats who want to control everything and everyone), some of which are exceptionally obscure while others are vague, how exactly is this 11 year old and her mom expected to be intimately familiar with the "Migratory Bird Treaty Act"? This question is particularly critical when you consider that Dumbocrats believe bills should be quickly passed before any one gets a chance to read the bill and find out what's in it (ahem dumbest twat on the earth - Nancy Pelosi). Failure #5.

To all idiot liberal Dumbocrats, I sarcastically say thank you for creating this over-regulated, unconstitutional goverment that doesn't even properly respond to inquiries by the people and which will soon be $16 trillion in debt thanks to the waste and spending of you greedy, lazy liberals. The Dumbocrats under Bill Clinton gutted defense half a trillion dollars over 8 years and neglected national security, which lead to the 9/11 attacks just 8 months after the lost the office, but you're all over an 11 year old girl for saving a bird from a cat in her backyard.

I guess it only makes sense though - the greedy Dumbocrats are all about taking money from the people. If they can find a way to fine an 11 year old $500+, they will do it.
Where's the cite? We get your interpretation of what happened, but no first hand source? Why? You say we shouldn't trust the government and the media, but then give us no reason to trust you either.
Yes this little blip on the radar screen means we should not protect any wildlife because it makes you mad when laws are applied evenly.

Why do some people take little stories like this and base their whole worlds on them as if they can see NOTHING beyond their little finds.
Where's the cite? We get your interpretation of what happened, but no first hand source? Why? You say we shouldn't trust the government and the media, but then give us no reason to trust you either.

Like a typical liberal, you display how lazy you are. The entire story was copied and pasted. Take any sentence, Google it, and you will see the story for yourself.

Damn you liberals are so fucking lazy, you can't even do your own research how. You even want Conservatives to come type on your keyboards for you.
where's the cite? We get your interpretation of what happened, but no first hand source? Why? You say we shouldn't trust the government and the media, but then give us no reason to trust you either.

like a typical liberal, you display how lazy you are. The entire story was copied and pasted. Take any sentence, google it, and you will see the story for yourself.

Damn you liberals are so fucking lazy, you can't even do your own research how. You even want conservatives to come type on your keyboards for you.

Yes this little blip on the radar screen means we should not protect any wildlife because it makes you mad when laws are applied evenly.

Why do some people take little stories like this and base their whole worlds on them as if they can see NOTHING beyond their little finds.

Typical ignorant liberal post. A family is fined for saving a bird, and rather than outrage and an expensive fine for a family doing an honorable thing, you protect the big government agenda of the Dumbocrats and try to dismiss this by calling it a "blip" and then redirecting the conversation to "applying laws equally".
So rotty you think it was the right thing for that mother to ignore an officer of the law and break a sited law right in front of the officer?
Defying an officer right in front of your children is not doing the right thing
Mother fined $535 after daughter, Skylar Capo, 11, saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat

An officer TOLD them it was illegal to transport the bird and they then got back in the car and transported it right in front of him.

I think its more about defying an officer instead of punishing them for helping the bird.

I hate the idea of the police state but it was started when Reagan intensified the drug war to save us from ourselves. When Carter was president and you were caught drinking and driving, the cops made you pour out the booze and followed you home, not today, there is a huge industry developed to punish your sins against yourself.
Mother fined $535 after daughter, Skylar Capo, 11, saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat

An officer TOLD them it was illegal to transport the bird and they then got back in the car and transported it right in front of him.

I think its more about defying an officer instead of punishing them for helping the bird.

Then why didn't the "officer" stop them right then and there? You Dumbocrats twist everything to fit the agenda, and your interpretation simply isn't the truth. They were stopped by a woman from the Department of Fish and Wildlife, not an "officer". And the woman did not tell them to release the bird at that moment, and then the family "defied" them as your bullshit interpretation states. She told them they should not have the bird, they went home and released as they had planned all along.

Now come LiesMatter, give us more propaganda bullshit to justify your fascist, big goverment, control the people agenda.
All they had to do was relinquish the bird to the officer when he/she told them it was illegal to transport the bird.

I wonder what the real exchange looked like.

I bet she didnt act respectful to the officer.
Where's the cite? We get your interpretation of what happened, but no first hand source? Why? You say we shouldn't trust the government and the media, but then give us no reason to trust you either.

Do you know what a search engine is? Do you need your hand held?
Mother fined $535 after daughter, Skylar Capo, 11, saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat

An officer TOLD them it was illegal to transport the bird and they then got back in the car and transported it right in front of him.

I think its more about defying an officer instead of punishing them for helping the bird.

I hate the idea of the police state but it was started when Reagan intensified the drug war to save us from ourselves. When Carter was president and you were caught drinking and driving, the cops made you pour out the booze and followed you home, not today, there is a huge industry developed to punish your sins against yourself.

I can't believe you just said that. Clearly you have some type of addiction problem. Those are the only fools who actually cry that drugs are illegal. Do you have any idea how many people are killed each year from drunk drivers? How does "police following you home" stop the drunk driver from crossing over the lines and killing someone in a head on collision?

Some laws are necessary. Like laws against drugs and drunk driving. Fining an 11 year old girl for saving a bird citing a law intended to save birds is not necessary.
Where's the cite? We get your interpretation of what happened, but no first hand source? Why? You say we shouldn't trust the government and the media, but then give us no reason to trust you either.

Like a typical liberal, you display how lazy you are. The entire story was copied and pasted. Take any sentence, Google it, and you will see the story for yourself.

Damn you liberals are so fucking lazy, you can't even do your own research how. You even want Conservatives to come type on your keyboards for you.


:clap2: Laugh riot!
Mother fined $535 after daughter, Skylar Capo, 11, saves endangered woodpecker from hungry cat

An officer TOLD them it was illegal to transport the bird and they then got back in the car and transported it right in front of him.

I think its more about defying an officer instead of punishing them for helping the bird.

Then why didn't the "officer" stop them right then and there? You Dumbocrats twist everything to fit the agenda, and your interpretation simply isn't the truth. They were stopped by a woman from the Department of Fish and Wildlife, not an "officer". And the woman did not tell them to release the bird at that moment, and then the family "defied" them as your bullshit interpretation states. She told them they should not have the bird, they went home and released as they had planned all along.

Now come LiesMatter, give us more propaganda bullshit to justify your fascist, big goverment, control the people agenda.

LIES, I posted the FACTS you somehow didnt even know about the case.

Now you pretend fiurther information about the case amounts to spin?

The woman was informed of the law by a duly appointed officer who is charged with inforcing our laws.

She then disobeyed the law.

the officer then likely took the plate number of her car and had the proper laws applied to the womans crime.

Its her fault for breaking a law she was informed of by an officer.

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