Facebookers: What's Most Annoying?

I have 2 big Facebook pet peeves, no, 3:

(1) Posting disgusting pics of babies suffering, dogs suffering etc.
(2) Political "flooding"
(3) Stupid Sayings and Picture flooding (Like Happy Friday, or 20 different stupid pics/sayings not one cares about to include recipes - however, I did get one good recipe that way....

True. Social networking is not my idea of spending worthy time.
What I hate is getting word about someone trying to pose as my most favorite singer James Otto.

God bless you and James always!!!


P.S. I've never gotten any messages there from whoever has done this, but James himself does make me and everyone else who keeps up with him over there well aware of there being a poser when there is one and so far, there has been at least three incidents that I myself knows of.
I have 2 big Facebook pet peeves, no, 3:

(1) Posting disgusting pics of babies suffering, dogs suffering etc.
(2) Political "flooding"
(3) Stupid Sayings and Picture flooding (Like Happy Friday, or 20 different stupid pics/sayings not one cares about to include recipes - however, I did get one good recipe that way....

1. Religious posts
2. Medical Issues posts
3. Death Annoucements
4. People giving Life advice

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