Facebook, Youtube, Google all instituting content control.. Slippery slope to Socialism...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Facebook, Youtube, Google all instituting content control.. Slippery slope to Socialism..

Well we all wondered how the left wing would respond to Trumps ability to get the message out and with the conservative message now resonating with the public they had to find a way to silence it...

So what are they doing?

Facebook is now content searching and shadow banning individuals who do not meet their "socialist" view point. If their approved agenda is not being promoted they make it so that anything you post is never seen by the general public essentially silencing your voice.

Google is "derating" all topics which do not align with their socialist view point. Conservative publishers are derated so that they are never in the top 100 sites. Scientist's who do not toe the left wing Global warming line are derated and their works pushed into oblivion. When doing searches only approved socialist memes are presented even when conservative views are specifically looked for.

Youtube is now adding "warnings" to all videos they feel are not following the Socialist view point. All scientific works and videos by scientist who do not believe in AGW are now marked as conspiratory and not trustworthy. Some are flat out removed from the site even if they are well sourced and the credentials of the people who did the work are verified. This is damage to their professional profile and actionable for damages.

The big tech giants are now tell us they know better than we do what we should read and what we should believe. By giving specific content their thumbs up they are advocating the accuracy and veracity of it. By giving an insinuation that information is not trustworthy and placing warnings alongside them they determine the content is a lie or inaccurate.

Big Tech has now become the mighty all knowing all seeing government telling the slaves what they can read and what they will believe. Any dissension is met with ridicule and derision just as Saul Alyinsky taught his faithful socialist how to destroy this Representative Republic and those who seek to protect it.

Wake up America... The onslaught has begun and the young who need real information are being feed socialist CRAP! Infowars was only the beginning and there is much much more happening right now..

The slope has been greased and now the slide begins... Will we abandon these socialists and kill their businesses taking back our freedoms or will we be sheep and continue allowing them to finish the job of making us slave of the elitists?

A decidedly sarcastic Open Letter to @YouTube
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Facebook is removing Holocaust posts and other posts that show Mau Se Tung, Pol Pot, and other socialist dictators along with the death and destruction they wrought from their site. If you try and show socialists in a bad light that post is shadow banned. Most users haven't got a clue that their content will never be seen.

I didn't realize how deep these people are in collusion with each other and how extensively they will go into your information to keep their point of view prominent...
And Today the Lame Stream Media are protecting them from exposure. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN among many others are backing these people and their content censorship.

They call Trumps rallies divisive and destructive because they can not control the message.... And its getting out..

I never thought this would happen in my life time.. But here it is.. A collective effort by Elitists to keep their power when Trump is trying to return it to WE THE PEOPLE...
Nope, Bob, it is not "socialism."

It is private business based on market determinism.
When a business want to commit suicide its best to get out of their way.... Guess what, this is one wound they may not survive.. Google shares are down 10%, Facebook shares down 38% ( some say near 50%), Youtube is down 12% in the last week..

There are several platforms ready to take their place.. And they are growing rapidly..
OP, do you agree that our President should be able to shut down certain media outlets if he deems it necessary?
I hope these folks have deep pockets... Because they have started to control content they can be held liable for content that is inflammatory now and destructive to persons professional profiles.. I can see the damages mounting into the millions of dollars..
OP, do you agree that our President should be able to shut down certain media outlets if he deems it necessary?
If we had real reporters who were honest and didn't make up lies and pure bull shit all the time they would be included.. But at some point you have to call out these charletons and ban them... When they want to grow up and be real reporters instead of left wing bigots and hate mongers then maybe you would have a point..
OP, do you agree that our President should be able to shut down certain media outlets if he deems it necessary?
If we had real reporters who were honest and didn't make up lies and pure bull shit all the time they would be included.. But at some point you have to call out these charletons and ban them... When they want to grow up and be real reporters instead of left wing bigots and hate mongers then maybe you would have a point..
Thanks for being honest.

Facebook, Youtube, Google all instituting content control.. Slippery slope to Socialism..

Well we all wondered how the left wing would respond to Trumps ability to get the message out and with the conservative message now resonating with the public they had to find a way to silence it...

So what are they doing?

Facebook is now content searching and shadow banning individuals who do not meet their "socialist" view point. If their approved agenda is not being promoted they make it so that anything you post is never seen by the general public essentially silencing your voice.

Google is "derating" all topics which do not align with their socialist view point. Conservative publishers are derated so that they are never in the top 100 sites. Scientist's who do not toe the left wing Global warming line are derated and their works pushed into oblivion. When doing searches only approved socialist memes are presented even when conservative views are specifically looked for.

Youtube is now adding "warnings" to all videos they feel are not following the Socialist view point. All scientific works and videos by scientist who do not believe in AGW are now marked as conspiratory and not trustworthy. Some are flat out removed from the site even if they are well sourced and the credentials of the people who did the work are verified. This is damage to their professional profile and actionable for damages.

The big tech giants are now tell us they know better than we do what we should read and what we should believe. By giving specific content their thumbs up they are advocating the accuracy and veracity of it. By giving an insinuation that information is not trustworthy and placing warnings alongside them they determine the content is a lie or inaccurate.

Big Tech has now become the mighty all knowing all seeing government telling the slaves what they can read and what they will believe. Any dissension is met with ridicule and derision just as Saul Alyinsky taught his faithful socialist how to destroy this Representative Republic and those who seek to protect it.

Wake up America... The onslaught has begun and the young who need real information are being feed socialist CRAP! Infowars was only the beginning and there is much much more happening right now..

The slope has been greased and now the slide begins... Will we abandon these socialists and kill their businesses taking back our freedoms or will we be sheep and continue allowing them to finish the job of making us slave of the elitists?

A decidedly sarcastic Open Letter to @YouTube
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
Facebook, Youtube, Google all instituting content control.. Slippery slope to Socialism..

Well we all wondered how the left wing would respond to Trumps ability to get the message out and with the conservative message now resonating with the public they had to find a way to silence it...

So what are they doing?

Facebook is now content searching and shadow banning individuals who do not meet their "socialist" view point. If their approved agenda is not being promoted they make it so that anything you post is never seen by the general public essentially silencing your voice.

Google is "derating" all topics which do not align with their socialist view point. Conservative publishers are derated so that they are never in the top 100 sites. Scientist's who do not toe the left wing Global warming line are derated and their works pushed into oblivion. When doing searches only approved socialist memes are presented even when conservative views are specifically looked for.

Youtube is now adding "warnings" to all videos they feel are not following the Socialist view point. All scientific works and videos by scientist who do not believe in AGW are now marked as conspiratory and not trustworthy. Some are flat out removed from the site even if they are well sourced and the credentials of the people who did the work are verified. This is damage to their professional profile and actionable for damages.

The big tech giants are now tell us they know better than we do what we should read and what we should believe. By giving specific content their thumbs up they are advocating the accuracy and veracity of it. By giving an insinuation that information is not trustworthy and placing warnings alongside them they determine the content is a lie or inaccurate.

Big Tech has now become the mighty all knowing all seeing government telling the slaves what they can read and what they will believe. Any dissension is met with ridicule and derision just as Saul Alyinsky taught his faithful socialist how to destroy this Representative Republic and those who seek to protect it.

Wake up America... The onslaught has begun and the young who need real information are being feed socialist CRAP! Infowars was only the beginning and there is much much more happening right now..

The slope has been greased and now the slide begins... Will we abandon these socialists and kill their businesses taking back our freedoms or will we be sheep and continue allowing them to finish the job of making us slave of the elitists?

A decidedly sarcastic Open Letter to @YouTube
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
The slippery slope fallacy is itself a fallacy.
Facebook is removing Holocaust posts and other posts that show Mau Se Tung, Pol Pot, and other socialist dictators along with the death and destruction they wrought from their site. If you try and show socialists in a bad light that post is shadow banned. Most users haven't got a clue that their content will never be seen.

I didn't realize how deep these people are in collusion with each other and how extensively they will go into your information to keep their point of view prominent...
You’re clearly ignorant as to what constitutes ‘socialism’ – like most on the right you have no idea what it is.
And Today the Lame Stream Media are protecting them from exposure. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN among many others are backing these people and their content censorship.

They call Trumps rallies divisive and destructive because they can not control the message.... And its getting out..

I never thought this would happen in my life time.. But here it is.. A collective effort by Elitists to keep their power when Trump is trying to return it to WE THE PEOPLE...
How a web hosting site manages its content has nothing to do with ‘socialism.’

How a web hosting site manages its content has nothing to do with ‘free speech,’ ‘free expression,’ or the First Amendment.

Web hosting sites are not ‘government’; they’re not subject to First Amendment case law.

Conservatives who argue otherwise are being willfully ignorant and dishonest.
Facebook, Youtube, Google all instituting content control.. Slippery slope to Socialism..

Well we all wondered how the left wing would respond to Trumps ability to get the message out and with the conservative message now resonating with the public they had to find a way to silence it...

So what are they doing?

Facebook is now content searching and shadow banning individuals who do not meet their "socialist" view point. If their approved agenda is not being promoted they make it so that anything you post is never seen by the general public essentially silencing your voice.

Google is "derating" all topics which do not align with their socialist view point. Conservative publishers are derated so that they are never in the top 100 sites. Scientist's who do not toe the left wing Global warming line are derated and their works pushed into oblivion. When doing searches only approved socialist memes are presented even when conservative views are specifically looked for.

Youtube is now adding "warnings" to all videos they feel are not following the Socialist view point. All scientific works and videos by scientist who do not believe in AGW are now marked as conspiratory and not trustworthy. Some are flat out removed from the site even if they are well sourced and the credentials of the people who did the work are verified. This is damage to their professional profile and actionable for damages.

The big tech giants are now tell us they know better than we do what we should read and what we should believe. By giving specific content their thumbs up they are advocating the accuracy and veracity of it. By giving an insinuation that information is not trustworthy and placing warnings alongside them they determine the content is a lie or inaccurate.

Big Tech has now become the mighty all knowing all seeing government telling the slaves what they can read and what they will believe. Any dissension is met with ridicule and derision just as Saul Alyinsky taught his faithful socialist how to destroy this Representative Republic and those who seek to protect it.

Wake up America... The onslaught has begun and the young who need real information are being feed socialist CRAP! Infowars was only the beginning and there is much much more happening right now..

The slope has been greased and now the slide begins... Will we abandon these socialists and kill their businesses taking back our freedoms or will we be sheep and continue allowing them to finish the job of making us slave of the elitists?

A decidedly sarcastic Open Letter to @YouTube
You don't have to deal with them, just quit using the service and find one that does not crap on you.

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