Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms

Weird how FB is able to catch Russian bots spreading fake news, but never seemed able to catch Islamic jihadist recruiting people on FB.
Wry Catcher said:
If it were, which it is not, the D's would simply be following in the footsteps of your messiah, all summer before the election he whined that the election was fixed for HRC.

And you know it's not why exactly? Are you tied in with DNC strategy meetings? or is this your opinion on the matter? See, I don't know if it is or isn't, but it sure sounds like it...
Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms

From the Link:

Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms
Glenn CHAPMAN,AFP 1 hour 22 minutes ago

San Francisco (AFP) - Facebook said Tuesday it shut down more than 30 fake pages and accounts involved in what appeared to be a "coordinated" effort to stoke hot-button social issues ahead of November midterm US elections, but cannot identify the source despite hints Russia was involved.

It said the "bad actor" accounts on the world's biggest social network and its photo-sharing site Instagram could not be tied to Russian actors, who US officials say used the platform to spread disinformation ahead of the 2016 presidential election in the United States.

But the tech giant did say "some of the activity is consistent" with that of the Saint Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) -- the Russian troll farm that managed many false Facebook accounts used to influence the 2016 vote.
/----/ Yeah sure they did, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

LIAR. You don't own the Brooklyn Bridge, and no one wants to buy the bridge in your mouth.
/——/ True But there’s more than one bridge in Brooklyn and I still have my own teeth except for a crown.
Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms

From the Link:

Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms
Glenn CHAPMAN,AFP 1 hour 22 minutes ago

San Francisco (AFP) - Facebook said Tuesday it shut down more than 30 fake pages and accounts involved in what appeared to be a "coordinated" effort to stoke hot-button social issues ahead of November midterm US elections, but cannot identify the source despite hints Russia was involved.

It said the "bad actor" accounts on the world's biggest social network and its photo-sharing site Instagram could not be tied to Russian actors, who US officials say used the platform to spread disinformation ahead of the 2016 presidential election in the United States.

But the tech giant did say "some of the activity is consistent" with that of the Saint Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) -- the Russian troll farm that managed many false Facebook accounts used to influence the 2016 vote.

Funny how the groups were in support of fake left wing groups...

Some of the most-followed pages that were shut down included "Resisters" and "Aztlan Warriors."

Facebook said some 290,000 users followed at least one of the pages.

"Resisters" enlisted support from real followers for an August protest in Washington against the far-right "Unite the Right" group.

Inauthentic pages dating back more than a year organized an array of real world events, all but two of which have taken place, according to Facebook.
Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms

From the Link:

Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms
Glenn CHAPMAN,AFP 1 hour 22 minutes ago

San Francisco (AFP) - Facebook said Tuesday it shut down more than 30 fake pages and accounts involved in what appeared to be a "coordinated" effort to stoke hot-button social issues ahead of November midterm US elections, but cannot identify the source despite hints Russia was involved.

It said the "bad actor" accounts on the world's biggest social network and its photo-sharing site Instagram could not be tied to Russian actors, who US officials say used the platform to spread disinformation ahead of the 2016 presidential election in the United States.

But the tech giant did say "some of the activity is consistent" with that of the Saint Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) -- the Russian troll farm that managed many false Facebook accounts used to influence the 2016 vote.
If only they had done something before the presidential election....
You saw an ad on Facebook and flipped your vote to Trump.

Thank you for sharing
Nope, but many obviously did. I don't want foreign countries influencing our elections. You must be some sort of traitor.

Nobody fucking believes you beat Putin's vote flipping, mind control efforts. Just stop it

It was propaganda posted by the Russian Military who convinced people on Facebook and the USMB, among other such Internet sources, that HRC was corrupt, and that she and the DNC sabotaged Bernie's campaign. It was sophisticated and credible as are most BIG LIES, and convinced some to vote for Trump, and others to not vote at all.

That much is clear. Since Trump won by a little over 70,000 votes distributed among WI, MI and PA your messiah lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, and has no mandate to dismantle all that he has destroyed.

Why Frank, do you hate America?
So you finally admit Putin flipped your vote
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
You think it's ok to let foreign governments influence our elections?
Anyone who could be swayed by a foreign influence should have their vote invalidated if proven.
Have you noticed how much is spent on elections? Yeah, people are influenced.
/-----/ Which ad flipped you to vote for Trump?
The Russian effort looks even less influential when one considers the tiny amount of Russian Facebook spending directed at key battleground states — $1,979 in Wisconsin, $823 in Michigan and $300 in Pennsylvania. From an electoral perspective, the campaign was remarkably unsophisticated.
Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller
Who could blame you for flipping? All that relentless pressure to flip
If only they had done something before the presidential election....
You saw an ad on Facebook and flipped your vote to Trump.

Thank you for sharing
Nope, but many obviously did. I don't want foreign countries influencing our elections. You must be some sort of traitor.

Nobody fucking believes you beat Putin's vote flipping, mind control efforts. Just stop it

It was propaganda posted by the Russian Military who convinced people on Facebook and the USMB, among other such Internet sources, that HRC was corrupt, and that she and the DNC sabotaged Bernie's campaign. It was sophisticated and credible as are most BIG LIES, and convinced some to vote for Trump, and others to not vote at all.

That much is clear. Since Trump won by a little over 70,000 votes distributed among WI, MI and PA your messiah lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, and has no mandate to dismantle all that he has destroyed.

Why Frank, do you hate America?
So you finally admit Putin flipped your vote

Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.
You think it's ok to let foreign governments influence our elections?
Anyone who could be swayed by a foreign influence should have their vote invalidated if proven.
Have you noticed how much is spent on elections? Yeah, people are influenced.
/-----/ Which ad flipped you to vote for Trump?
The Russian effort looks even less influential when one considers the tiny amount of Russian Facebook spending directed at key battleground states — $1,979 in Wisconsin, $823 in Michigan and $300 in Pennsylvania. From an electoral perspective, the campaign was remarkably unsophisticated.
Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Who could blame you for flipping? All that relentless pressure to flip

I have flipped off several of your pals on the far far right. You too on occasion.
You saw an ad on Facebook and flipped your vote to Trump.

Thank you for sharing
Nope, but many obviously did. I don't want foreign countries influencing our elections. You must be some sort of traitor.

Nobody fucking believes you beat Putin's vote flipping, mind control efforts. Just stop it

It was propaganda posted by the Russian Military who convinced people on Facebook and the USMB, among other such Internet sources, that HRC was corrupt, and that she and the DNC sabotaged Bernie's campaign. It was sophisticated and credible as are most BIG LIES, and convinced some to vote for Trump, and others to not vote at all.

That much is clear. Since Trump won by a little over 70,000 votes distributed among WI, MI and PA your messiah lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, and has no mandate to dismantle all that he has destroyed.

Why Frank, do you hate America?
So you finally admit Putin flipped your vote

Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.
Intelligence?, Experience? Concern? That's the funniest joke since the Creation. I kid you not.
You saw an ad on Facebook and flipped your vote to Trump.

Thank you for sharing
Nope, but many obviously did. I don't want foreign countries influencing our elections. You must be some sort of traitor.

Nobody fucking believes you beat Putin's vote flipping, mind control efforts. Just stop it

It was propaganda posted by the Russian Military who convinced people on Facebook and the USMB, among other such Internet sources, that HRC was corrupt, and that she and the DNC sabotaged Bernie's campaign. It was sophisticated and credible as are most BIG LIES, and convinced some to vote for Trump, and others to not vote at all.

That much is clear. Since Trump won by a little over 70,000 votes distributed among WI, MI and PA your messiah lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, and has no mandate to dismantle all that he has destroyed.

Why Frank, do you hate America?
So you finally admit Putin flipped your vote

Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.
Sure, you resisted. Wink wink

I won't tell
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

As far as the "Red Scare" goes, boy, you sure couldn't tell by today's 'Russian under every bed' liberal....

As far as the rest of it, I call nonsense....
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

Wow, your last run on sentence is chock full of lefty twat-babble.

Yet the left supports more power in the hands of less people. Of course lip service is given to "equality" but in the end the civil servants become the new nobility.

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