Facebook Going 'All In' To Hide Black Support For Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
fuck suckerberg. heres another piece of shit that stole the idea of facebook, ran w/it and told the original founders to screw themselves. sounds like a scum bag demonrat to me
Well, it does not really matter that the media are hiding the fact that some people of that ethnicity support President Trump.

It still remains that the overwhelming majority of that ethnicity do NOT support the President and are staunch Democrats. They are especially excited that sooner rather than later, we will have the first woman and the second person of color as the President of the United States of America.
Well, it does not really matter that the media are hiding the fact that some people of that ethnicity support President Trump.

It still remains that the overwhelming majority of that ethnicity do NOT support the President and are staunch Democrats. They are especially excited that sooner rather than later, we will have the first woman and the second person of color as the President of the United States of America.

It doesn’t matter?

Why would they block it if it’s so insignificant?
Looks like he is back. It does show something was deleted but you can see the videos he posted of the event again.
fuck suckerberg. heres another piece of shit that stole the idea of facebook, ran w/it and told the original founders to screw themselves. sounds like a scum bag demonrat to me
Zuckerfucker, like Billy Gates, is another success due to the complete stupidity of the average americant citizen.Tweet that.
Well, it does not really matter that the media are hiding the fact that some people of that ethnicity support President Trump.

It still remains that the overwhelming majority of that ethnicity do NOT support the President and are staunch Democrats. They are especially excited that sooner rather than later, we will have the first woman and the second person of color as the President of the United States of America.

It doesn’t matter?

Why would they block it if it’s so insignificant?


Maybe because they are so insecure that they cannot abide even the slightest sign that maybe some people of that ethnicity can think for themselves.

Have a nice week!
Well, it does not really matter that the media are hiding the fact that some people of that ethnicity support President Trump.

It still remains that the overwhelming majority of that ethnicity do NOT support the President and are staunch Democrats. They are especially excited that sooner rather than later, we will have the first woman and the second person of color as the President of the United States of America.

I agree with the root of your post but I do think there will be a serious demographic shift in favor of Trump.
Suspended? They will lift it after the election. Every account is dollars. I've heard this about other Trump post. I've canceled my account and I wish I could cancel the news.
Check this out

Might as well throw this on top of it

The 50 Cent Effect

A new survey found that President Donald Trump’s approval rating among likely black voters skyrocketed between Monday and Friday of this week. The results of Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll found that Trump’s approval among likely black voters went from 25 percent on Monday to 46 percent on Friday.
fuck suckerberg. heres another piece of shit that stole the idea of facebook, ran w/it and told the original founders to screw themselves. sounds like a scum bag demonrat to me
I think he made a mistake, and it makes me feel sad, but the justice department could possibly determine where ownership ends and human rights begin. As long as we have partisan interference in national voting, the spinelessness we tolerate will bring us down. The one and only way to fix the problem is to have faithful-to-the-founders principles in the makeup of our representatives, senators, judges, and executives. All else is dross, but faithfulness is the key to why our precious forbears became tantamount to leading the free world against such institutions that celebrate genocide, hate, hostility, perversion, injustice, and dishonesty.

Praying for the founders' noble precepts to rule makes the bell of freedom clear and the pursuit of happiness possible. With all thanks to Almighty God, may He be our guide and friend always. ♡♡♡♡♡

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