Arkansas GOP Senator Tenacious Tom Cotton was right: Corona came from a Chinese lab

Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

They pilloried Cotton as a lunatic for stating the obvious — that China, one way or another, is solely responsible for the global disease outbreak that has so far left more than 100,000 dead and nearly 2 million infected

Cotton had explained this in expert detail on Twitter back in February, when the media were trying to shut him down and cast him as a deranged sidewalk fortuneteller .

my friends, Tom Cotton is an American hero, and it begs the question: should the US take military or other action to retaliate against China?
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did you know?

Tom Cotton prevented Cassandra Butts nomination as Ambassador to the Bahamas from moving forward until she died just to "inflict special pain" on President Obama of whom she was a close friend of. Never a word of her qualifications. Just to cause pain.
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

It sure would be interesting to see what happened if this kind of thing turned out to be true.

How would the world react? How would China react? How would they be held responsible, exactly? If at all?
It's unlikely we will ever know the full truth. This idea helps explain why China REFUSED entry into the country by US experts to help with the catastrophe.
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

Don't listen to that crackpot Ray9, he said it way back on March 30th.
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

Don't listen to that crackpot Ray9, he said it way back on March 30th.

I remember many of us espousing this in March. Then people like Bode would come in and call names.
Ive been saying it since the Indian scientists said it was manmade because of the HIV and Ebola strands in it. Also, the chinese scientist that said the same thing and disappeared.
But then, after his disappearance, chinese scientists said it is just comparable or some shit.
Believe the establishment or get shunned, folks.
It is all just conspiracy theory if Liberals dont like it.

I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

Your OP says that evidence is mounting. Your link doesn't corroborate this. Your link says that US intelligence officials are looking into it. But it doesn't say there is evidence. From your link

Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Mark Milley acknowledged this week that US intelligence is taking "a hard look" at the question of whether the novel coronavirus originated in a lab.

"I would just say, at this point, it's inconclusive although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural (origin). But we don't know for certain," Milley told reporters on Tuesday.
Just because CNN reports on it doesn't mean the theory holds water,

"The theory has been pushed by supporters of the President, including some congressional Republicans, who are eager to deflect criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic."
Ive been saying it since the Indian scientists said it was manmade because of the HIV and Ebola strands in it. Also, the chinese scientist that said the same thing and disappeared.
But then, after his disappearance, chinese scientists said it is just comparable or some shit.
Believe the establishment or get shunned, folks.

That is the breaks in the L and S protein Strands. The third rendition of the virus combined the two L/S and is the most lethal. I dont believe for one minuet this thing was naturally occurring.

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