
Watched it last night. Show with Halle Berry in it.

Dull, dull, and more dull. Freaking boring and I watched about half of it but the first ten minutes were enough.
That speaks for me. Dull.

But not quite as persistently and increasingly dull as The Leftovers. That total waste of time is so annoyingly monotonous it actually pissed me off! The central theme is a group of people who live together in a town, dress in white, never talk, communicate by writing on pads, loiter to annoy by their presence, and smoke cigarettes. The entire periphery of that very weird nonsense is best described as a soap opera. A dull, monotonous soap opera.
And still they won't bring back Firefly....Go figure.

I've watched up to the 5th episode. I won't be watching anymore of it. The plot is whey thin and what curds there are (Holly Barry as eye candy) just can't carry it. Besides, she is beginning to look a little long in the tooth.
Try Houdini, with Adrien Brody, on the History Channel tonight and no doubt several hundred nights in the near future. Or the Intruders, on BBCA.

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