Expulsion of the Germans from many countries after 1944 and 1945

They were Egyptian Jews recruited by the Israelis. Don't you remember how they dressed in Cairo in the 1950s?

It was a despicable thing to do.

yes----Egyptians in Cairo dressed something like Americans in Manhattan
dressed-----in the fifties. In the 60s----Iranians dressed something like
Americans in Manhattan dressed. Jews in Egypt dressed like the non-jews
in Egypt dressed. What was despicable in your vaunted opinion?
Great post full of facts, i actually have my doubts the racist State of Israel will survive going forward, it's no coincidence the Israelis supported that other horror show the Apartheid state of South Africa.

South Africa Under Black Rule, Part I,​

A personal account of the transition.
by Gedahlia Braun

South Africa is now ruled by blacks,,,Virtually every trait that makes one skeptical of black rule — dishonesty, deviousness, incompetence, corruption, unreliability, and callous indifference to human suffering — manifests itself daily.

When I first visited South Africa in 1986, after a decade in black Africa, it was at the end of the apartheid era. The contrast with the rest of Africa was stunning: all of the amenities one associates with the modern world — from telephones to potable water to public toilets — were plentiful in South Africa...

Black men, as a group, are trouble — they are violent and prone to criminality — and the pass laws were designed to control their movements. (A phrase never far from white consciousness was swart gevaar — “black danger.”)...

Probably the most significant direct effect of black rule has been the dramatic rise in crime, primarily black-on-white...

What are the consequences? A few years ago, it was difficult to find a parking space on the street at night. Now, theft and vandalism are so bad that you simply cannot leave a car out at night. Rubbish is everywhere. Few people — white or black — feel safe walking after dark. In short, we have what follows any transition from white to black.

Why haven’t I moved? For one thing, my income is limited and moving is expensive. Second, I’ve lived in close proximity to blacks in Africa for twelve years; as individuals, I do not dislike them. Third, I don’t have children...

Even though the Western media grudgingly acknowledge that post-apartheid South Africa has seen an enormous eruption in crime, virtually no one attempts to explain it...

One discovery I made living in black Africa is that virtually all blacks unaffected by liberal egalitarian ideology not only recognize this inequality but are not in the least bothered by it! I say this after countless conversations with blacks all over the indigenous black world. Ask any African why blacks can’t, for example, make airplanes or computers and he’ll look at you as if you were foolish for asking, since the answer is obvious: “The white man has the brain for it and we don’t!”...

When I was in Johannesburg in January 1986, the mammoth Johannesburg General Hospital was for whites only. “Jo’burg Gen” was very impressive. The nursing staff was white, as were the medical and administrative staffs. It was clean and well-run. The previous white hospital, near the city center, served blacks.

What has happened under the “new dispensation?” Conditions have deteriorated dramatically. Patient infection rates have skyrocketed and theft of supplies is rampant. Discipline among the nearly all-black nursing and maintenance staff is virtually nonexistent — they simply will not work. Patients sometimes go without clean sheets. A rabbi friend, a chaplain at Jo’burg Gen, says it is not uncommon now for patients to die because of nurses’ incompetence and indifference. I have seen for myself that cockroaches have untrammeled right of access...

It is often asserted here that blacks do less well because less money is spent on them. Evidence from the United States has consistently shown that this is not the case. More money has had very little effect on the performance of black students in Washington, DC, Kansas City, and any number of other cities...

It is often asserted here that blacks do less well because less money is spent on them. Evidence from the United States has consistently shown that this is not the case. More money has had very little effect on the performance of black students in Washington, DC, Kansas City, and any number of other cities...

^^^This. More money just means more graft in the pockets of black politicians and their cronies. Same when they used AA and illegal quotas to turn NYC's excellent public school system into shithole hood rat community centers in one generation.
Shut it Bandera boy.:ahole-1:
🇸🇦 🇷🇺 pedo (Mongols - Muscovite are all pedo - rapists ) , any comment on this ?


can we come back on topic?

EXPULSION of the Germans
They were expelled because they started two world wars that killed millions and any European nation that had even the tiniest German minority had a tendency to get invaded.

Actions have consequences. The German people bright it upon themselves.

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