Exposing Hypocrisy


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
I thought that since most political groups and politicians spout rhetoric and propaganda that it's time to expose the hypocritical attitudes these people have. They obviously have an agenda but seldom is the agenda the one they so loudly publish.

Here's just one example from the propaganda capitol of the World. (Middle Eastern conflict zone) listen to what she is saying...it isn't wrong no matter which side you root for. But is is a blatant example of the hypocritical attitudes that dominate our political arena in the sphere of world politics.

To bring it closer to home....

During the Obama administration with Joe Biden as VP they had a very vocal and loud campaign about FGM claiming that it was barbaric to force this medical procedure on unwilling underage women.
Then began to intimidate and force people to get a vaccination shot that had not been tested for 5 years. Going so far as to currently ask for military personnel who left the military because of this forced vaccination to return with no harm or foul.
August 12th, 1987, was that last honest act in the White House ... compare 2'20" onwards to Trump's pathetic whining ...

"Read my lips, no new taxes" ...
"I didn't have sex with that girl" ...
"Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" ...
"If you like your insurance, you can keep it" ...
"Hurricanes hate Alabama" &c. ...

You're just now thinking you might comment on this fact? ...
August 12th, 1987, was that last honest act in the White House ... compare 2'20" onwards to Trump's pathetic whining ...

"Read my lips, no new taxes" ...
"I didn't have sex with that girl" ...
"Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" ...
"If you like your insurance, you can keep it" ...
"Hurricanes hate Alabama" &c. ...

You're just now thinking you might comment on this fact? ...

Can you please elaborate on these hypocrites?
I'm not saying that you are wrong or playing gotcha games....I'm asking for you to explain them further. (I know beyond all shadow of doubt that there is plenty here to work with...I just didn't use these)
Can you please elaborate on these hypocrites?
I'm not saying that you are wrong or playing gotcha games....I'm asking for you to explain them further. (I know beyond all shadow of doubt that there is plenty here to work with...I just didn't use these)

There's extensive collections of books, essays and media that cover all this in detail ... this is taught in California public schools is where I learned about political hypocrisy ... and it's worse today ...

What I look for is a campaign promise that is outside the power of the office in question ... if Trump or Bidet promises to do something that only Congress can do ... you know they're lying ...

... and only Congress can spend tax-payer money ... so beware financial promises ... Bidet knew perfectly well Congress would NEVER forgive student loans ... but he promised anyway ... the lie brought in votes ...
There's extensive collections of books, essays and media that cover all this in detail ... this is taught in California public schools is where I learned about political hypocrisy ... and it's worse today ...

What I look for is a campaign promise that is outside the power of the office in question ... if Trump or Bidet promises to do something that only Congress can do ... you know they're lying ...

... and only Congress can spend tax-payer money ... so beware financial promises ... Bidet knew perfectly well Congress would NEVER forgive student loans ... but he promised anyway ... the lie brought in votes ...

I'm not looking for lies (of course every politician engages in lying to the voting populace) as much as hypocrisy. And just a brief explanation is all I'm seeking. I'll do another (but not one off your list) just to keep both sides of the aisle even.

Such as once upon a time the Republicans were extremely steadfast in their opposition to ANYTHING even remotely resembling Communism even going after collective bargaining agreements of Unions and skilled trade Unions. However, today with many Republican leadership and financial backers they seem to be extremely supportive of Communist Russia and Communist China in the glaringly obvious illegal activities which they engage in. Even to the point that they wish to break treaties and support their illegal activities.
I'm not looking for lies (of course every politician engages in lying to the voting populace) as much as hypocrisy. And just a brief explanation is all I'm seeking. I'll do another (but not one off your list) just to keep both sides of the aisle even.

Such as once upon a time the Republicans were extremely steadfast in their opposition to ANYTHING even remotely resembling Communism even going after collective bargaining agreements of Unions and skilled trade Unions. However, today with many Republican leadership and financial backers they seem to be extremely supportive of Communist Russia and Communist China in the glaringly obvious illegal activities which they engage in. Even to the point that they wish to break treaties and support their illegal activities.

Hypocrisy is stating one thing and doing another ... and it is a form of lying ... so you're looking for nothing if not lies ...
Hypocrisy is stating one thing and doing another ... and it is a form of lying ... so you're looking for nothing if not lies ...
What is wrong with the examples I've given? I understand that this is obviously about lying but in the examples I've used they go way beyond just simple lies.

The George Bush Sr. "No new taxes" quote obviously is not exactly a blatant lie as he doesn't make laws and only signs them. He did promise to veto them but since the single Bill had a whole lot of other new laws which ultimately paid back his campaign financial backers and which would ultimately pay off for him personally....he signed the bill. And some of those laws did assist in the business climate of today....some were horrible too. The Democrats controlled both legislatures and got him good....it was mostly a game of "gotcha" and the Democrats won. So where it was hypocritical....it's not exactly the most obvious until explained out more fully.
Hypocrisy is stating one thing and doing another
"I should really start exercising more." Hypocrisy is far too broad a term to be of practical use, generally speaking.
I thought that since most political groups and politicians spout rhetoric and propaganda that it's time to expose the hypocritical attitudes these people have. They obviously have an agenda but seldom is the agenda the one they so loudly publish.

Here's just one example from the propaganda capitol of the World. (Middle Eastern conflict zone) listen to what she is saying...it isn't wrong no matter which side you root for. But is is a blatant example of the hypocritical attitudes that dominate our political arena in the sphere of world politics.

Word salad; I have no idea what you're talking about.

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