Explaining Socialism to a Republican

I'm only bashing government, not the USA.

Why don't you stick to your own. Your Canadian opinion means nothing to me.
Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.

Socialism has no middle class, The bourgeoisie, or middle class is the primary target for destruction under socialism.

Socialism is essentially a restatement of feudalism, an elite of less than one percent of the population rules over the masses and distributes the spoils as they see fit.

Baron or ACA Czar, it is the same - nobility established by the ruler to control the peasants. Hapsburg or Clinton, it makes no difference, an elite by family who rules by merit of blood.

A free market plays no favorites, the best and brightest win. Socialism is nothing BUT favoritism, boon granted from one ruler to their subordinates, who grant boon down the line.
Do you really want a private business doing your policing?

One answerable to shareholders rather than corrupt unions and the politicians in the pockets of those unions? Hell yes.

Why even elect a government if they don't do nothing. Talk about anti-freedom as you won't have the slightest say in the matter.

Man you're a fool.

The functions of government are extremely limited - those which cannot be done by private concerns. National defense, interstate courts, that's about it.

U.S. effective corporate tax is the 16th lowest among the 20 industrialized nations.

There are two reasons why corporations off-shore:

1) Walk from previously deferred income.

2) To purchase product or equipment and deduct the cost from monies not taxed.

Either way, it screws the U.S. taxpayer.

U.S. Corporate tax is the highest in the free world.

Out of the 34 countries in the OECD, America ranks first with a 39.1 percent corporate tax rate, compared to an OECD average of 24.1 percent. The OECD figure is what’s called the statutory rate, meaning the base rate applied to corporate profits.

According to the Tax Foundation, two non-OECD countries -- the United Arab Emirates (55 percent) and Chad (40 percent) -- have a greater statutory rate than the United States. But the UAE is governed by a monarchy and Chad is a developing country, so we don’t think they would fit into the "free world" category Bolling used.}
Does the U.S. have the highest corporate tax rate in the free world PunditFact

Outright lying does not help your position.
So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

Actually he was Obama's mentor and yes in fact his Communist party number was 47544!!!! acccording to FBI.

So is Obama a communist? Of course, he had 3 communist parents, admitted he gravitated to Marxist professors in college, haad numerous communist mentors, and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate!!

So how did Obama get elected? White guilt.
that's false and you know it but spreading have baked bullshit is your forte .
actual answerer: So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

That rather depends on who you believe. Davis was certainly accused of being a communist (along quite a long list of other people) by the now infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) back in 1950 (11 years before Obama was born). The accusation was based on articles he wrote for the Hawaii Record newspaper, accused of being a Communist “front organization“, something which the newspaper did not admit.

It’s fair to call Davis a “radical” but then lots of people were “radicals” back in the 1960’s (you had to be there). It was time when African Americans were building a new identity flush with the freedoms granted by the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. There was a lot of anger about the Vietnam War. This was the time into which Obama was born.
The Declaration was a form of propaganda and had no legal force.
Of course only a scummy treasonous stupid liberal would say that. The Declaration reversed 100,000 years of human history in a second. Like the birth of Christ it was a huge and monumental leap forward.
false on both counts... the The Declaration was the end product of a movement that started in England with

The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter to the Liberties of England, is a document originally issued in Latin in the year 1215. The Great Charter is truly great, because it was the first legal document to establish that leaders did not have arbitrary power, granted under Divine Authority, but instead were subject to the law of the land.

more proof you talk out you ass ....
the birth of Christ was as close to a non event as there is ...it took 366 years for Christianity to gain any kid of traction..
Tradition holds that Jesus was about 33 years old when he was crucified, so that would have placed it around 28 or 29 AD

While the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (reigned 306–337) ruled Rome, Christianity began to become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.

your talent for intentional misstatement is awesome !
The Declaration was a form of propaganda and had no legal force.
Of course only a scummy treasonous stupid liberal would say that. The Declaration reversed 100,000 years of human history in a second. Like the birth of Christ it was a huge and monumental leap forward.
So what was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
To reverse 100,000 years of human history in a second. Like the birth of Christ it was a huge and monumental leap forward.
fasle ....you'll have to start again,,

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