Explaining Obama's Energy Policy


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Endorsing the boilerplate environmentalist blather about ‘America’s addiction to oil,’ President Obama pursues the dream of renewables, such as wind and solar energy, harnessed from nature. But this ignores the reality that these cannot, for the foreseeable future, fill our energy needs.

2. What does one say of a policy-maker whose ‘reality’ is not congruent with the facts? One option is to appeal to the DSM-IV manual for the proper allusion.

a. America has vast reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas. Consider why the President would ignore, and actually block, the use of same.

3. Now, if one were to believe that President Obama has less than the best interests of the United States at heart, these facts fall into place with a resounding thug…er, thud. Could it be that our President is about enriching previously colonized nations at the expense of those he sees as having benefited from colonization? After all, anti-colonialists say that the West looted resources and raw materials, well then….time for payback.
D'Souza, "Obama's America," chapter nine.

4. One can see their point: before the West ‘stole’ gold, or oil, or uranium…Third World folks were feasting on those resources, sipping petroleum malteds, using them in their homes and factories, and offering them to their children as toys. Really???

5. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave they in the conditions we see today?

a. How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

6. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

7. In short, international investments went directly opposite the theories of Lenin, the theories taught to the naïve, tabula rasa of college students. The audience was so receptive to academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes.

a. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement. Sowell, Op.Cit.

8. Could it be that Obama is attempting a global redistribution of energy, an ideological crusade against oil? Rich countries pay to reduce carbon emissions?? Coincidently, Obama has agreed to, based on a United Nations scheme, is $100 billion annually. “Developed nations agreed in 2009 to raise climate aid, now about $10 billion a year, to an annual $100 billion from 2020 to help developing countries curb greenhouse gas emissions and cope with floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels.” UN green climate fund, meant to aid poor, holds first talks | Top News | Reuters

The sooner we end the reign of this President, and find one with the best interests of America....

....the better.
China, Brazil and Mexico are exempt from those climate taxes by the way, which is exactly why Corporations (with taxpayer help) move their companies there.

Plus blocking energy exploration here helps enforce Energy Company monopolies overseas.
1. Endorsing the boilerplate environmentalist blather about ‘America’s addiction to oil,’ President George W. Bush in his 2006 State of the Union Speech characterized our "Addiction" President Obama pursues the dream of renewables, such as wind and solar energy, harnessed from nature. But this ignores the reality that these cannot, for the foreseeable future, fill our energy needs. Nor can oil, but combined, oil, natural gas, wind, solar, tidal, geothermal or even switch grass (a shout out to GWB) and maybe coal can keep our engines running.

2. What does one say of a policy-maker whose ‘reality’ is not congruent with the facts? One option is to appeal to the DSM-IV manual for the proper allusion. LOL, code it, though I suspect you have no idea what that means. I have my copy in front of me at the moment so I'll call bullshit on you again when you fake it.

a. America has vast reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas. Consider why the President would ignore, and actually block, the use of same.

Sometimes prudence is a good thing, since you lack impulse control (which is covered in DSM-IV as is 300.3 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Why I suspect you're off your Axis.

3. Now, if one were to believe that President Obama has less than the best interests of the United States at heart, these facts fall into place with a resounding thug…er, thud. Could it be that our President is about enriching previously colonized nations at the expense of those he sees as having benefited from colonization? After all, anti-colonialists say that the West looted resources and raw materials, well then….time for payback.
D'Souza, "Obama's America," chapter nine.

4. One can see their point: before the West ‘stole’ gold, or oil, or uranium…Third World folks were feasting on those resources, sipping petroleum malteds, using them in their homes and factories, and offering them to their children as toys. Really???

5. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave they in the conditions we see today? Sadly your biases prevent you from the obvious, rarely in social matters is there one cause for any effect.

a. How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?
Smacks of racism

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

All, or almost all of your posts blame liberals, progressives, Clinton, Carter, Wilson and of course Obama. Causation is very difficult to prove, most times it is proposed as a truth but in reality less than a hypothesis, it is an idea (though in many cases the idea is taken from others. Hmmm, as most of your posts suggest

6. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

If I recall, Lenin's writings in 1917 were primarily focused on convincing the Bolshevik Red Army to support him. His literary efforts were less philosophical than pragmatic.

7. In short, international investments went directly opposite the theories of Lenin, the theories taught to the naïve, tabula rasa of college students. The audience was so receptive to academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes.

a. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement. Sowell, Op.Cit.

8. Could it be that Obama is attempting a global redistribution of energy, an ideological crusade against oil? Rich countries pay to reduce carbon emissions?? Coincidently, Obama has agreed to, based on a United Nations scheme, is $100 billion annually. “Developed nations agreed in 2009 to raise climate aid, now about $10 billion a year, to an annual $100 billion from 2020 to help developing countries curb greenhouse gas emissions and cope with floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels.” UN green climate fund, meant to aid poor, holds first talks | Top News | Reuters

The sooner we end the reign of this President, and find one with the best interests of America....

....the better.

I really, with all honesty, think you don't think critically; you seem to be a highly organized parrot obsessed by an ideology which will ultimately destroy the middle class - the consumer class and the engine which makes our economy thrive. And, at the same time create the climate within the working poor and those in abject poverty plus the criminal classes to take up arms. When that happens, history not Wry, suggests a charismatic leader from the middle class will lead a revolt creating the chaos the leisure class and power elite most fear.
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To best understand our nation's energy policy wouldn't it help to post the notes from and conclusions/plan of action developed by VP Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force? Oh, yeah.
Obama's Energy Policies:

1. Shut down American Energy Production which creates a false scarcity.
2. Enforce Monopolies for Energy Companies overseas.

No Dick Cheney notes needed!
1. Endorsing the boilerplate environmentalist blather about ‘America’s addiction to oil,’ President Obama pursues the dream of renewables, such as wind and solar energy, harnessed from nature. But this ignores the reality that these cannot, for the foreseeable future, fill our energy needs.

2. What does one say of a policy-maker whose ‘reality’ is not congruent with the facts? One option is to appeal to the DSM-IV manual for the proper allusion.

a. America has vast reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas. Consider why the President would ignore, and actually block, the use of same.

3. Now, if one were to believe that President Obama has less than the best interests of the United States at heart, these facts fall into place with a resounding thug…er, thud. Could it be that our President is about enriching previously colonized nations at the expense of those he sees as having benefited from colonization? After all, anti-colonialists say that the West looted resources and raw materials, well then….time for payback.
D'Souza, "Obama's America," chapter nine.

4. One can see their point: before the West ‘stole’ gold, or oil, or uranium…Third World folks were feasting on those resources, sipping petroleum malteds, using them in their homes and factories, and offering them to their children as toys. Really???

5. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave they in the conditions we see today?

a. How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

6. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

7. In short, international investments went directly opposite the theories of Lenin, the theories taught to the naïve, tabula rasa of college students. The audience was so receptive to academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes.

a. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement. Sowell, Op.Cit.

8. Could it be that Obama is attempting a global redistribution of energy, an ideological crusade against oil? Rich countries pay to reduce carbon emissions?? Coincidently, Obama has agreed to, based on a United Nations scheme, is $100 billion annually. “Developed nations agreed in 2009 to raise climate aid, now about $10 billion a year, to an annual $100 billion from 2020 to help developing countries curb greenhouse gas emissions and cope with floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels.” UN green climate fund, meant to aid poor, holds first talks | Top News | Reuters

The sooner we end the reign of this President, and find one with the best interests of America....

....the better.

I get energized by the thought of Obama moving out of the White House after his crushing defeat in November.

He appointed that bonehead Chu as Sec Eng AFTER Chu was on records wanting European gas prices here in the USA.

Another grand slam OP from PC
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I really, with all honesty, think you don't think critically; you seem to be a highly organized parrot obsessed by an ideology which will ultimately destroy the middle class - the consumer class and the engine which makes our economy thrive. And, at the same time create the climate within the working poor and those in abject poverty plus the criminal classes to take up arms. When that happens, history not Wry, suggests a charismatic leader from the middle class will lead a revolt creating the chaos the leisure class and power elite most fear.

Freddo, nobody gives a fuck what you "think" You have the most ridiculous sense of your intelligence and contribution to the discussion.

You think Obama devastating energy policy is HELPING the middle class? $4/gallon gas is helpful? Really? How does that help?

And your call for revolt has been parroted by many others from the Dem Collective. You're the one that's fucking revolting
obama's energy policy is that if we were deprived of energy we would have no choice but to develop green energy. That's his plan.

It would be like the president accelerating the development of the automobile by making horseback riding illegal.
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Wry, you should probably start every post with the phrase, "As the smartest poster at USMB..." to remove any doubt
obama's energy policy is that if we were deprived of energy we would have no choice but to develop green energy. That's his plan.

It would be like the president accelerating the development of the automobile by making horseback riding illegal.
Except that the Automobile turned out to be a viable alternative to a horse.
He's gonna leave office one confused Green Leftist isn't he? Here it sounded so simple to move America to "alternative forms of energy". And so many jobs were gonna result when we led the world into the "Carbon Free Era"..

That fantasy has sailed rather quickly. Leaving the emperor with no clothes..

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