Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Didn't Al Gore's end of the world prediction already come and pass?

It'll be a shame if they have to come up with a new prediction in ten or twelve years...


"If we don't take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn't ended and come up with a new number," one UN scientist warned.

We are already 2 years into the12 years. We have only 10 years left. It's almost time to max out those credit cards.
"If we don't take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn't ended and come up with a new number," one UN scientist warned.

LOL, propaganda science never has to explain when it gets things wrong.

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