Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg ?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg"

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......
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1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......
You have no family connection for that time on American history

You have one gooked up view of American history
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......

Are you trying to sell the WSJ now? Your link requires a subscription.
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......

Are you trying to sell the WSJ now? Your link requires a subscription.
Yeah, that DOES put the Libs at a disadvantage, since you can't pay for it with food stamps!!!
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......

Are you trying to sell the WSJ now? Your link requires a subscription.

Stay with the thread....I'll take care of the prob, you cheapskate.
Ethel was innocent and a victum of the rightwing red scare

She was executed because she refused to testify against her husband
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......
You have no family connection for that time on American history

You have one gooked up view of American history

Translation: I can't answer the OP so I need to flame you personally
1. Once upon a time, Americans recognized evil and stood up against it. That was when the nation and its people were guided by the principles in our memorializing documents, the views of our Founders.

Both the fearful conditions of the 30's arranged the 'perfect storm'....which changed all of that. The conditions that sunk the American ship of state....
a. a fearful world-wide economic crisis
b. a charasmatic charlatan
c. control of academia and the media
...produced an America the very opposite of its founding, and one in which the dominant political force included aims no different from that of the Communist Party.

2. A comparison of two individuals highlights the drama, and the downfall of this nation's political elites.
a. Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose real 'crime' was to reveal the danger of communists in our government.
Simple enough to prove that smears against him were lies: simply ask the carping communist dupes, who heap scorn on this American hero, to name those innocent individuals whose lives were 'ruined' by McCarthy.
There are none.

b. Now look at the support for a Soviet spy who made certain that the empire responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, and the oppression of untold further millions, gained the secrets to produce an Atomic Bomb......the Rosenberg spies....
" Trying to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg"

Grasping at Straws to Try to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

3. " ....the testimony that convinced the jury to reach a verdict of guilty was that provided by Ethel Rosenberg’s brother, David Greenglass. ....a lawsuit brought by the National Security Archive and historians and journalists—the federal court in New York City released the transcripts of David Greenglass’s appearance before the grand jury in 1950. In the transcript, Greenglass said nothing to implicate his sister in espionage, which he attributed only to Julius Rosenberg and others.

... asked about a silver Omega watch that Julius Rosenberg had said was a gift from the Soviets. “My sister has never spoken to me about this subject,” Greenglass answered. Later, when queried whether Ethel, like her husband Julius, had asked him to stay in the Army after the war to spy for the Soviets, Greenglass replied: “I said before, and say it again, honestly, this is a fact: I never spoke to my sister about this at all.”

The media have rushed to the conclusion that this transcript proves the innocence of Ethel Rosenberg."

Wait and see......
Obummer will grant them pardons. He loves it when evil governments obtain nuclear weapons.
Ethel was innocent and a victum of the rightwing red scare

She was executed because she refused to testify against her husband

This one is far easier to expunge than some of your lies.

Stay tuned.

Your heroes Roy Coen and Joe McCarthy caught her up in the Red Scare witch hunt. Even the Russians admitted she was innocent

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