Executive orders need to be put in check. Reasonable limits are needed.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama ordering 10 billion over 10 years in pay raises is absurd. Thankfully congress rejected it.

This should draw shap criticism from both sides. And this practice needs to be addressed by congress. No president should weild this much unilateral power.
That ship has sailed without a Constitutional amendment.

Every POTUS from here on out will continue to expand abuse of the power as well.
Did you rubes even bother to read that Executive Order?

Didn't think so.
Obama ordering 10 billion over 10 years in pay raises is absurd. Thankfully congress rejected it.

This should draw shap criticism from both sides. And this practice needs to be addressed by congress. No president should weild this much unilateral power.

What exactly are you babbling about this time?
Full Text of H.J.Res. 117: Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 - GovTrack.us

Sec. 114. (a) Section 147 of Public Law 111-242, as added by Public Law 111-322, shall be applied by substituting the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution for ‘December 31, 2012’ each place it appears.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any statutory pay adjustment (as defined in section 147(b)(2) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (Public Law 111-242)) otherwise scheduled to take effect during fiscal year 2013 but prior to the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution may take effect on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning after the date specified in section 106(3).

You dumb fucks.
First thing the constitution says after the preamble is "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.".

All executive orders that amount to passing a law are unconstitutional. EOs are meant only for the president to explain how he will enforce the law. Same thing when the SCOTUS legislates from the bench. The states need to state they will ignore all laws that come from the president or the courts.
First thing the constitution says after the preamble is "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.".

All executive orders that amount to passing a law are unconstitutional. EOs are meant only for the president to explain how he will enforce the law. Same thing when the SCOTUS legislates from the bench. The states need to state they will ignore all laws that come from the president or the courts.

And you are an idiot, too.

Read my last post, and read the Executive Order in question, dipshit.

Here, I will make it easy even for someone with seven pounds of brain damage: http://www.opm.gov/oca/compmemo/2012/2013PAY_Attach.pdf
Did you rubes even bother to read that Executive Order?

Didn't think so.

No need to read it. The president is not allowed to create laws all by himself. THINK

No need to read it. BWA-HA-HA-HA!!!

Look at you, proudly guzzling the piss that is poured for you. Letting someone else feed you misinformation and you just accept it without checking for yourself.

Jesus H. Christ.
Obama ordering 10 billion over 10 years in pay raises is absurd. Thankfully congress rejected it.

This should draw shap criticism from both sides. And this practice needs to be addressed by congress. No president should weild this much unilateral power.

Most if not all of congress members are already millionaires so putting this burden on American taxpayers during this recession is disgusting and immoral.

Obama using 3 million to fly back and forth from Hawaii is disgusting as well.

This is proof that Obama is inept as a leader.
Did you rubes even bother to read that Executive Order?

Didn't think so.

Pardon me but would you please FUCK OFF

Okay, dumbshits. Let me explain it to you in small words.

Congress passed the pay raise.

Read that again. Congress passed the pay raise. It was to take effect in the first pay period of 2013.

I even quoted the relevant section of the relevant Resolution for you.

Obama's Executive Order was simply a carrying out of that Congressional bill, you stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

No violation of the Constitution, piss drinkers.
Did you rubes even bother to read that Executive Order?

Didn't think so.

Pardon me but would you please FUCK OFF

Okay, dumbshits. Let me explain it to you in small words.

Congress passed the pay raise.

Read that again. Congress passed the pay raise. It was to take effect in the first pay period of 2013.

I even quoted the relevant section of the relevant Resolution for you.

Obama's Executive Order was simply a carrying out of that Congressional bill, you stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

No violation of the Constitution, piss drinkers.

I never said it was a violation of any kind you fucking prick.

Let me make this clear for YOU.

I don't care what YOU post. Period. I watch you everytime I'm on her and although many times you are correct I can not look past the fact that you are....
The most condecending stuck up full of yourself poster I've ever known. You strike me as a severe case of OCD and I choose to simply disqualify your posts because of your pompous attitude.

So let me repeat myself......

Pardon me but would you please FUCK OFF

Okay, dumbshits. Let me explain it to you in small words.

Congress passed the pay raise.

Read that again. Congress passed the pay raise. It was to take effect in the first pay period of 2013.

I even quoted the relevant section of the relevant Resolution for you.

Obama's Executive Order was simply a carrying out of that Congressional bill, you stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

No violation of the Constitution, piss drinkers.

I never said it was a violation of any kind you fucking prick.

Let me make this clear for YOU.

I don't care what YOU post. Period. I watch you everytime I'm on her and although many times you are correct I can not look past the fact that you are....
The most condecending stuck up full of yourself poster I've ever known. You strike me as a severe case of OCD and I choose to simply disqualify your posts because of your pompous attitude.

So let me repeat myself......


That guy is a total dick and is one of only two people I have on ignore.
Did you rubes even bother to read that Executive Order?

Didn't think so.

Pardon me but would you please FUCK OFF

Okay, dumbshits. Let me explain it to you in small words.

Congress passed the pay raise.

Read that again. Congress passed the pay raise. It was to take effect in the first pay period of 2013.

I even quoted the relevant section of the relevant Resolution for you.

Obama's Executive Order was simply a carrying out of that Congressional bill, you stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

No violation of the Constitution, piss drinkers.

I read it and your 100% correct.

Congress authorized the raises.
There are people here who have no fucking clue how the government works.

Congress passed a continuing resolution which included a provision to give themselves and the Executive branch of government a pay raise in 2013.

As the alloted time for that raise approached, Obama fullfilled his requirement to enact the raise in accordance with the Congressional law.

Giving themselves a pay raise right in the middle of falling off the fiscal cliff made Congress look like a bunch of fucking assholes, and so the right wing Making Shit Up factory was fired up and a bunch of piss was manufactured about Obama enacting a pay raise unconstitutionally, because as we have seen demonstrated right here, no piss drinker will ever read the actual fucking EO for themselves. They will swallow whatever they are fed.

And now Congress rushed through a quick vote to rescind their pay raise with H.R. 6726

H R 6726 To prevent the 2013 pay adjustment for Members of Congress and persons holding other offices or positions in the Federal Government from being made

Now who here is so fucking retarded they believe Congress can rescind an EO? THAT would be unconstitutional.

They are rescinding their own work.

No one is violating the Constitution. This was all theater for the rubes.

Learn how your government actually works before you drink any more piss, suckers.
Pardon me but would you please FUCK OFF

Okay, dumbshits. Let me explain it to you in small words.

Congress passed the pay raise.

Read that again. Congress passed the pay raise. It was to take effect in the first pay period of 2013.

I even quoted the relevant section of the relevant Resolution for you.

Obama's Executive Order was simply a carrying out of that Congressional bill, you stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid fucks.

No violation of the Constitution, piss drinkers.

I never said it was a violation of any kind you fucking prick.

Let me make this clear for YOU.

I don't care what YOU post. Period. I watch you everytime I'm on her and although many times you are correct I can not look past the fact that you are....
The most condecending stuck up full of yourself poster I've ever known. You strike me as a severe case of OCD and I choose to simply disqualify your posts because of your pompous attitude.

So let me repeat myself......


While I will agree that you never said it was a "violation" per say, what exactly did you mean when you typed this:

No president should weild this much unilateral power.
Obama ordering 10 billion over 10 years in pay raises is absurd. Thankfully congress rejected it.

Obama did not order the pay raise. Congress did. 329 to 91. 165 Republicans voted yes, 164 Democrats voted yes.

This should draw shap criticism from both sides. And this practice needs to be addressed by congress. No president should weild this much unilateral power.

This kind of stupidity on your part has just drawn the sharp criticism it deserves.
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