Exclusive: New Emails on Secret Benghazi Weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
You know, Obuma must REALLY hate the THOUGHT of the Hildebeast taking over the helm of the U.S.S. "Hope & Change" to leak even more damaging shit about her.... If she doesn't drop out soon, I understand he has pictures of her with a gun to Vince Fosters head....perhaps THAT would get her to STFU and go away?...BTW, I do like the way McLame is now involved, making what the Donald said about this phony even more relevant!

Fox News ^ | 2015 September 11 | Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne
On the third anniversary of the Benghazi terrorist attack, emails reviewed by Fox News raise significant questions about US government support for the secret shipment of weapons to the Libyan opposition. During the Spring of 2011, as the Obama administration ramped up efforts to topple the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, a licensed American arms dealer, Marc Turi, his business partner formerly with the CIA, senior US military officials in Europe and Africa as well as a former staffer for republican Senator John McCain considered logistics for arming the rebels, according to the emails exclusively obtained by Fox Business and Fox News....
This mess will likely ause her to loose the nomination but it will take a Republican president for her to be tried for minimally mishandling documents and possibly treason.
Obama won't push for any changes and if there were any before his term ends, he would likely pardon her.
Nobody cares about Benghazi. That old horse was beaten to death a month after it happened.
How curious. There's nothing in those emails about an obscure utube video.
Trey Gowdy will shed the appropriate light on Benghazi and fatso Clinton next month.

You guys have been trying to make hay out of Benghazi for three years now, and you just look ghoulish doing it.
Ghoulish? Well at least we don't just make up lies, which JoeyB we all know is your modus operandi.

Oh, Dominican Rent Boy, you guys have been trying to make hay out of Benghazi before Steven's body was old
Sounds like JoeyB Dolezal is nervous about what Buzzsaw Gowdy's gonna do to the former First Enabler. As he should be as she's gonna bleed like the fat pig she is.

guy, I've been listening to you for 20 years telling me how you had Hillary on something.
Lol...in addition to your utter lack of veracity you're also mathmatically challenged, which should come as no surprise to anyone in here. Blame anyone and everyone you want for your 08 collapse, but the smart money's on you being the author of your own misfortune simply because you're not very bright.

Other than that, what's the call for Rush's broadcast today? Commercial free?...Handful of local sponsors only? You really should provide us a day-by-day schedule so we don't have to guess.

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