EXCLUSIVE: How the Clintons embraced Wall Street and made $76,000 a DAY


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
This is why the Bosnia lie is so telling. I can understand stretching the truth to make a point, or even cherry picking data. But to make up a story completely out of sail cloth to try and give yourself some combat creds? Really a lie so easily to disprove that only a moron would try and pass it off as the truth?

She is so owned by Wall Street how can any believe a single word Mrs. Bosnia Clinton has to say?

EXCLUSIVE: How the Clintons embraced Wall Street and made $76,000 a DAY by cashing in with speech after speech - but now Hillary wants to fight to 'rein in' the money men

Read more: How Hillary and Bill Clinton embraced Wall St and made $76,000 a day
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