Exciting day for libs: A black woman is gonna be in the White House!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Libs, you spent all of 2007 telling us how we needed a woman in the White House. Never mind that you didn't nominate one.

Then you spent much of 2008 telling us how we needed a black person in the White House.

Well guess what? We have got news that'll give you such a boner! We are gonna give you a black woman in the White House!

I'll expect to see ya'll voting for Romney/Rice in November :clap2:
Anyway, if true, maybe during her vetting she can explain why she ignored pre-9/11 warnings from Richard Clarke.
Anyway, if true, maybe during her vetting she can explain why she ignored pre-9/11 warnings from Richard Clarke.

Richard Clarke? You're talking about the guy that let Osama live? The guy who stuffed classified documents into his pants? That guy? :lmao:
And as a special bonus, you'll get a black woman that has always been proud of America.

Come on Lakunta; stop kibitzing. Get excited about a black woman reaching the highest position yet. Your affirmative action philosophy dictates that you make it happen.
Bad choice for Romney. When you are disliked by the people of your own party it is not a good idea to pick a VP candidate more capable, more well liked, and in every way preferable to you.
Bad choice for Romney. When you are disliked by the people of your own party it is not a good idea to pick a VP candidate more capable, more well liked, and in every way preferable to you.

There is not one voter that will not vote for Romney b/c they like Rice more. But it sounds like we can count on your vote for the Romney/Rice ticket. Thanks.
Bad choice for Romney. When you are disliked by the people of your own party it is not a good idea to pick a VP candidate more capable, more well liked, and in every way preferable to you.

There is not one voter that will not vote for Romney b/c they like Rice more. But it sounds like we can count on your vote for the Romney/Rice ticket. Thanks.

You must wear being stupid as a badge of honor,...
Libs, you spent all of 2007 telling us how we needed a woman in the White House. Never mind that you didn't nominate one.

Then you spent much of 2008 telling us how we needed a black person in the White House.

Well guess what? We have got news that'll give you such a boner! We are gonna give you a black woman in the White House!

I'll expect to see ya'll voting for Romney/Rice in November :clap2:

She is not interested in running, and she would not be an asset to Romney. The only good a VP candidate can do is to help carry his own state, and that isn't even a given. Rubio is the only person who can help Mitt win a big state. After that, nobody cares about the VP.
Libs, you spent all of 2007 telling us how we needed a woman in the White House. Never mind that you didn't nominate one.

Then you spent much of 2008 telling us how we needed a black person in the White House.

Well guess what? We have got news that'll give you such a boner! We are gonna give you a black woman in the White House!

I'll expect to see ya'll voting for Romney/Rice in November :clap2:

She is not interested in running, and she would not be an asset to Romney. The only good a VP candidate can do is to help carry his own state, and that isn't even a given. Rubio is the only person who can help Mitt win a big state. After that, nobody cares about the VP.

Tell Harry Truman that the VP can't win a ticket. Dems love to tell us that VP's don't make a difference. Hmm__ Is that why Palin was at the center of your wrath in 08? Yea____ :eusa_whistle:
Libs, you spent all of 2007 telling us how we needed a woman in the White House. Never mind that you didn't nominate one.

Then you spent much of 2008 telling us how we needed a black person in the White House.

Well guess what? We have got news that'll give you such a boner! We are gonna give you a black woman in the White House!

I'll expect to see ya'll voting for Romney/Rice in November :clap2:

She is not interested in running, and she would not be an asset to Romney. The only good a VP candidate can do is to help carry his own state, and that isn't even a given. Rubio is the only person who can help Mitt win a big state. After that, nobody cares about the VP.

Tell Harry Truman that the VP can't win a ticket. Dems love to tell us that VP's don't make a difference. Hmm__ Is that why Palin was at the center of your wrath in 08? Yea____ :eusa_whistle:

Romney/Rice has a nice ring to it!
Anyway, if true, maybe during her vetting she can explain why she ignored pre-9/11 warnings from Richard Clarke.

What should have been done ace...exactly, you dimwits throw that predictable bullshit whenever her name is mentioned but have no answers. Do you have any idea how many flights per day fly across this country? Do you remember at all what assholes the flying public was back then. The public would have never given in to anything like we would have needed to do to catch those suicidal muslim shitheads......hell, that's all they do today is whine about security checks. The spoiled asswipes would have gone apeshit and the dimwitocrats would have fought them all of the way.

You clowns are fucked if he picks her. She is more intelligent than the entire obama cabinet put together, she has much more real experience than that drunk Hillary, Biden would get himself in a car accident to keep from debating her and she could debate Putin in his native tongue and kick his ass.

Your overused race card would look even sillier than it does already. Especially when he chooses Herman Cain for his Secretary of Treasury and Col. West for his Secretary of Defense.
Libs, you spent all of 2007 telling us how we needed a woman in the White House. Never mind that you didn't nominate one.

Then you spent much of 2008 telling us how we needed a black person in the White House.

Well guess what? We have got news that'll give you such a boner! We are gonna give you a black woman in the White House!

I'll expect to see ya'll voting for Romney/Rice in November :clap2:

WOW!!! A moderate chooses another moderate. That should really fire up the base. :lol:

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