Examiner Editorial: Closing The Books On The Worst Congress.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2009
Americans can give thanks in this Christmas season for an end to the reckless and destructive 111th Congress. This is the Congress that passed Obamacare, against the wishes of a substantial majority of the public, on Christmas Eve of last year. In the dead of night, Democratic lawmakers stuffed the monstrous 2,700-page bill with special-interest goodies and political payoffs like the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase." As we have learned since, most members were still ignorant of the bill's contents three months later, when it gained final passage in the House. No surprise that its immediate results -- both intended and unintended -- have been almost uniformly bad.

Similarly, odds are that not one member of the 111th Congress actually read the so-called "cap-and-trade" bill before it passed the House in June 2009. Even a speed-reader could not have digested House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman's last-second, 309-page amendment, which read as clear as mud: "Page 14, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert the following. ..." It was filed after 1:30 a.m. just before the vote on final passage. There is also serious doubt that any member of Congress understood the 2,000-page financial reform bill that Congress passed this summer. One of its two main sponsors, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., remarked, "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. ..."

And Democrats wonder why Gallup found this Congress to be the least popular in the history of its polls?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Examiner Editorial: Closing the books on the worst Congress | Washington Examiner
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I'm fucking glad they are going. dammned wrecked the country. But remember the asshole in the wh still has the veto pen and the Senate so we're not out of the woods yet.
RW seems to define Winning as pushing an agenda upon the public against the will of the public.

Public supported Healthcare reform.....just couldn't agree on the scope. Some wanted more, some wanted less

START- Overwhelming public support

Ending DADT- Overwhelming public support

TARP and Stimulus prevented an economic collapse

Republicans once again were on the wrong side of history
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire.

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.
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One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

How many years of complaining about the Bush unemployment levels when they were half that? Try bringing gas up to $4.50 + a gallon. again and see what that does to Obama's numbers.
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

I love how demonRats measure success. Ten percent unemployment is success? Nine Hundred Sixyty Billion stolen from senior care is success? Giving everyone waivers is success? No jobs, no homes success?? Kewl.
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One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

Come on now. 2 years of complete control and 2 years of controlling congress before that. Don't you think it's time to stop blaming Bush?
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress

hummm....damn I swear ..swear I have seen this post before...:lol:
9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the right play their games.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

my only comment is, when WILL it become his issue? when the numbers improve? thats hardly fair or accurate.
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I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

How many years of complaining about the Bush unemployment levels when they were half that? Try bringing gas up to $4.50 + a gallon. again and see what that does to Obama's numbers.

i love when people say that... it's a way of absolving the right from responsibility.

gas went up under bush,, too, and, personally, i'd have had a much more aggressive jobs program if it were my call... but it wasn't and obama thought he would try to play nice with the right. sorry.. for two years they played the filibuster game intentionally. i don't give them a pass

bush's unemployment levels weren't half... and the economy crashed at the end of his presidency.

you think that we should ignore that fact?
and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire. they did...

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

How many years of complaining about the Bush unemployment levels when they were half that? Try bringing gas up to $4.50 + a gallon. again and see what that does to Obama's numbers.

i love when people say that... it's a way of absolving the right from responsibility.

gas went up under bush,, too, and, personally, i'd have had a much more aggressive jobs program if it were my call... but it wasn't and obama thought he would try to play nice with the right. sorry.. for two years they played the filibuster game intentionally. i don't give them a pass

bush's unemployment levels weren't half... and the economy crashed at the end of his presidency.

you think that we should ignore that fact?

He played nice with the Republicans? Really? Gosh. What about all those waivers from his wonderful obamalamacare? huh? what about that?
Americans are angry Democrats didn't fix Republican's mess fast enough.

Expectations are much, much higher for Democrats than Republicans.
Belly Laughs. DemonRats tell themselves lies and believe themselves too. Now I know how TM came by it, it's like they all carry the TM dna..

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