Exactly how did US roads and bridges build the first auto?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In the 1920's roads and bridges were ubiquitous. Every country had roads and/or bridges and the vast majority of truly great civilizations had both roads and bridges.

Somehow, and just in the USA, roads and bridges were responsible for the development of the automobile.

Can someone switch on their Obama Context Filter and walk us through how roads and bridges in the USA were responsible for the development of the automobile?
Roads were first animal paths through forests. Then people made paths and roads big enough for wagons and horses to use. They chopped down trees and cleared roadways. When there were towns, the townspeople got together and put in cobble stones for the road and wooden walkways for sidewalks so that women would not get their skirts muddy. Landowners built their own roads from a main dirt road to their farm.

Hmm Europe had an extensive system of well built Roman roads, why didn't these roads spawn the first automobile?

Egypt had roads, but the car was invented by US roads.


What was so different about roads in the USA?

Hmm Europe had an extensive system of well built Roman roads, why didn't these roads spawn the first automobile?

They did not ride horses. Horses were for drawing chariots. Not everyone could afford a chariot.

The popularity of the automobile was not due to roads, but to the common use of horses.

One of the first crises of civilization was in 1894 when the end of all mankind was predicted with the first crises of civilization, the Great Horse Manure Crisis.

The Great Horse-Manure Crisis of 1894 | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

In 1898 the first international urban-planning conference convened in New York. It was abandoned after three days, instead of the scheduled ten, because none of the delegates could see any solution to the growing crisis posed by urban horses and their output.

The problem did indeed seem intractable. The larger and richer that cities became, the more horses they needed to function. The more horses, the more manure. Writing in the Times of London in 1894, one writer estimated that in 50 years every street in London would be buried under nine feet of manure. Moreover, all these horses had to be stabled, which used up ever-larger areas of increasingly valuable land. And as the number of horses grew, ever-more land had to be devoted to producing hay to feed them (rather than producing food for people), and this had to be brought into cities and distributed—by horse-drawn vehicles. It seemed that urban civilization was doomed.

Fortunately, the car was invented that used the same roads horses used.
It is very simple

The Roads and Bridges hated horses because the horses were crapping on them. So the Roads and bridges thought up the perfect traveler.

So one that would not crap on them--but massage their aching curves.
So one that will help smooth out the rough spots while staying on certain paths.

So one that was fast and nimble yet was strong with alot of stamina(yep--our roads and bridges are female)

So they created the model T.

Later, a guy named FORD stole the Model T from the roads and bridges and marketed the car for himself. This angered the roads and bridges but what could they do? Roads and bridges are not people, what rights do they have?
A rare good post from Frank though a failed "bash the left" attempt.

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of offering hard working americans an honest job for fair pay. He took the automobile from a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, to ones that the average american could.

During those days it was still dirt roads with horse and buggy still competing with them.

It wasn't until the revolutionary FDR came into office from years of right wing destruction creating the great depression. From there FDR knew what made a great america, the people of this great land. They needed help in which he put the american people to work when they needed it the most to beautify america by create the roads and much of the infrastructure we still enjoy today.
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A rare good post from Frank though a failed "bash the left" attempt.

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of offering hard working americans an honest job for fair pay. He took the automobile from a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, to ones that the average american could.

During those days it was still dirt roads with horse and buggy still competing with them.

It wasn't until the revolutionary FDR came into office for years of right wing distruction creating the great depression, he put the american people to work when they needed it the most to beautify america by create the roads and much of the infrastructure we still enjoy today.

Bullshit. FDR had ZERO to do with it.:eusa_hand:
A rare good post from Frank though a failed "bash the left" attempt.

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of offering hard working americans an honest job for fair pay. He took the automobile from a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, to ones that the average american could.

During those days it was still dirt roads with horse and buggy still competing with them.

It wasn't until the revolutionary FDR came into office for years of right wing distruction creating the great depression, he put the american people to work when they needed it the most to beautify america by create the roads and much of the infrastructure we still enjoy today.

But--most Americans were out of work until WWII so I don't really see how FDR put Americans back to work without Hitler??
A rare good post from Frank though a failed "bash the left" attempt.

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of offering hard working americans an honest job for fair pay. He took the automobile from a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, to ones that the average american could.

During those days it was still dirt roads with horse and buggy still competing with them.

It wasn't until the revolutionary FDR came into office for years of right wing distruction creating the great depression, he put the american people to work when they needed it the most to beautify america by create the roads and much of the infrastructure we still enjoy today.

Bullshit. FDR had ZERO to do with it.:eusa_hand:

Google "Hoover dam" then come back when you have even a pinch of a clue to what you are talking about :up:
Exactly how did US roads and bridges build the first auto?


"This "tough guy" ran the Ford Motor Company from 1930 to the death of Ford in 1947. He TERRORIZED everybody, except old man Ford himself. He had links to all the underworld figures in Detroit.

Hitler greatly admired and copied everything that Ford did. This is where he got the idea for his own private army called the Gestapo, with Himmler taking the place of Bennett."

What else you wanna know?​
A rare good post from Frank though a failed "bash the left" attempt.

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of offering hard working americans an honest job for fair pay. He took the automobile from a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, to ones that the average american could.

During those days it was still dirt roads with horse and buggy still competing with them.

It wasn't until the revolutionary FDR came into office from years of right wing destruction creating the great depression. From there FDR knew what made a great america, the people of this great land. They needed help in which he put the american people to work when they needed it the most to beautify america by create the roads and much of the infrastructure we still enjoy today.


FDR's policies only extended the Great Depression... WW II got us out of the great depression.

BTW.. where's that link proving your comment that the owner of Chick Fil a made anti-gay statements?
Chicken and egg argument? How did the first villages and towns develop if man is an individual and needs no one else to prosper?

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