Evidence for Design #2: How life began

So because we haven't figured out where it comes from yet, that means it was an invisible superbeing who made it? That's all you've got? Seriously brah, stfu and go sit down.
I never once mentioned an invisible superbeing. Did you dream that?
I've the ancient alien christians come on board and talk as if ANCIENT ALIENS claims are what any scientist actually believes. Ancient aliens are nuts and so are the christians who can't grasp that Darwinism isn't a theory but a fact.

Basically DNA does not copied exactly from one generation to the next. What happens is that some dna changes causes a tiny adaptation that gives the creature it affects an advantage over others that allows it to BREED more like itself. This trait is passed along giving the offspring the advantage over what was orginally there. AS the trait moves along----those with the new adaptation mate locking in the new trait.
How do you happen to get two individuals with the same random mutation in their DNA (3 billion base pairs in the human genome), in the same couple of generations and then happen to meet and mate?

Of all the random mutations, what percent are actually helpful?

A single mutation can have a large effect, but in many cases, evolutionary change is based on the accumulation of many mutations with small effects. Mutational effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, depending on their context or location. Most non-neutral mutations are deleterious. In general, the more base pairs that are affected by a mutation, the larger the effect of the mutation, and the larger the mutation's probability of being deleterious.


How do you happen to get two individuals with the same random mutation in their DNA (3 billion base pairs in the human genome), in the same couple of generations and then happen to meet and mate?

Of all the random mutations, what percent are actually helpful?

A single mutation can have a large effect, but in many cases, evolutionary change is based on the accumulation of many mutations with small effects. Mutational effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, depending on their context or location. Most non-neutral mutations are deleterious. In general, the more base pairs that are affected by a mutation, the larger the effect of the mutation, and the larger the mutation's probability of being deleterious.

Genetic variation is the building block that natural selection acts upon. Beginning there, natural selection assembles and sorts out certain variations. Those genetic variations which provide greater reproductive success to the organisms possessing those advantageous mutations are retained, and less successful variations are weeded out. Biology ensures that such beneficial mutations will be inevitable. Environment changes and when organisms are subject to environmental isolation clearly show adaptation, as different variations are selected, leading eventually to different species. Mutations that are harmful to the process of adaptation usually die out quickly, so they don't interfere with the process of beneficial mutations accumulating.

So…. Instead of copying and pasting what you don’t understand, tell us about the space alien designers you actually do know about.
I've the ancient alien christians come on board and talk as if ANCIENT ALIENS claims are what any scientist actually believes. Ancient aliens are nuts and so are the christians who can't grasp that Darwinism isn't a theory but a fact.

Basically DNA does not copied exactly from one generation to the next. What happens is that some dna changes causes a tiny adaptation that gives the creature it affects an advantage over others that allows it to BREED more like itself. This trait is passed along giving the offspring the advantage over what was orginally there. AS the trait moves along----those with the new adaptation mate locking in the new trait.
Evolution is a myth, a fantasy . . . your mother's soiled drawers.
So does it look like life is descended from a common ancestor or doesn't it?
Nah! But the various forms of terrestrial life were designed in accordance with a common genetic motif by a common Designer, namely, God.
How do you happen to get two individuals with the same random mutation in their DNA (3 billion base pairs in the human genome), in the same couple of generations and then happen to meet and mate?
Of all the random mutations, what percent are actually helpful?
A single mutation can have a large effect, but in many cases, evolutionary change is based on the accumulation of many mutations with small effects. Mutational effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, depending on their context or location. Most non-neutral mutations are deleterious. In general, the more base pairs that are affected by a mutation, the larger the effect of the mutation, and the larger the mutation's probability of being deleterious.

Sounds/IS very messy, as I've said many times.
Trial and error. Most mutations meaningless or negative.
No 'design' in sight.
One need not have (Fallacy) two individuals to pass on a mutation, one can do it, as we see in many birth defects/diseases.

90% of humans are born with (now, due to Evolution of environment/diet/body/skull) counterproductive Wisdom teeth.
This would eventually have become 0% were it not for Modern dentistry because those with no longer need wisdom teeth could get infections and even die.
They were on their way out, however slowly.
Messy biz that evolution/NATURAL selection.

see ie,

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Sounds/IS very messy, as I've said many times.
Trial and error. Most mutations meaningless or negative.
No 'design' in sight.
One need not have (Fallacy) two individuals to pass on a mutation, one can do it, as we see in many birth defects/diseases.

90% of humans are born with (now, due to Evolution of environment/diet/body/skull) counterproductive Wisdom teeth.
This would eventually have become 0% were it not for Modern dentistry because those with no longer need wisdom teeth could get infections and even die.
They were on their way out, however slowly.
Messy biz that evolution/NATURAL selection.

see ie,

Nature is self organizing to produce life and intelligence. The design is the fabric of matter and the laws of nature. The crux of the argument is was it intentional or not which is a philosophical argument.
Messy biz that evolution/NATURAL selection.
I wanted to ask you if evolution/natural selection has anything to do with atheism? I figure you're the leading forum expert on evolution from all the threads that you started. I think you will say yes. I think we can have natural selection as science and that does not have to with atheism. Is this part of the messy/biz you are referring to with evolution/NATURAL selection. With natural selection, I think it could be pantheism for example if you don't like creation.

With creation science, God must come in because we can't have creation w/o the supernatural and we have the Bible or God's autobiography to guide us.
I wanted to ask you if evolution/natural selection has anything to do with atheism? I figure you're the leading forum expert on evolution from all the threads that you started. I think you will say yes. I think we can have natural selection as science and that does not have to with atheism. Is this part of the messy/biz you are referring to with evolution/NATURAL selection. With natural selection, I think it could be pantheism for example if you don't like creation.

With creation science, God must come in because we can't have creation w/o the supernatural and we have the Bible or God's autobiography to guide us.
The Bible is not an autobiography of your polytheistic gods. None of your gods wrote anything in the Bibles.

This is not the place for Jimmy Swaggert Bible thumping.
Apparently, about 4.5 billion years old with life appearing about 3.7 billion years ago.
OK, I'm with you so far. You don't believe in evolution so do you believe no species has ever come into existence in all that time or is God continuously creating new species?

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