Everything "interracial" ends in ruin

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VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
Peeping Tom? :dunno:
I think southern culture would be improved if they all mixed with blacks....

Maybe they'd become more compassionate. Lets be serious, southerns don't give a shit about their fellow American and seeing how blacks stick together with their brotha and sista tells me that is a good thing they have.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
Well that's certainly the way the LEFT is trying to push things. More an more commercials feature a black buck with a white woman, and more and more commercials try to portray blacks as the intelligent successful people while portraying whites as dumb asses. It hasn't gone unnoticed by many. This is the left and their HATE WHITEY, WHITE GUILT, WHITE RACIST agenda BULL SHIT. It's pathetic, and sickening, and turns a lot of people off.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
Well that's certainly the way the LEFT is trying to push things. More an more commercials feature a black buck with a white woman, and more and more commercials try to portray blacks as the intelligent successful people while portraying whites as dumb asses. It hasn't gone unnoticed by many. This is the left and their HATE WHITEY, WHITE GUILT, WHITE RACIST agenda BULL SHIT. It's pathetic, and sickening, and turns a lot of people off.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.

Good observation. Anything a non white comes in contact with becomes fecal matter.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.

This is just another racist troll thread
I think southern culture would be improved if they all mixed with blacks....

Maybe they'd become more compassionate. Lets be serious, southerns don't give a shit about their fellow American and seeing how blacks stick together with their brotha and sista tells me that is a good thing they have.
Damn dude what's with the hate on southerners? Most are good people no matter what race they are. Try not to think so much.
Many do commit beastiality in the deep south. Obese and useless to the White Race , the tare , if you will. Actually a good thing.
whites with "issues" go black. Please , don't come back. About less than 10% ; mostly the criminal class.
I dunno 'bout dat.
Strom Thurmond’s black daughter: a symbol of America’s complicated racial history
"Thurmond’s oldest child — born when he was a 22-year-old man and her mother, Carrie Butler, a 16-year-old black maid in his father’s house – had kept the senator’s secret, an open one rumored about but never revealed when he was alive because, she had said, “He trusted me, and I respected him.” As in the case of Thomas Jefferson, another successful southern politician who was father to black children, stories shared among African Americans were long disbelieved until they turned out to be true."
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.

Well, if you've seen it, then it's a universal truth.
Still unproven . IMHO a negrophile's fairy tale. Your basic domestic colored will do anything to be noticed.
The DNA tests do verify that a male in Jefferson's immediate family sired Sally Hemmings' children. Since the class of people engaging in"miscegenation" is in question, that sobering reality raises the bar.
The DNA paternity match between Thurman and his biracial daughter is just as damning...no matter how hard you try to explain it away.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
I would have to agree. Those types of mixed marriages never seem to last. They produce mixed up confused children that are never accepted by either race. And the unions just draws a lot of unwanted comments and stares from strangers. A hell of a life to live for both parties.Must be a living hell at times I wonder??
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.

Some people live so completely enslaved to their weakness and fear that it 'colors' their ability to view reality. Sad bastards.
Let's be brutally honest, people.
Interracial relationships, marriage, whatever, they just don't last. They are flings at best, and even the marriages end up with unwanted kids, problems with relatives and society, etc.

I have seen this myself.
I would have to agree. Those types of mixed marriages never seem to last. They produce mixed up confused children that are never accepted by either race. And the unions just draws a lot of unwanted comments and stares from strangers. A hell of a life to live for both parties.Must be a living hell at times I wonder??
I disagree. Mixed marriages last on average just as long as homogenous marriages.
Ask Clarence Thomas or the mixed couple thatapparently drew intergalactic curiosity when they claimed they were abducted by a UFO.
Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who were allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire from September 19 to 20, 1961
What about the mixed race children. Do any of you race mixing supporters ever think about the unwanted crude comments that these mixed race children have to hear.? Are you people just so narrow minded. Look at the whole mixed race marriage consequences.!It sure must be a living hell for the mixed race marriage children!! Think about it!!
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