Everyone is allowed to vote regardless of purged voter rolls


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
The thing democrats refuses to tell people is that everyone is allowed to vote regardless of weather you appear on the voting rolls or not. If you were eliminated from the roll they just give you a provisional ballot. This just means the election commission will check your address before they add it to the ballot box.

Republicans cannot suppress the vote by purging fake registrations, felons & dead people from the voter rolls.
Provisional ballot

"A guarantee that a voter could cast a provisional ballot if he or she believes that they are entitled to vote was one of the guarantees of the Help America Vote Act of 2002."
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2002, eh? Done in response to what happened in 2000, then.

Done in response to accusations in 2000.

Bush won by a much larger margin the next election after the provisional ballot was introduced. Further proof that the purging of the rolls did not cause democrats to lose.

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