Every rival Catholicism has ever had eventually died out...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
Every religious person thinks theirs is the correct one. Religions older than Catholicism think the same thing, that they've outlived a bunch of other religions and Catholicism is going to be another one dying off.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
Every religious person thinks theirs is the correct one. Religions older than Catholicism think the same thing, that they've outlived a bunch of other religions and Catholicism is going to be another one dying off.
I don't think you are very informed if you think that.

But if you know a specific religion that feels this way about Catholicism, please share with me the name of that religion.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
First of all, if one applies facilities of reason, then they should doubt Christianity per se as their own religion.

Second, Protestantism has many denominations varying significantly from each other. And saying that Protestantism is wrong as a whole without specifying what exactly you mean is sensless thing.
If we would be speaking about Christianity as a whole and choosing which denomination most strictly adheres to Christian philosophy and Christs teaching, then I would name Menonnites.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
What did Christ get wrong that Henry VIII and MLK got right?
That's funny post. You mean because they kill all the nonbelievers and throw ancient Roman Triumphs afterwards, right? Why would Christ be Rome-centered? Its about how far in before you feel really stupid, I'd feel real stupid. Martin Luther King you're funny again. Or you mean Martin Luther the protestant reformer whom Martin Luther King was named after by his father in the US of A?
Every rival Catholicism has ever had eventually died out...


no, armageddon, the victory of evil has not yet occurred - persecuting and victimizing the innocent has yet to kill them all. they, the innocent have persisted and will do so to the end.

...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.

Christ was long gone before Christianity was organized. He did not personally found Christianity. What Henry VIII and Martin Luther King did happened way later on and each had a personal reason for doing what he did.

Remember that the eastern and western branches of Christianity had split by 1054 C.E. I wonder what the Orthodox think of all of this.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.
The Armenian Apostolic Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Cutch, and the Indian Orthodox Church would be very surprised to hear they’ve died out. Perhaps you should inform Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Church personally. Oh, and I almost forgot the Assyrian Church of the East.
They all split after the Council of Chalcedon, so that’s, what, one and a half thousand years in in which they haven’t died out? I don’t think 76 million believers is “died out”

And that’s not even mentioning the 250 million people in the Eastern Orthodox Churces
Luckily we all united under one banner... Chalcedonism!!! Huh?! Right?! That's right! The Chalcedonic creed and trinitarianism of the 300 ads unite the world in song and sword! except the Mormons... and the c optics... and the Ethiopians... and the Unitarians...

Those people aren't quite right if you really think about it. you could stop somewhere around 'syriac'.

Christ has a Scottish nature and a British human nature and the Union from the Scottish and the British leaves the two totally unconfused. There can Be Only One.
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Islam died out?
Judaism died out?
Eastern Orthodox churches died out?
Protestantism died out?

Which rival did die out?
The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

Republican leader Martin Luther King was spot on is opposition to racism, and a lot of Roman Catholics agreed as well.

As far as Henry VIII, he felt that he deserved an annulment from Catherine of Aragon- but the pope was in a tough situation. Two important nations were in dispute over this,so he went with his gut. Henry certainly had some good points, other monarchs had received special considerations from the Pope on this kind of thing in the past. But the Hispanics had good points as well.
...and so will Protestantism.

Protestantism cannot be believed by an intelligent, educated man who uses his facilities of reason and applies them to his own religion.

The first hurdle, I think, is to explain how Christ got it wrong, but King Henry VIII and Martin Luther King, got it right.

This hurdle alone should cause an intelligent, educated man to question his faith if he is a Protestant.

Jesus was a Jew, Paul invented Christianity, Constantine invented the Roman Church, and Martin Luther invented the Biblical Church.

So what's your point?

P.S. Where do Orthodox and Coptic Churches fit in to your thesis?
I do credit the Catholic Church for preserving Christianity during 1000 years of European illiteracy. Modernly, it has become more similar to traditional Protestant beliefs than are the currently popular rock band megachurches.
Every rival Catholicism has ever had eventually died out..."

Except science... The catholic Church has had to surrender to it many times....

Except Judaism...the Jews got their own country, and it's bigger than vatican city.

Except Islam...the crusades really fell on its collective face....

Except protestantism...800 million protestants worldwide...

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