Every forum except this one censors and bans people and eventually banned me...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.
I may disagree with you (on every single subject to date) but you are one of the few conservatives that can post without losing your shit from what I've seen.
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.

This is US-message board. They represent Mexico and the illegals, diverging from their interest is penalized harshly.
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.
same shit.jpg
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.

This is US-message board. They represent Mexico and the illegals, diverging from their interest is penalized harshly.

Norman is a retard.

Just pointing out the truth.

They use any means necessary - silencing those with different opinions comes to them naturally. As we can see, when they can't silence people they have nothing of interest to say.
Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.
Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.

Did you just equate Russia with Facebook? You do know you don't have to join Facebook.
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.

"Every forum except this one censors and bans people and eventually banned me..."

I can see that. Moan for me Mona.
I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
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yes..the other forums get nasty for the dumbest/ slightest things
if you mention FACTS/truth about race/etc, they go ballistic
I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
A while back I received a lifetime ban on a liberal board with only my second post....:4_13_65:
When I first started searching out politics message boards USMB was the first I joined. I joined others out of boredom, and saw so many people being banned for stupid shit. I love USMB.
I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
A while back I received a lifetime ban on a liberal board with only my second post....:4_13_65:
I got perma banned one place after a week for replying nyuk nyuk nyuk porcupine. You know, the three stooges. dick head said I called him a prick.

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