Even the First Dog's are Sensing a Biden Depression

There is a reason that Major was surrendered by his previous owner. Maybe the Bidens were too quick to brag about how they "rescued" him.
Happened to us once when I was a kid. I absolutely fell in love with the dog, of course, but she had aggressive episodes. The day we took her back to the shelter nearly killed me. They immediately let her out in the run, and as we were leaving, she was running after us, barking and crying. It was awful.

Yep, there are dogs that you just can't train the aggressiveness out of. This is especially true of rescues of aggressive breeds like Germans where there is no way to know the history of what that dog has been through. OP doesn't seem to understand that.
Even Cesar admits there are dogs you can never trust. He has a quite a few of them.

As a dog owner, you realize there are certain situations you can’t trust your dog in.
You learn to avoid those situations
The Bidens can't avoid being in their environment, and it's a whole lot more likely to trigger a dog with issues. We never did figure out what triggered Lady. After the final straw, when she had slipped her lead and went down the street to bite an insurance salesman in the ass, he came to the house to identify her. She pranced up to him wagging her tail, plopped down on his feet and rolled over to get her belly scratched. He said he couldn't believe it was the same dog, but it was. It was almost as if she had fits.
These are not Joe’s dogs. Hopefully they were put down like Joe should be put down...humanely.
I heard on the radio today that one of his dogs bit someone....
I heard it was the same SS guy that filed the report on biden a few years ago for assaulting his wife.
Doggy see, doggy do :dunno:
President Biden assaulted someone's wife?
Yes. It was his SS detail. Dude shoved Biden and everything. He was about to kick his ass lol
Link? Not to be a karen or anything.
I heard on the radio today that one of his dogs bit someone....
I heard it was the same SS guy that filed the report on biden a few years ago for assaulting his wife.
Doggy see, doggy do :dunno:
President Biden assaulted someone's wife?
Yes. It was his SS detail. Dude shoved Biden and everything. He was about to kick his ass lol
Link? Not to be a karen or anything.
Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent | Judicial Watch
There is a reason that Major was surrendered by his previous owner. Maybe the Bidens were too quick to brag about how they "rescued" him.
Happened to us once when I was a kid. I absolutely fell in love with the dog, of course, but she had aggressive episodes. The day we took her back to the shelter nearly killed me. They immediately let her out in the run, and as we were leaving, she was running after us, barking and crying. It was awful.

Yep, there are dogs that you just can't train the aggressiveness out of. This is especially true of rescues of aggressive breeds like Germans where there is no way to know the history of what that dog has been through. OP doesn't seem to understand that.
Even Cesar admits there are dogs you can never trust. He has a quite a few of them.

As a dog owner, you realize there are certain situations you can’t trust your dog in.
You learn to avoid those situations
The Bidens can't avoid being in their environment, and it's a whole lot more likely to trigger a dog with issues. We never did figure out what triggered Lady. After the final straw, when she had slipped her lead and went down the street to bite an insurance salesman in the ass, he came to the house to identify her. She pranced up to him wagging her tail, plopped down on his feet and rolled over to get her belly scratched. He said he couldn't believe it was the same dog, but it was. It was almost as if she had fits.
Hard to figure out a dogs mind.

I had a dog that hated my next door neighbor. If he came on our property she would snarl and bark.

If she met him somewhere else she would let him pet her and lay on her back
I heard on the radio today that one of his dogs bit someone....
I heard it was the same SS guy that filed the report on biden a few years ago for assaulting his wife.
Doggy see, doggy do :dunno:
President Biden assaulted someone's wife?
Yes. It was his SS detail. Dude shoved Biden and everything. He was about to kick his ass lol
Link? Not to be a karen or anything.
Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent | Judicial Watch
Thanks TN. How you coming on uncovering dirt on Abe Lincoln's pets?
Hard to figure out a dogs mind.

I had a dog that hated my next door neighbor. If he came on our property she would snarl and bark.

If she met him somewhere else she would let him pet her and lay on her back

Yeppers - I had neighbor in Boise that hated my tiny lil Yorkshire Terrier. This dude disregarded our HOA rules of "ON LEASH" and we got charged and growled at umpteen times.

Of course I always picked up doggie in the nick of time.

General Rule: Dogs off-leash on the beach are well socialized. I've found it safe to let mine run free and play. She loves everyone and every dog - Even the bigguns. NOTHING skeers my pooch. The bigger the better, generally she whips them into shape and they sit there dumfounded.

Yep, a rescue who loves everyone - Choose your breed CAREFULLY!
What is more important to the American public....

Dog bites WH security??


A $3000 child tax credit??

View attachment 465774

The Bidens have used the dogs as props so it's a valid news story to question an event involving an incident with one of the dogs causing a person to need medical attention and now the dogs are being removed from the WH.
Biden’s are long time dog people.

Trumps and Obamas were not
Thanks TN. How you coming on uncovering dirt on Abe Lincoln's pets?

Abe Lincolns dog was named Fido
You're making that up, right?
Google is your friend
I'll be damned. Sad what became of him.
Fido, a yellow mongrel dog the Abraham Lincoln family adopted about 1855, stayed behind when the Lincolns moved to Washington, D.C., in 1861 and was stabbed to death sometime in 1866. The man who killed Fido has gone down in history as a shiftless drunk, but that characterization might be unfair.Sep 12, 2015
Thanks TN. How you coming on uncovering dirt on Abe Lincoln's pets?

Abe Lincolns dog was named Fido
You're making that up, right?
Google is your friend
I'll be damned. Sad what became of him.
Fido, a yellow mongrel dog the Abraham Lincoln family adopted about 1855, stayed behind when the Lincolns moved to Washington, D.C., in 1861 and was stabbed to death sometime in 1866. The man who killed Fido has gone down in history as a shiftless drunk, but that characterization might be unfair.Sep 12, 2015
After Lincoln was shot, America started naming their dogs....Fido

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