Even Rassmussen Trump down to 43% approval

This nonsense about Trump being a Russian agent might be the last thing to finally put the dumpocrats into the dumpster.
This nonsense about Trump being a Russian agent might be the last thing to finally put the dumpocrats into the dumpster.

Thats true, Trump is nototriously hard to recruit

Hey pinhead, Ratmuffen polls likely voters, and the RAT is at 43% with likely voters!
Do you need a poll to get up in the morning?.....polls are mostly wrong and only sometimes close to being right.....
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, does!

"The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.
Donald Trump on Sunday, June 18th, 2017 in a tweet
people think Trump's "gaffes" will sink his approval. Trump understands that saying outrageous things gets you more of a following on social media. he's not breaking the rules of media. he's actually following the rules of the new media system.

by the time his 8 years are done, my friends, Trump will have a 100 percent approval rating and will be crowned king for life!
43% is what Obama sat at for a long time.....and if you think a dem congress would impeach a president that is favored by over 40% of the American people you are as loony as you all seem to be.....besides when the polls are of voting age and likely to vote his number rise right back up to 50%....and he has a favorable rating of 93% from republican voters.....

Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998. On that same day, Gallup recorded his approval rating at 73%! That was the highest it ever was while Bill Clinton was President. In contrast, Donald Trump's highest ever approval rating in Gallup after two years in office is 45%. His average approval rating over two years is 40%, which is the lowest of any President since World War II.
Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998. On that same day, Gallup recorded his approval rating at 73%! That was the highest it ever was while Bill Clinton was President. In contrast, Donald Trump's highest ever approval rating in Gallup after two years in office is 45%. His average approval rating over two years is 40%, which is the lowest of any President since World War II.
And what happened to the GOP because of it?.....
Hey pinhead, Ratmuffen polls likely voters, and the RAT is at 43% with likely voters!
Do you need a poll to get up in the morning?.....polls are mostly wrong and only sometimes close to being right.....
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, does!

"The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.
Donald Trump on Sunday, June 18th, 2017 in a tweet

Voters Want Strong Borders, Say Wall is Not ‘Immoral’ - Rasmussen Reports®
Today Trump is back up to 45%...tomorrow could be 48%....
That 45% is STRONGLY DISAPPROVE, pinhead!
From YOUR link:
"The latest figures include 33% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove."

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