Even Obama Admits He's A Failure


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Well no.. he once again says he's not to blame. Did we expect that he would ever man up and take some responsibility?
Is it any wonder that ‘Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago’?

Ask any Republican, and he will tell you that Washington is just as bitterly divided along partisan lines as it was when Barack Obama was swept into office on a giddy wave of hope and change. Or ask the president himself.

In a taped interview that aired on CBS Sunday Morning, he told Charlie Rose:

Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago. And you know, if you ask me what is the one thing that has frustrated me most over the last four years, it is not the hard work. It is not, you know, the enormity [sic] of the decisions. It is not the pace. It is that I haven’t been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency … and common sense of ordinary people—Democrats, Republicans and independents who I think just want to see their leadership solve problems. And, you know, there is enough blame to go around for that.

When Rose asked Obama if he was on the list of those deserving some of the shared blame, he responded: “I think there is no doubt that I underestimated the degree to which in this town politics trumps problem solving.” Short answer: No.

Is it any wonder that ?Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago?? « Hot Air
. haven’t been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency … and common sense of ordinary people—Democrats, Republicans and independents who I think just want to see their leadership solve problems. And, you know, there is enough blame to go around for that

Nailed it!
Poor naive little man...I'm sure he's lost lots of sleep over his miscalculations.
He's saying he didn't know what assholes Republicans are. I could have told him that. Look at what they did to this country under Bush. Much more damage than al Qaeda. Even Republicans have to admit that. I'm glad Obama had Bin Laden put down after Republicans let him go. At least he can't make any more plans against this country. Who knows what disaster Obama saved us from?
. haven’t been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency … and common sense of ordinary people—Democrats, Republicans and independents who I think just want to see their leadership solve problems. And, you know, there is enough blame to go around for that

Nailed it!

Funny, he's surprised when he's says things like

"So when Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.) raised an objection in January of 2009 to the idea of a tax credit for people who don’t pay income taxes, the president’s haughty response—”I won. So I think on that one, I trump you”—did not in his view fan the flames of resentment or hostility. Nor was he contributing to the divisive tone he promised to end when he smirked in October of 2010 that after driving “the economy into a ditch” the Republicans could “come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

that it didn't improve the civility. Imagine that.
He's saying he didn't know what assholes Republicans are. I could have told him that. Look at what they did to this country under Bush. Much more damage than al Qaeda. Even Republicans have to admit that. I'm glad Obama had Bin Laden put down after Republicans let him go. At least he can't make any more plans against this country. Who knows what disaster Obama saved us from?

Yeah, because al Qaeda has clearly been a one man show...now you're going to try and play ignorant as well, but it's charming how you rush to the defense of your beloved.:D
Well no.. he once again says he's not to blame. Did we expect that he would ever man up and take some responsibility?
Is it any wonder that ‘Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago’?

Ask any Republican, and he will tell you that Washington is just as bitterly divided along partisan lines as it was when Barack Obama was swept into office on a giddy wave of hope and change. Or ask the president himself.

In a taped interview that aired on CBS Sunday Morning, he told Charlie Rose:

Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago. And you know, if you ask me what is the one thing that has frustrated me most over the last four years, it is not the hard work. It is not, you know, the enormity [sic] of the decisions. It is not the pace. It is that I haven’t been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency … and common sense of ordinary people—Democrats, Republicans and independents who I think just want to see their leadership solve problems. And, you know, there is enough blame to go around for that.

When Rose asked Obama if he was on the list of those deserving some of the shared blame, he responded: “I think there is no doubt that I underestimated the degree to which in this town politics trumps problem solving.” Short answer: No.

Is it any wonder that ?Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago?? « Hot Air

Here are some of the things Barak Obama has blamed for the financial mess he can't seem to do anything about:

The Tea Party
Political gridlock
ATM machines
Paul Ryan
Eric Cantor
John Boehner
The Tsunami in Japan
Too little government spending (no really, he did say this.)
Too few taxes
The debt debate
George W. Bush
Standard and Poor's
Wealthy people who want to keep what they earned
Oil companies
The War in Iraq
The War in Afghanistan
The heat wave in the midwest
Health care costs
A lack of government subsidized green energy
Math errors
Corporate jet owners
The Gulf oil spill
Millionaires and billionaires
Rich fat cats
Wall Street
Hedge fund managers
Some car that can't get out of the ditch
The debt limit
Congress and their resistance to spending more on stimulus programs
Vacationing in Las Vegas
The American form of representative democracy
People who don't eat their peas
Everything else in the world except Timothy Geithner and himself
Those People and Things Obama has Blamed for the Financial Mess
He's saying he didn't know what assholes Republicans are. I could have told him that. Look at what they did to this country under Bush. Much more damage than al Qaeda. Even Republicans have to admit that. I'm glad Obama had Bin Laden put down after Republicans let him go. At least he can't make any more plans against this country. Who knows what disaster Obama saved us from?

This country didn't see the economy hit the skids until Democrats took over Congress. Bush tried for six years and couldn't screw this country up as badly as Pelosi , Reid and the thought of an Obama presidency did in two. You must be proud.
One of the biggest complaints i have with Obama is how far he tried to go to satisfy and work with the republicans who made it absolutely clear they were playing spoiled brat politics and willing to trash the entire country to make him a one term president. If Obama has learned he will have to do everything completely opposed by republicans simply because they do not want to see him do it then I think he has actually matured and may become better.

Obama made a huge mistake in giving republicans credit for wanting something positive, and to work together for the future. He gave republicans far more credit than any of them deserve, and they used that to hammer him. The republicans have always said this was a war, and he should have treated it as such until they were willing to concede.
One of the biggest complaints i have with Obama is how far he tried to go to satisfy and work with the republicans who made it absolutely clear they were playing spoiled brat politics and willing to trash the entire country to make him a one term president. If Obama has learned he will have to do everything completely opposed by republicans simply because they do not want to see him do it then I think he has actually matured and may become better.

Obama made a huge mistake in giving republicans credit for wanting something positive, and to work together for the future. He gave republicans far more credit than any of them deserve, and they used that to hammer him. The republicans have always said this was a war, and he should have treated it as such until they were willing to concede.

Blah..blah..blah... "They're mean and they won't play my way." Face it.. Obama has NO leadership skills. Every other president has found ways to work with the opposition party. Obama is a narcissist that only wants to play when he can make the rules. He's a failure.
. haven’t been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency … and common sense of ordinary people—Democrats, Republicans and independents who I think just want to see their leadership solve problems. And, you know, there is enough blame to go around for that

Nailed it!

Thanks for adding the complete and true statement. :)
obama just wasn't a good enough storyteller. That's his excuse for his failed presidency.
One of the biggest complaints i have with Obama is how far he tried to go to satisfy and work with the republicans who made it absolutely clear they were playing spoiled brat politics and willing to trash the entire country to make him a one term president. If Obama has learned he will have to do everything completely opposed by republicans simply because they do not want to see him do it then I think he has actually matured and may become better.

Obama made a huge mistake in giving republicans credit for wanting something positive, and to work together for the future. He gave republicans far more credit than any of them deserve, and they used that to hammer him. The republicans have always said this was a war, and he should have treated it as such until they were willing to concede.

Blah..blah..blah... "They're mean and they won't play my way." Face it.. Obama has NO leadership skills. Every other president has found ways to work with the opposition party. Obama is a narcissist that only wants to play when he can make the rules. He's a failure.

It is not a matter of they won't play my way, but they won't even play their way. Obama conceded everything to them, and then still asked them what they wanted and they still told him to fuck himself. Obama kills osama and he is supposedly a coward and a loser for doing what bush could not accomplish in 7 years and 2 wars. Obama follows through on Bush and republican plans to give corporate welfare in the bailouts, and all of a sudden the right does a complete about face and hammers him for doing what their hero wanted to do.

Ohj, and the only one pissing and moaning about people not playing fair is Romney who is crying like a baby because obama is too mean to him. So join us here in reality land and pull your head up out of the sand. It is clear that the lack of oxygen to your brain has started to kill off what little you have in between your ears.
obama just wasn't a good enough storyteller. That's his excuse for his failed presidency.

You mean the failed presidency where he kept the economy up and made it better despite the republicans trying to crash it all to make him a one term president? You mean his failure in Iraq by ending the war? You mean his failure to allow osama to live? You mean his failure to pass healthcare reform like he said he would despite the opposition from the republicans and even some of his own party trying to make things harder on themselves? You mean his failure to help out in getting rid of khadaffi without involving us in a long and costly war by supporting the war instead of doing it all ourselves? You must mean his help in establishing the islamic spring? maybe he failed to keep the entire world, except for england, in a perpetual state of dislike for the US and improve our relations worldwide? Maybe you mean doing all of this while not participating in the reckless spending of the last 5 presidents?

Yeah, he pretty much failed at being Bush Jr., reagan, Clinton, and bush sr. Oh, and biggest point for you he absolutely failed in being white and republican despite doing a number of moderate (AKA republican) things.
One of the biggest complaints i have with Obama is how far he tried to go to satisfy and work with the republicans who made it absolutely clear they were playing spoiled brat politics and willing to trash the entire country to make him a one term president. If Obama has learned he will have to do everything completely opposed by republicans simply because they do not want to see him do it then I think he has actually matured and may become better.

Obama made a huge mistake in giving republicans credit for wanting something positive, and to work together for the future. He gave republicans far more credit than any of them deserve, and they used that to hammer him. The republicans have always said this was a war, and he should have treated it as such until they were willing to concede.

Blah..blah..blah... "They're mean and they won't play my way." Face it.. Obama has NO leadership skills. Every other president has found ways to work with the opposition party. Obama is a narcissist that only wants to play when he can make the rules. He's a failure.

It is not a matter of they won't play my way, but they won't even play their way. Obama conceded everything to them, and then still asked them what they wanted and they still told him to fuck himself. Obama kills osama and he is supposedly a coward and a loser for doing what bush could not accomplish in 7 years and 2 wars. Obama follows through on Bush and republican plans to give corporate welfare in the bailouts, and all of a sudden the right does a complete about face and hammers him for doing what their hero wanted to do.

Ohj, and the only one pissing and moaning about people not playing fair is Romney who is crying like a baby because obama is too mean to him. So join us here in reality land and pull your head up out of the sand. It is clear that the lack of oxygen to your brain has started to kill off what little you have in between your ears.

obama just wasn't a good enough storyteller. That's his excuse for his failed presidency.

You mean the failed presidency where he kept the economy up and made it better despite the republicans trying to crash it all to make him a one term president? You mean his failure in Iraq by ending the war? You mean his failure to allow osama to live? You mean his failure to pass healthcare reform like he said he would despite the opposition from the republicans and even some of his own party trying to make things harder on themselves? You mean his failure to help out in getting rid of khadaffi without involving us in a long and costly war by supporting the war instead of doing it all ourselves? You must mean his help in establishing the islamic spring? maybe he failed to keep the entire world, except for england, in a perpetual state of dislike for the US and improve our relations worldwide? Maybe you mean doing all of this while not participating in the reckless spending of the last 5 presidents?

Yeah, he pretty much failed at being Bush Jr., reagan, Clinton, and bush sr. Oh, and biggest point for you he absolutely failed in being white and republican despite doing a number of moderate (AKA republican) things.

Damn, your messiah is a sliver off the true wooden cross.:D
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One of the biggest complaints i have with Obama is how far he tried to go to satisfy and work with the republicans who made it absolutely clear they were playing spoiled brat politics and willing to trash the entire country to make him a one term president. If Obama has learned he will have to do everything completely opposed by republicans simply because they do not want to see him do it then I think he has actually matured and may become better.

Obama made a huge mistake in giving republicans credit for wanting something positive, and to work together for the future. He gave republicans far more credit than any of them deserve, and they used that to hammer him. The republicans have always said this was a war, and he should have treated it as such until they were willing to concede.

Blah..blah..blah... "They're mean and they won't play my way." Face it.. Obama has NO leadership skills. Every other president has found ways to work with the opposition party. Obama is a narcissist that only wants to play when he can make the rules. He's a failure.

It is not a matter of they won't play my way, but they won't even play their way. Obama conceded everything to them, and then still asked them what they wanted and they still told him to fuck himself. Obama kills osama and he is supposedly a coward and a loser for doing what bush could not accomplish in 7 years and 2 wars. Obama follows through on Bush and republican plans to give corporate welfare in the bailouts, and all of a sudden the right does a complete about face and hammers him for doing what their hero wanted to do.

Ohj, and the only one pissing and moaning about people not playing fair is Romney who is crying like a baby because obama is too mean to him. So join us here in reality land and pull your head up out of the sand. It is clear that the lack of oxygen to your brain has started to kill off what little you have in between your ears.

So what exactly did Obama concede to the Republicans before they told him to go fuck himself? Be specific please.

And as an American I was quite pleased that the policies George W. Bush put in place were able to allow Obama to kill Osama. ( I bet the Seals felt mighty foolish thinking they were needed or something )

Corporate welfare? Why don't you call the GM and Chrysler bailouts what they were.. UNION WELFARE. It was nice of Barack to buy the UAW some car companies with our taxpayer money.

You need to face it. Obama is a failure. He's unable to work and play well with others. Not only is a failure, worse, he's a liar. It shows a remarkable lack of self-respect as well as a lack of respect for the American people to sit there and lie that way. It shows his desperation. I guess it's all he has though because he damned sure can't run on his record.
He's saying he didn't know what assholes Republicans are. I could have told him that. Look at what they did to this country under Bush. Much more damage than al Qaeda. Even Republicans have to admit that. I'm glad Obama had Bin Laden put down after Republicans let him go. At least he can't make any more plans against this country. Who knows what disaster Obama saved us from?

Yeah, because al Qaeda has clearly been a one man show...now you're going to try and play ignorant as well, but it's charming how you rush to the defense of your beloved.:D

And he's taken out most of al Qaeda. al Qaeda only got so big because Republicans invaded Iraq and ignored Bin Laden.

Thanks for pointing that out.
He's saying he didn't know what assholes Republicans are. I could have told him that. Look at what they did to this country under Bush. Much more damage than al Qaeda. Even Republicans have to admit that. I'm glad Obama had Bin Laden put down after Republicans let him go. At least he can't make any more plans against this country. Who knows what disaster Obama saved us from?

Yeah, because al Qaeda has clearly been a one man show...now you're going to try and play ignorant as well, but it's charming how you rush to the defense of your beloved.:D

And he's taken out most of al Qaeda. al Qaeda only got so big because Republicans invaded Iraq and ignored Bin Laden.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Gee, for someone who's so big on quoting percentages, don't let math fail you now.:lol:
Obama did not make the disaster himself there were many players. If obama has failed then you must agree that Congress has failed also.

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