Even Geraldo's son is ashamed of him

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.
He did not say he deserved to be, that's your take. From what I heard, the kid was wearing a hoodie when he was shot.
“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies.

I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

"When you see a kid walking down the street, particularly a dark-skinned kid like my son Cruz, who I constantly yelled at when he was going out wearing a damn hoodie or those pants around his ankles."

"It’s those crime scene surveillance tapes. Every time you see someone sticking up a 7-Eleven, the kid’s wearing a hoodie.

Every time you see a mugging on a surveillance camera or they get the old lady in the alcove, it’s a kid wearing a hoodie.

You have to recognize that this whole stylizing yourself as a gangsta — you’re going to be a gangsta wannabe? Well, people are going to perceive you as a menace."

A hoodie is commonly used to hide one's identity, and though there's not any reason that that was likely his intent, he left an impression that provoked suspicion and contributed to his being shot by someone who must be unstable. I say that he must be unstable because he (the shooter) has reported 46 instances of neighborhood encroachment since January. That seems excessive to say the least, and the police should've checked into why he was encountering so much and if it was really legit.
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You're getting pissy about Geraldo recognizing the hard facts of not wanting his child to draw negative attention?? Make up your fucking mind...is the world full of a bunch of racists ready to pull the trigger on innocent black teens or not?? Also, what responsible father would let his daughter walk out of the house dressed like a street walker?? If you know that your child's choice of clothing could endanger them, why wouldn't you intervene??
You're getting pissy about Geraldo recognizing the hard facts of not wanting his child to draw negative attention?? Make up your fucking mind...is the world full of a bunch of racists ready to pull the trigger on innocent black teens or not?? Also, what responsible father would let his daughter walk out of the house dressed like a street walker?? If you know that your child's choice of clothing could endanger them, why wouldn't you intervene??


Yep, its no different than my dad, back in the day, telling me that I will be pulled over alot more if I have a hot rod and long hair.... guess what..... he was right!

Did I listen?

Did I get lots of tickets?

Was it right?

If ya look the part, your going to be treated as such at times.
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.

Cold and rainy? It's Florida. It's hot. I mean REALLY hot. I think I've not worn shorts like four times all winter. When it rains it's like a freaking sauna. I have no idea why young kids feel the need to wear hoodies but most of the time down here it's not protection from the weather.
Cold and rainy? It's Florida. It's hot. I mean REALLY hot. I think I've not worn shorts like four times all winter. When it rains it's like a freaking sauna. I have no idea why young kids feel the need to wear hoodies but most of the time down here it's not protection from the weather.

It's kool; it's the style, it's hip. That's what Geraldo was bringing up.
He did not say he deserved to be, that's your take. From what I heard, the kid was wearing a hoodie when he was shot.
“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies.

I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

"When you see a kid walking down the street, particularly a dark-skinned kid like my son Cruz, who I constantly yelled at when he was going out wearing a damn hoodie or those pants around his ankles."

"It’s those crime scene surveillance tapes. Every time you see someone sticking up a 7-Eleven, the kid’s wearing a hoodie.

Every time you see a mugging on a surveillance camera or they get the old lady in the alcove, it’s a kid wearing a hoodie.

You have to recognize that this whole stylizing yourself as a gangsta — you’re going to be a gangsta wannabe? Well, people are going to perceive you as a menace."

A hoodie is commonly used to hide one's identity, and though there's not reason that that was likely his intent, he left an impression that provoked suspicion and contributed to his being shot by someone who must be unstable. I say that he must be unstable because he (the shooter) has reported 46 instances of neighborhood encroachment since January. That seems excessive to say the least, and the police should've checked into why he was encountering so much and if it was really legit.

I have absolutely no idea what the circumstances are regarding that neighborhood but I'm guessing that if a gated community feels the need for a neighborhood watch group that there's something going on in that area that's causing a real problem and it's not some kid walking home from the 7 11 with some Skittles. From reports that I've heard there had been a rash of home break ins...something quite common in Florida. In the area I'm in such crimes are usually committed by local teens so I can understand Mr. Zimmerman's distrust of a strange teenager walking through the neighborhood. Generally speaking, gated communities don't welcome outside foot traffic because the whole idea of a gated community is to keep the rest of the world on the other side of the gate. I'd be curious to know if anyone has heard why Trayvon was walking there in the first place? Is it a short-cut from the store to where he lives? If he was inside of a gated community how did he gain access?

Don't get me wrong...I think Mr. Zimmerman over reacted in using a weapon. He should have called the cops...stayed in his vehicle and followed the young man until they showed up. Getting out of his vehicle and confronting Trayvon Martin was idiotic.
Cold and rainy? It's Florida. It's hot. I mean REALLY hot. I think I've not worn shorts like four times all winter. When it rains it's like a freaking sauna. I have no idea why young kids feel the need to wear hoodies but most of the time down here it's not protection from the weather.

It's kool; it's the style, it's hip. That's what Geraldo was bringing up.
From the same Huffy page.
Gang Girl Movie: The Story Of A 22-Year-Old Girl In The LA Bloods Gang (VIDEO)

Maybe the judge will call it a preemptive strike ?
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.

One thing that jumps out about anything you post, you skirt the facts. The neighborhood had a registered watch group, and Zimmerman was actually the coordinator of said group. The real facts are that the police tell neighborhood watch groups not to confront anyone, not to follow them, and the rules specifically forbid any neighborhood watch member from carrying a weapon as part of the watch. The facts in this case are more than enough to make Zimmerman look bad, all embellishing them does is make you look incredibly stupid. The only good point of this whole thread is that the idiot who blamed the hoodie is actually a lefty idiot.
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.

One thing that jumps out about anything you post, you skirt the facts. The neighborhood had a registered watch group, and Zimmerman was actually the coordinator of said group. The real facts are that the police tell neighborhood watch groups not to confront anyone, not to follow them, and the rules specifically forbid any neighborhood watch member from carrying a weapon as part of the watch. The facts in this case are more than enough to make Zimmerman look bad, all embellishing them does is make you look incredibly stupid. The only good point of this whole thread is that the idiot who blamed the hoodie is actually a lefty idiot.

A "lefty idiot" working for FOX.
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.

One thing that jumps out about anything you post, you skirt the facts. The neighborhood had a registered watch group, and Zimmerman was actually the coordinator of said group. The real facts are that the police tell neighborhood watch groups not to confront anyone, not to follow them, and the rules specifically forbid any neighborhood watch member from carrying a weapon as part of the watch. The facts in this case are more than enough to make Zimmerman look bad, all embellishing them does is make you look incredibly stupid. The only good point of this whole thread is that the idiot who blamed the hoodie is actually a lefty idiot.

Zimmerman was not registered, a fact not known to the police when they took him in. Speaking of skirting the facts, you do this on a daily basis here.
Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO)

I agree. It IS shameful to say a kid deserved to be shot because of what he was wearing. Never mind that it was cold and raining and the kid was dressed for that. To IMPLY that anyone should get away with killing another person because of what that person was wearing is criminal in itself.

Does Geraldo also believe that women are 'asking for it' because of their manner of dress?

Every time I think I've heard the worst from this snake in the grass - with apologies to snakes - he says something worse than the last.

And, the shooter has surfaced -

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Resurfaces On Voicemail To Friend (AUDIO)

One thing that jumps out about this article is that the neighborhood had no real ("registered") watch group. Zimmerman was acting on his own and against all rules of real watch groups - such as, no weapons and no going after someone on your own.

And, his own words make this a federal crime so I think he may have done himself in.

I don't think he said the kid deserved to be shot. He was blaming the victim instead of the shooter though.
He did not say he deserved to be, that's your take. From what I heard, the kid was wearing a hoodie when he was shot.
“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies.

I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

"When you see a kid walking down the street, particularly a dark-skinned kid like my son Cruz, who I constantly yelled at when he was going out wearing a damn hoodie or those pants around his ankles."

"It’s those crime scene surveillance tapes. Every time you see someone sticking up a 7-Eleven, the kid’s wearing a hoodie.

Every time you see a mugging on a surveillance camera or they get the old lady in the alcove, it’s a kid wearing a hoodie.

You have to recognize that this whole stylizing yourself as a gangsta — you’re going to be a gangsta wannabe? Well, people are going to perceive you as a menace."

A hoodie is commonly used to hide one's identity, and though there's not any reason that that was likely his intent, he left an impression that provoked suspicion and contributed to his being shot by someone who must be unstable. I say that he must be unstable because he (the shooter) has reported 46 instances of neighborhood encroachment since January. That seems excessive to say the least, and the police should've checked into why he was encountering so much and if it was really legit.
I'm so glad that Geraldo is still okay with white and Asian kids wearing hoodies since I bought my kids both a hoodie for Christmas.


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