Evangelists admit that they are idiots.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?
Why are evangelists idiots? Are you an idiot? I'm not sure what you are saying.
Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?

Sure, I can see that.

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, "why do you call me lord, and do not do the things that I say?".

Point is, when people claim to be Christian, their actions at refusing to follow what Christianity says to do, suggests they are not what they claim to be.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]."

Now how does this apply to Christians?

If you are saved, then you are saved. But one wonders if you are in fact saved, if you refuse to follow G-d's commands. Such as the command to be baptized.

Before someone is saved, yeah G-d doesn't do much. That's true of all lost people.

However, if you are implying that you can be baptized without being saved, that is incorrect. There is no benefit to being baptized, if you are not saved.

Your post seems to be somewhat implying that if you force your kids to be baptized, that the Devil can't mess with them.

That is not a logical premise. We know that G-d only enters into the life where he is invited in. Jesus himself described his interaction with people in Revelation 3:20 as "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Implication, he does not go in, unless you yourself open the door.

Some people seem to imply with the idea that you are going to have your children baptized, to avoid the devil playing soccer with your child's mind for 18 years, that you can somehow cram G-d into your child's mind.

Not possible. It says "I stand at the door and knock", not "Your parents can break a window, and force me through it, and then I'll eat with you, and you with me"

Years ago, I met a women that converted to Christianity in her 50s. When she was 10 to 15 years old, her parents forced her to get baptized. She did it of course, but then she lived how she pleased. She ran around town with different guys, got into drugs, lived like the Devil. Between getting drunk, and doing drugs, she got married to an abuse drug addicted alcoholic. She got to the point that she was taking drugs, in order to be completely numb so that when her husband hit her, she couldn't feel it.

Almost 20 years later, having 3 kids, and fleeing from her home, she turned her life to Christian, and transformed her life. She started going to church, and got baptized. Her parents, which should have been overjoyed at their long lost, train wreck of a daughter, finally recovering her life. Instead they were indignity that she got baptized again.

Baptism is not a magic ritual that makes you a Christian.

Baptism is a public declaration that you are already a Christian. Baptism is not the magic water that mystically forces G-d into someone who is not a Christian.

But again, I think that Swaggart is right. If you claim to be a Christian and refuse to get Baptized, then I think of what Jesus said:

"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

Baptism is a public expression of your acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord. If you refuse to do that.... well... Jesus kind of makes that clear. But it has to be a choice. You can't push, prod, or force your kids into Baptism, or you defeat the entire purpose.

That's no difference than ISIS saying pray the prayer of confession... so they do, and then as soon as they are let go, they run. They are not dedicated at all to the faith. They are doing it only because they have no choice. Forced faith, is not real.
Why are evangelists idiots? Are you an idiot? I'm not sure what you are saying.

Physically, the devil has advantage over the Holy Spirit if you are not babtized. This is especially important and exploited in children who don't usually have a developed enough mind to defend themselves.
For the Demon-Rats

only Satan worshipers are fine

because they are scum, that's all
Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?

Sure, I can see that.

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, "why do you call me lord, and do not do the things that I say?".

Point is, when people claim to be Christian, their actions at refusing to follow what Christianity says to do, suggests they are not what they claim to be.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]."

Now how does this apply to Christians?

If you are saved, then you are saved. But one wonders if you are in fact saved, if you refuse to follow G-d's commands. Such as the command to be baptized.

Before someone is saved, yeah G-d doesn't do much. That's true of all lost people.

However, if you are implying that you can be baptized without being saved, that is incorrect. There is no benefit to being baptized, if you are not saved.

Your post seems to be somewhat implying that if you force your kids to be baptized, that the Devil can't mess with them.

That is not a logical premise. We know that G-d only enters into the life where he is invited in. Jesus himself described his interaction with people in Revelation 3:20 as "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Implication, he does not go in, unless you yourself open the door.

Some people seem to imply with the idea that you are going to have your children baptized, to avoid the devil playing soccer with your child's mind for 18 years, that you can somehow cram G-d into your child's mind.

Not possible. It says "I stand at the door and knock", not "Your parents can break a window, and force me through it, and then I'll eat with you, and you with me"

Years ago, I met a women that converted to Christianity in her 50s. When she was 10 to 15 years old, her parents forced her to get baptized. She did it of course, but then she lived how she pleased. She ran around town with different guys, got into drugs, lived like the Devil. Between getting drunk, and doing drugs, she got married to an abuse drug addicted alcoholic. She got to the point that she was taking drugs, in order to be completely numb so that when her husband hit her, she couldn't feel it.

Almost 20 years later, having 3 kids, and fleeing from her home, she turned her life to Christian, and transformed her life. She started going to church, and got baptized. Her parents, which should have been overjoyed at their long lost, train wreck of a daughter, finally recovering her life. Instead they were indignity that she got baptized again.

Baptism is not a magic ritual that makes you a Christian.

Baptism is a public declaration that you are already a Christian. Baptism is not the magic water that mystically forces G-d into someone who is not a Christian.

But again, I think that Swaggart is right. If you claim to be a Christian and refuse to get Baptized, then I think of what Jesus said:

"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

Baptism is a public expression of your acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord. If you refuse to do that.... well... Jesus kind of makes that clear. But it has to be a choice. You can't push, prod, or force your kids into Baptism, or you defeat the entire purpose.

That's no difference than ISIS saying pray the prayer of confession... so they do, and then as soon as they are let go, they run. They are not dedicated at all to the faith. They are doing it only because they have no choice. Forced faith, is not real.

This is all true but is far from the full picture, because this all ignores the subconscious part of the mind. That part will be the devil's property without Babtist, no matter how much you invent fights against it.
Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?

Sure, I can see that.

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, "why do you call me lord, and do not do the things that I say?".

Point is, when people claim to be Christian, their actions at refusing to follow what Christianity says to do, suggests they are not what they claim to be.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]."

Now how does this apply to Christians?

If you are saved, then you are saved. But one wonders if you are in fact saved, if you refuse to follow G-d's commands. Such as the command to be baptized.

Before someone is saved, yeah G-d doesn't do much. That's true of all lost people.

However, if you are implying that you can be baptized without being saved, that is incorrect. There is no benefit to being baptized, if you are not saved.

Your post seems to be somewhat implying that if you force your kids to be baptized, that the Devil can't mess with them.

That is not a logical premise. We know that G-d only enters into the life where he is invited in. Jesus himself described his interaction with people in Revelation 3:20 as "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Implication, he does not go in, unless you yourself open the door.

Some people seem to imply with the idea that you are going to have your children baptized, to avoid the devil playing soccer with your child's mind for 18 years, that you can somehow cram G-d into your child's mind.

Not possible. It says "I stand at the door and knock", not "Your parents can break a window, and force me through it, and then I'll eat with you, and you with me"

Years ago, I met a women that converted to Christianity in her 50s. When she was 10 to 15 years old, her parents forced her to get baptized. She did it of course, but then she lived how she pleased. She ran around town with different guys, got into drugs, lived like the Devil. Between getting drunk, and doing drugs, she got married to an abuse drug addicted alcoholic. She got to the point that she was taking drugs, in order to be completely numb so that when her husband hit her, she couldn't feel it.

Almost 20 years later, having 3 kids, and fleeing from her home, she turned her life to Christian, and transformed her life. She started going to church, and got baptized. Her parents, which should have been overjoyed at their long lost, train wreck of a daughter, finally recovering her life. Instead they were indignity that she got baptized again.

Baptism is not a magic ritual that makes you a Christian.

Baptism is a public declaration that you are already a Christian. Baptism is not the magic water that mystically forces G-d into someone who is not a Christian.

But again, I think that Swaggart is right. If you claim to be a Christian and refuse to get Baptized, then I think of what Jesus said:

"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

Baptism is a public expression of your acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord. If you refuse to do that.... well... Jesus kind of makes that clear. But it has to be a choice. You can't push, prod, or force your kids into Baptism, or you defeat the entire purpose.

That's no difference than ISIS saying pray the prayer of confession... so they do, and then as soon as they are let go, they run. They are not dedicated at all to the faith. They are doing it only because they have no choice. Forced faith, is not real.

This is all true but is far from the full picture, because this all ignores the subconscious part of the mind. That part will be the devil's property without Babtist, no matter how much you invent fights against it.

Baptism has nothing to do with the devil, or subconscious, or anything. Baptism, means submersion in water. That's the definition of baptism.

The Greek word is "baptizein", which literally means "immerse, dip in water,".

Which is to say.... you are being dunked in water. As in.... water. The same stuff you take a shower in.

How does water keep the devil away? And if it does, then everyone who showers in the morning, should be free of the devil.

Christianity is not a religion based on mysticism and magic. We do not believe and charms, hexes, or rituals.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."​

Not by works. Baptism is a work. It's a physical action. The Bible says over and over, that actions and works, and performing rituals, does not save or help anyone.

Again, if Baptism has some magical powers, then how did that lady from before get baptized, and end up living in hell for decades? Why did the magical baptism protect her from the Devil?
Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?

Pentecosts have some theoretical problems.

Here is a True Teacher of God's Word

Jimmy Swaggart, one of the biggest TV evangelists in the USA, has declared on national television, that the Holy Spirit will do only very little if you are not babtized. He says not zero, but only very little.

How does this sound to all those who refuse to babtized children?

By the time that you are waiting for a teenager to make up his mind about Christ, the devil has played soccer with the child's mind for 18 years, and everything that the child will ever imagine is put in by the devil by that time.

Finally, an evangelist, that has integrity.

Your take?

Sure, I can see that.

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, "why do you call me lord, and do not do the things that I say?".

Point is, when people claim to be Christian, their actions at refusing to follow what Christianity says to do, suggests they are not what they claim to be.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]."

Now how does this apply to Christians?

If you are saved, then you are saved. But one wonders if you are in fact saved, if you refuse to follow G-d's commands. Such as the command to be baptized.

Before someone is saved, yeah G-d doesn't do much. That's true of all lost people.

However, if you are implying that you can be baptized without being saved, that is incorrect. There is no benefit to being baptized, if you are not saved.

Your post seems to be somewhat implying that if you force your kids to be baptized, that the Devil can't mess with them.

That is not a logical premise. We know that G-d only enters into the life where he is invited in. Jesus himself described his interaction with people in Revelation 3:20 as "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Implication, he does not go in, unless you yourself open the door.

Some people seem to imply with the idea that you are going to have your children baptized, to avoid the devil playing soccer with your child's mind for 18 years, that you can somehow cram G-d into your child's mind.

Not possible. It says "I stand at the door and knock", not "Your parents can break a window, and force me through it, and then I'll eat with you, and you with me"

Years ago, I met a women that converted to Christianity in her 50s. When she was 10 to 15 years old, her parents forced her to get baptized. She did it of course, but then she lived how she pleased. She ran around town with different guys, got into drugs, lived like the Devil. Between getting drunk, and doing drugs, she got married to an abuse drug addicted alcoholic. She got to the point that she was taking drugs, in order to be completely numb so that when her husband hit her, she couldn't feel it.

Almost 20 years later, having 3 kids, and fleeing from her home, she turned her life to Christian, and transformed her life. She started going to church, and got baptized. Her parents, which should have been overjoyed at their long lost, train wreck of a daughter, finally recovering her life. Instead they were indignity that she got baptized again.

Baptism is not a magic ritual that makes you a Christian.

Baptism is a public declaration that you are already a Christian. Baptism is not the magic water that mystically forces G-d into someone who is not a Christian.

But again, I think that Swaggart is right. If you claim to be a Christian and refuse to get Baptized, then I think of what Jesus said:

"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

Baptism is a public expression of your acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord. If you refuse to do that.... well... Jesus kind of makes that clear. But it has to be a choice. You can't push, prod, or force your kids into Baptism, or you defeat the entire purpose.

That's no difference than ISIS saying pray the prayer of confession... so they do, and then as soon as they are let go, they run. They are not dedicated at all to the faith. They are doing it only because they have no choice. Forced faith, is not real.

This is all true but is far from the full picture, because this all ignores the subconscious part of the mind. That part will be the devil's property without Babtist, no matter how much you invent fights against it.

Baptism has nothing to do with the devil, or subconscious, or anything. Baptism, means submersion in water. That's the definition of baptism.

The Greek word is "baptizein", which literally means "immerse, dip in water,".

Which is to say.... you are being dunked in water. As in.... water. The same stuff you take a shower in.

How does water keep the devil away? And if it does, then everyone who showers in the morning, should be free of the devil.

Christianity is not a religion based on mysticism and magic. We do not believe and charms, hexes, or rituals.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."​

Not by works. Baptism is a work. It's a physical action. The Bible says over and over, that actions and works, and performing rituals, does not save or help anyone.

Again, if Baptism has some magical powers, then how did that lady from before get baptized, and end up living in hell for decades? Why did the magical baptism protect her from the Devil?

To answer your question, I would like to open with a suspicion of heresy when you claim that Babtist is only immersion in water. Babtist is done in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit.

It is true, that by faith is how we are saved, however that faith is a gift from God as you also say, so that will be the first thing that the devil will take away, if the babtism doesn't stop it.

The fact that the girl re babtized herself is not very significant, I think, renewals of babtism oaths is commonly done in many forms. It is also usually recommended that babtism oaths get renewed always after satanic attacks, at minimum to ensure the filling of the victim by the Holy Spirit.

What is very interesting there is that her parents disagreed with it.
Why are evangelists idiots? Are you an idiot? I'm not sure what you are saying.

Physically, the devil has advantage over the Holy Spirit if you are not babtized. This is especially important and exploited in children who don't usually have a developed enough mind to defend themselves.

And where do you get this piece of... information?

this fact is not all that different from the Good Samaritan story of the Gospels. Of cause the victim in that story is an adult, but the same applies to child victims and then it ends up worse, by the measure of the facts described above.
If the person is not capable of understanding the importance of baptism and of choosing to be baptized, no one should take it upon themselves to baptize that person. A baby has no capacity to choose baptism, nor does a young child. A five-year-old is not going to understand the implications of baptism but will go along with whatever his parents want him to do. For what it's worth, the early Christians did *not* baptize children. The practice of infant baptism did not start until decades after the apostles died.
If the person is not capable of understanding the importance of baptism and of choosing to be baptized, no one should take it upon themselves to baptize that person. A baby has no capacity to choose baptism, nor does a young child. A five-year-old is not going to understand the implications of baptism but will go along with whatever his parents want him to do. For what it's worth, the early Christians did *not* baptize children. The practice of infant baptism did not start until decades after the apostles died.
But you need the Holy Spirit to protect your child. Without child babtism, this may be impossible.

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