Europeans should not repeat US mistakes towards shale gas development


Dec 3, 2013
I cannot understand the logic of those EU leaders, who are ready to advance the idea of shale gas development, initiated by our US partners, in own European countries, while the whole scientific society, including the very US experts (watershedsentinel. ca/content/does-gas-fracking-cause-earthquakes ), clearly demonstrate the great environmental danger of so-called fracking!
Now even Americans could observe with own eyes the disastrous results of using hydraulic fracturing as the main method of extracting shale gas. For example, in Texas fracking resulted in "more detected earthquakes (over 100!) since 2008 than in the previous 30 years combined" (watershedsentinel. ca/content/does-gas-fracking-cause-earthquakes). The great degradation of water quality in Acorn Fork, caused by fracking, has resulted in fish mass die-off [An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie](bioone. org/doi/abs/10.1656/058.012. s413) there! The fracking extraction process has triggered a magnitude 4,0 earthquakes in Irving and Dallas/Fort Worth areas! And so on, and so forth!
Will Europe want to follow the same way, poisoning by the chemicals and other toxic substances, used for fracking, all its waters and suffering from series of measurable and felt earthquakes? It is time to find own, dependent from the USA, position, eh?

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