European Refiners Could Ditch Poor Quality "Russian" Crude |


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
finito of juchi project , how long it will take ?

"European refiners are left with lower-quality imports from Russia and are now reviewing how much Russian crude they would buy and at what price, Reuters reported on Monday, citing traders and sources close to European refiners.

The quality of Russia’s Urals crude grade has deteriorated so much that some refiners are considering renegotiation of supplies and prices.

The Urals grade exported to Europe is a blend of different oils, and that blending is taking place inside the pipeline system in Russia. According to data from industry sources obtained by Reuters, the quality of the Urals blend that is being exported to Europe in February is near the bottom of the standard range set by the Russian standards agency Rosstandart.

“We can’t refine this (oil),” a trader at a European company told Reuters. “There is only one way out, which is to cut Urals purchases and get supplies of lighter grades for blending,” the trader added."

European Refiners Could Ditch Poor Quality Russian Crude |

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