Europe is waking up when will the U.S.A.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Liberals are comatose...
America Snoozing
Europe is waking up. When will blue-state U.S.A.?
February 14, 2017
Bruce Bawer

There was a time, in the years immediately after 9/11, when I was reasonably (though not entirely) confident that we Americans would be too savvy to let ourselves be led down the primrose path of Islamization. I assumed that the alarming example of Europe – where the destructive nature of Islam's impact was there for all to see – would be effective enough to persuade us to pull up the welcome mat and double-lock the door. What I didn't count on was that so many of our politicians and media would do such a splendid job of covering up the facts about the European situation and whitewashing the Religion of Peace. Nor could I have imagined that the post-9/11 generation of Americans would grow up to be so thoroughly drenched in political correctness that many of them would, in fact, come to see Islam not as an violent existential threat but as the most vulnerable of victim groups.

Yes, Americans elected Trump. Red-state Americans, anyway. But coastal elites went ballistic over his executive order that sought to put a temporary halt to immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. Hollywood, the bubble-headed brain trust of blue-state America, set the tone of the backlash: Judd Apatow denounced Trump's “ignorance and cruelty”; Patricia Arquette suggested returning the Statue of Liberty to France; John Leguizamo reminded his Twitter followers that “The pilgrims came here on the #mayflower as refugees!” Several celebrity tweets implied that Europeans would never support such a monstrous act. Yet a new poll tells otherwise. Most EU citizens, it shows, would be happy to see a total and permanent end to immigration from the Islamic world. To be specific: 71% of Poles, 65% of Austrians, 53% of Germans, 51% of Italians, 64% of Belgians, 58% of Greeks, 61% of Frenchmen, and 64% of Hungarians want Muslim immigration to stop. For good. Only in two of the ten European countries surveyed did a Muslim immigration ban not win the support of a clear majority, and even in those cases a plurality approved of a ban: in Britain, the numbers were 47% for, 23% against; in Spain, 41% to 32%.


From all this, it's hard not to draw a bleak conclusion: namely, that most citizens of Western countries don't come to their senses on Islam until their countries are so far gone that it's too late – or almost too late – to rescue them. Even bleaker is the determination of the media, academic, and political establishment to keep drinking the Kool-Aid even after the masses decide they're done. Just the other day, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, insisted that immigration into the EU would continue no matter what. “Europeans,” she loftily pronounced, “should understand that we need migration for our economies and for our welfare systems.” As if the Muslim tsunami were anything but a drain on Europe's economies and welfare states! Her opponents' views, Mogherini claimed, were “based on confrontation, instead of cooperation; on building walls, instead of building partnerships; on closures and bans, rather than dialogue.” Ah, “cooperation”! “Building partnership”! “Dialogue”! Imagine being so insulated from reality that you're still capable of buying into all that empty rhetoric. The sooner Europe can junk the EU and kick Mogherini and her ilk to the curb, the better. But what's to be done for America, where half the population, locked arm in arm philosophically with Meryl Streep and Lena Dunham, looks at the Islamic hordes over here and the Trump brigades over there, and sees the latter as a bunch of brownshirts?

America Snoozing
You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.
Infidel laws don't mean a thing to Islamists. Once they have the numbers (via massive migration and a large birthrate) they will simply throw away the infidel laws and replace them with Islamic (Sharia) Law. There are approximately 53 Muslim nations. Those nations weren't always Muslim. Look to them and you will see that non-Muslim cultures either no longer exist or are in an extreme minority status and oppressed/persecuted. The minorities are not equals in the courts or in life.
In Islamist nations, western music is un-Islamic, most books are un-Islamic, statues and other forms of art not approved of by the Imams, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, or Clerics are forbidden. Entire cultures and heritages have been destroyed, all in the name of Allah. So, in thinking that making more "secular laws," will protect this culture, you are being naïve.
You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.
Infidel laws don't mean a thing to Islamists. Once they have the numbers (via massive migration and a large birthrate) they will simply throw away the infidel laws and replace them with Islamic (Sharia) Law. There are approximately 53 Muslim nations. Those nations weren't always Muslim. Look to them and you will see that non-Muslim cultures either no longer exist or are in an extreme minority status and oppressed/persecuted. The minorities are not equals in the courts or in life.
In Islamist nations, western music is un-Islamic, most books are un-Islamic, statues and other forms of art not approved of by the Imams, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, or Clerics are forbidden. Entire cultures and heritages have been destroyed, all in the name of Allah. So, in thinking that making more "secular laws," will protect this culture, you are being naïve.
You GOP social conservatives support a lot of the same things Islamists support. The law will win in the long run, as it has in the past. Unless you succeed in sabotaging it, of course. Please stop that.
You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.


Secular law says that only legal immigrants are allowed in this country.

Secular law says that all Confederate soldiers are to be honored as United States soldiers.

Secular law says that it's illegal to destroy other peoples property or be prosecuted.

Secular law says that it's illegal to grant special privileges to certain minority groups over other groups.

Have these secular laws been followed without whining and violent protests from the left?


You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.
Infidel laws don't mean a thing to Islamists. Once they have the numbers (via massive migration and a large birthrate) they will simply throw away the infidel laws and replace them with Islamic (Sharia) Law. There are approximately 53 Muslim nations. Those nations weren't always Muslim. Look to them and you will see that non-Muslim cultures either no longer exist or are in an extreme minority status and oppressed/persecuted. The minorities are not equals in the courts or in life.
In Islamist nations, western music is un-Islamic, most books are un-Islamic, statues and other forms of art not approved of by the Imams, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, or Clerics are forbidden. Entire cultures and heritages have been destroyed, all in the name of Allah. So, in thinking that making more "secular laws," will protect this culture, you are being naïve.
You GOP social conservatives support a lot of the same things Islamists support. The law will win in the long run, as it has in the past. Unless you succeed in sabotaging it, of course. Please stop that.
Newsflash: Not a GOP conservative. Most of the time in the past, I voted "Green Party," as I have a love of our forests, wildlife and unspoiled areas. I didn't vote for Trump for some valid reasons, but I do agree with trying to stop the Muslims from coming in and also am a firm believer in the Second Amendment.
You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.
Infidel laws don't mean a thing to Islamists. Once they have the numbers (via massive migration and a large birthrate) they will simply throw away the infidel laws and replace them with Islamic (Sharia) Law. There are approximately 53 Muslim nations. Those nations weren't always Muslim. Look to them and you will see that non-Muslim cultures either no longer exist or are in an extreme minority status and oppressed/persecuted. The minorities are not equals in the courts or in life.
In Islamist nations, western music is un-Islamic, most books are un-Islamic, statues and other forms of art not approved of by the Imams, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, or Clerics are forbidden. Entire cultures and heritages have been destroyed, all in the name of Allah. So, in thinking that making more "secular laws," will protect this culture, you are being naïve.
You GOP social conservatives support a lot of the same things Islamists support. The law will win in the long run, as it has in the past. Unless you succeed in sabotaging it, of course. Please stop that.
Newsflash: Not a GOP conservative. Most of the time in the past, I voted "Green Party," as I have a love of our forests, wildlife and unspoiled areas. I didn't vote for Trump for some valid reasons, but I do agree with trying to stop the Muslims from coming in and also am a firm believer in the Second Amendment.
Green party voter? Even during Shrub? Fuckin' A... off to ignore you go
Liberals are comatose...
America Snoozing
Europe is waking up. When will blue-state U.S.A.?
February 14, 2017
Bruce Bawer

There was a time, in the years immediately after 9/11, when I was reasonably (though not entirely) confident that we Americans would be too savvy to let ourselves be led down the primrose path of Islamization. I assumed that the alarming example of Europe – where the destructive nature of Islam's impact was there for all to see – would be effective enough to persuade us to pull up the welcome mat and double-lock the door. What I didn't count on was that so many of our politicians and media would do such a splendid job of covering up the facts about the European situation and whitewashing the Religion of Peace. Nor could I have imagined that the post-9/11 generation of Americans would grow up to be so thoroughly drenched in political correctness that many of them would, in fact, come to see Islam not as an violent existential threat but as the most vulnerable of victim groups.

Yes, Americans elected Trump. Red-state Americans, anyway. But coastal elites went ballistic over his executive order that sought to put a temporary halt to immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. Hollywood, the bubble-headed brain trust of blue-state America, set the tone of the backlash: Judd Apatow denounced Trump's “ignorance and cruelty”; Patricia Arquette suggested returning the Statue of Liberty to France; John Leguizamo reminded his Twitter followers that “The pilgrims came here on the #mayflower as refugees!” Several celebrity tweets implied that Europeans would never support such a monstrous act. Yet a new poll tells otherwise. Most EU citizens, it shows, would be happy to see a total and permanent end to immigration from the Islamic world. To be specific: 71% of Poles, 65% of Austrians, 53% of Germans, 51% of Italians, 64% of Belgians, 58% of Greeks, 61% of Frenchmen, and 64% of Hungarians want Muslim immigration to stop. For good. Only in two of the ten European countries surveyed did a Muslim immigration ban not win the support of a clear majority, and even in those cases a plurality approved of a ban: in Britain, the numbers were 47% for, 23% against; in Spain, 41% to 32%.


From all this, it's hard not to draw a bleak conclusion: namely, that most citizens of Western countries don't come to their senses on Islam until their countries are so far gone that it's too late – or almost too late – to rescue them. Even bleaker is the determination of the media, academic, and political establishment to keep drinking the Kool-Aid even after the masses decide they're done. Just the other day, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, insisted that immigration into the EU would continue no matter what. “Europeans,” she loftily pronounced, “should understand that we need migration for our economies and for our welfare systems.” As if the Muslim tsunami were anything but a drain on Europe's economies and welfare states! Her opponents' views, Mogherini claimed, were “based on confrontation, instead of cooperation; on building walls, instead of building partnerships; on closures and bans, rather than dialogue.” Ah, “cooperation”! “Building partnership”! “Dialogue”! Imagine being so insulated from reality that you're still capable of buying into all that empty rhetoric. The sooner Europe can junk the EU and kick Mogherini and her ilk to the curb, the better. But what's to be done for America, where half the population, locked arm in arm philosophically with Meryl Streep and Lena Dunham, looks at the Islamic hordes over here and the Trump brigades over there, and sees the latter as a bunch of brownshirts?

America Snoozing

This guy has it right and its to bad the lefty idiots in America don't catch a damned clue.

Islam is a death cult and the sooner we get the Muslims out of America and stop more from coming in the better off we will all be.
You should start supporting more secular laws in response to Muslim immigration. Wake up.
Infidel laws don't mean a thing to Islamists. Once they have the numbers (via massive migration and a large birthrate) they will simply throw away the infidel laws and replace them with Islamic (Sharia) Law. There are approximately 53 Muslim nations. Those nations weren't always Muslim. Look to them and you will see that non-Muslim cultures either no longer exist or are in an extreme minority status and oppressed/persecuted. The minorities are not equals in the courts or in life.
In Islamist nations, western music is un-Islamic, most books are un-Islamic, statues and other forms of art not approved of by the Imams, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, or Clerics are forbidden. Entire cultures and heritages have been destroyed, all in the name of Allah. So, in thinking that making more "secular laws," will protect this culture, you are being naïve.
You GOP social conservatives support a lot of the same things Islamists support. The law will win in the long run, as it has in the past. Unless you succeed in sabotaging it, of course. Please stop that.

You go girl!

At this point, I'm thinking that this guy is a paid forum advertiser for these alternate media sources.

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