Europe Ignoring History About Muslims


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

They call Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as xenophobic, full of hater, and a creeping dictator. Why? Became he reminds all what happened during the 150 years Hungary and other European nations were under the thumb of the Ottoman Empire.

Orbán is referring to Islam’s conquest and occupation of Hungary from 1541 to 1699. Then, Islamic jihad, terrorism, and Christian persecution were rampant.

Nor was Hungary alone. Much of southeastern Europe and portions of modern-day Russia were conquered, occupied, and terrorized by the Turks -- sometimes in ways that make Islamic State atrocities seem like child’s play. (Think of the beheadings, crucifixions, massacres, slave markets, and rapes that have become IS trademarks -- but on a much grander scale, and for centuries.)

I cannot understand why they are blind to the danger presented by a war-like cult that demands obedience – or else.

Read more: Articles: Listen to Nations Experienced with the Islamic Influx
The media here is controlled entirely by the left, more so than the US.

They're all brainwashed here in believing that they must support multiculturalism. If they don't, then they are racist. Germans especially are paranoid of being labeled as such, all because of Nazi shamming. The rest of Europe just follows suit.
Clearly, they have not learned from history and thus are doomed to repeat it. What we are witnessing is the eventual death of the west.

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