Eugenics: Progressive Movement Home to Roost


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1."From 1929 until 1974, an estimated 7,600 North Carolinians, women and men, many of whom were poor, undereducated, institutionalized, sick or disabled, were sterilized by choice, force or coercion under the authorization of the North Carolina Eugenics Board program.

2. Gov. Bev Perdue established the N.C. Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation. In the 2009-2010 legislative session, the North Carolina General Assembly provided funding for the Foundation to begin planning to carry out its mission to provide justice and compensate victims who were forcibly sterilized..."
NCDOA > NC Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation

3. "How do you repay people for taking away their ability to have children?
The N.C. Eugenics Compensation Task Force is the first in the nation to tackle that question. Today, it is set to recommend how much to pay victims of forced sterilization, along with whether the victims' descendants are eligible for the money.

4. Many states ended their eugenics programs because of associations with Nazi Germany's program aimed at racial purity, but North Carolina ramped up sterilizations after World War II. The state's sterilizations peaked in the 1950s, with about 70 percent of all sterilizations performed after the war, according to state records. The program didn't officially end until 1977."
Board to recommend compensation for eugenics victims |

5. The most whitewashed of liberal iniquities is eugenics. The primary blurring is in ignoring the meaning of the term ‘eugenics:’ the use of state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community. "... the great supporters of COMPULSORY eugenics worldwide in Hitler's day were overwhelmingly of the Left. Left-influenced historians commonly blur the distinction between a belief in eugenic or dysgenic processes and actually advocating a State-enforced eugenics program but we can find the facts if we look carefully. And it was American Leftists upon whom Hitler principally drew for his "inspiration" in the eugenics field.

6. The second stage in the development of the eugenics movement extended from 1905 to 1930, when eugenics entered its period of greatest influence. More and more progressive reformers became convinced that a good proportion of the social ills in the United States lay in hereditary factors....

7. Like other progressives, [David Starr] Jordan subscribed to the Populist-Progressive criticism of laissez-faire capitalism. Jordan had faith in progress and in a new generation. Yet, this optimistic environmentalism of Jordan's contradicted his Darwinian-hereditarian outlook of the world. Ironically, a similar ambivalence - - a "love-hate" attitude toward environmentalism - - ran through most progressive ideology.

8. The few real critics of eugenics in the early 20th century were mainly conservatives and Christians like G.K. Chesterton who saw eugenic planning as just another arm of the wider campaign to impose a "scientific" socialist planning. In fact Chesterton subtitled his anti-eugenics tract "Eugenics and Other Evils" as: "An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State".

9. "Most victims were poor, black women deemed unfit to be parents. People as young as 10 were sterilized for reasons as minor as not getting along with schoolmates or being promiscuous. Although officials obtained consent from patients or their guardians, many did not comprehend what they were signing.

There are more than 60,000 victims of forced sterilization in the U.S., and though several states have apologized for such programs, North Carolina would be the first to compensate victims."
North Carolina Eugenics Compensation Task Force Recommends Payment for Sterilized |
Modern eugenics is different than Nazi eugenics...

Eugenics Still Practiced Today Through Genetic Screenings and IVF
September 1, 2016 – Although many people think of eugenics as a bygone ideology once embraced by the likes of Adolph Hitler, the Rockefeller Foundation and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, efforts to perfect the human race are still practiced today through modern technology that allows for pre-natal screenings and genetic testing, according to Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council.
Efforts to perfect the human race are still practiced today through modern technology that allows for pre-natal screenings and genetic testing, according to Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. “The question to keep in mind is ... to what end are we doing this screening?” Grossu asked during a lecture at the pro-family, pro-life organization’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. "Is it to heal or is it to kill and destroy?” Grossu said.

FRC referred to this pursuit of “biological perfection” as “transhumanism” that dates back to the 1920s in the United States when it became mainstream to support efforts to rid the population of those who were “unfit” of “feeble-minded" through sterilization. "Modern eugenics has a similar underlying philosophy as its predecessor, manifesting itself differently through prenatal and genetic screening with the aim to abort a child with adverse conditions, sex-selective abortions, in-vitro selection, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), aborting extra embryos via ‘selective reduction,’ three-parent embryo technologies, genetic engineering, and gene editing,” the announcement of the lecture stated. “Transhumanism claims to have as its goal the transformation of the human condition, but at what cost given its commonalities with eugenics?” it stated.

Grossu said that in 2007 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended that all pregnant women should receive fetal chromosomal screening in the first trimester. The number of diseases that can be screened for has gone from about 100 in 1993 to 4,500 today, Grossu said. And when screenings result in a diagnosis of a disease or disability, the end result is often abortion, Grossu said. “So science and technology are good, except when they kill human beings or compromise human dignity,” she said.

Grossu cited in vitro fertilization (IVF), where embryos are selected based on their “grade” by technicians. She cited Reproductive Partners in California, which states on its website its efforts to that end: “Our goal is for you to deliver a single healthy baby. Multiple pregnancies, e.g. twins, triplets or more are associated with an increased risk of prematurity when compared to singleton pregnancies.” “In some cases we can reduce the total number of embryos we transfer by allowing the embryos to develop longer in the lab prior to transfer. Blastocyst transfer also allows the option of Elective Single Embryo Transfer.” “Many couples are using Preimplantation Genetic Screening for chromosome to insure that the embryos being transferred are chromosomally normal.” “Do we kill a class of children because of their special needs?” Grossu said. The answer, she said, is, unfortunately “yes.”

Pro-Life Advocate: Eugenics Still Practiced Today Through Genetic Screenings and IVF

See also:

Human Bones Found Near Former Nazi Research Site in Berlin
Friday 2nd September, 2016 - Archaeologists in Berlin have unearthed a large number of human bones from a site close to where Nazi scientists carried out research on body parts of death camp victims sent to them by sadistic SS doctor Josef Mengele, officials said Thursday.
Experts have been examining the site in Berlin's upscale Dahlem neighborhood since a small number of bones were found there in 2014 during road work on a property belonging to Berlin's Free University. In the dig they uncovered "numerous fractured skulls, teeth, vertebrae" and other bones, including those of children, Susan Pollock, a professor of archaeology at the university who was one of the leaders of the team, said in a statement. The bones found in 2014 were never identified, and the new discovery provides researchers "a new possibility to illuminate the unusual find and the circumstances under which they were buried," said Joerg Haspel, the leader of Berlin's office that oversees memorial sites.

Several of the vertebrae found had traces of glue on them, indicating they may have been parts of skeletons on display. The site is about 100 meters (yards) away from what was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Human Heredity and Eugenics in the Nazi era. The world-famous Kaiser Wilhelm Society predated the Nazi era and once counted famous scientists like Albert Einstein among its directors. During the Nazi dictatorship, however, the Dahlem institute was closely associated with pseudoscientific race research, and notorious Auschwitz physician Mengele as well as others are known to have sent many body parts there for study. It was also known to have a collection of bones from Germany's colonial era, among others.


Experts now plan to use osteological identification methods to try to learn more about the newly discovered bones, and should at least be able to determine the general age of the person, their sex and how many different people's bones were found, Pollock said. Results are expected at the earliest at the end of the year. A working group of the university, the city, and the Max Planck Society, which the Kaiser Wilhelm Society was renamed after the war, has been keeping in close contact with Germany's Central Council of Jews and Central Council of Sinti and Roma on the archaeological work.

Earlier this year, the Max Planck Society ordered a complete review of its specimens collection after discovering human brain sections in its archive that were from victims of Nazi Germany's so-called euthanasia program in which psychiatric patients and people with mental deficiencies were killed. "The Max Planck Society has accepted a difficult legacy of its predecessor organization, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society," said society president Martin Stratmann of his organization's participation in the ongoing archaeological investigation. "We are well aware of the special responsibility that it entails."

Human Bones Found Near Former Nazi Research Site in Berlin
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There is no question that the Eugenics movement evolved into "Planned Parenthood". Dr. Gosnell's house of horrors in Philadelphia was a Planned Parenthood sponsored slaughter bin. Pizza places were subject to health inspections in Pa but abortion clinics were so politically sensitive that they were not subject to inspection. Dr. Gosnell invented a better way to eliminate the victims of late term abortions. Instead of the complications of reversing the baby in the birth canal to cause a breach birth, "normal" delivery was induced and their tiny spinal cords of infants who could live on their own cut with wire cutters and their little sometimes living paralized bodies thrown out with the trash. PETA people would be be outraged if animals were treated this way but unrelenting propaganda by the liberal media has caused the liberal left to downgrade human response to the murder of humans. Something like the Holocaust.Dr. Gosnell was finally arrested after a woman died during one of his horrific procedures.
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