EU condemns Belarus 'pressuring' Lithuania with migrants -Michel


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It appears that the all loving, unflappable welcoming of illegal immigrants (notice they use the word "irregular", lol, tell that to your citizens) is suddenly not so welcome. Belarus and the E.U are in a tiff and Belarus is telling them "have as many irregular Iraqi citizens to your hearts content".

Maybe, like Germany and France, they are realizing the culture shock and lack of choice for those who enter illegally, often bringing little skillset that a nation needs? Many of the same countries who chastised Trump for protecting his border are now also expressing the same resistance, or, they realize they don't want the same issues that the U.S is facing. Issues that could cost those who spent a lifetime investing in their system.

All competitive nations want legal immigration in which a nation picks and choose who enters, those with ambition and talent are particularly valuable. Now the E.U, seeing what Merkel and Macron did to their nations is having a shift in their policy. Go figure.

VILNIUS, July 5 (Reuters) - The European Union "speaks with one voice" in condemning a decision by Belarus to allow illegal migrants to cross into Lithuania in response to EU sanctions, European Council President Charles Michel said on Monday.

The Lithuanian government declared a countrywide emergency on Friday as the flow of mainly Iraqi migrants arriving from Belarus reached around 150 per day, more than had entered annually in any of the preceding three years.

"My European Council colleagues are very clear that ... the Belarus authorities are using irregular migration to try and put pressure on the European Union, including Lithuania," Michel told a joint news conference in Vilnius with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda.

"The European Union is loudly, and in one voice, condemning the pressure (exerted) by using the migrants. I want to express European Union solidarity," he added. "It is my personal wish to assure Lithuania of the member states' solidarity."
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Eventually Europe and America will never look like Europe in America again. Only a few cultures will take over all the other cultures and the only thing we'll have left is a few cultures to choose from. We will no longer be able to go to France and listen to French people talk about the French food. We will no longer be able to go to Lithuania and hear about Lithuanian traditions or here lithuanians speak their language. It will all disappear eventually to a few non-white ruling class societies.
Every nation needs an identity. Their localculture, what they represent, their history.

Look at how high the tourism revenue to China has increased. It's astounding. People know what they will get when they visit, to them it's a foreign culture, an ancient culture. A Communist country is bringing in foreign dollars based on curiousity.

America was once known for it's California girls, Broadway in New York, Vegas gamblers, Texas cowboys, Hawaiian beaches. I can think of songs that reference these differences, and I'm sure there are some on Hawaii too, All of these differences in region were cool and unique. Canada has our own differences as well, and it's a magnet for tourism if it is maintained and still holds appeal to others.

If you lose this identity to Cancel Culture and people who don't want anything unique in their country, and those who welcome the poor in mass numbers just to hold onto power without any concern for the impact on their local taxpayers and economy, well, don't expect tourists to flock to places to see the poor defecate in the streets.
No, Lithuania is not trying to isolate itself from Belarus, but from the things that its NATO allies have done in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

Because the refugees are fleeing from those countries, where democracy and prosperity has already been established, and not from Belarus, where it did not work out.
It turns out that equating the SS with the Nazis is Soviet propaganda!
This was stated by the MEP from Latvia, speaking about the Latvian Hitler's legionnaires.

It is important to understand that such people are sitting in the European Parliament.
Many things immediately become clear....

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