EU Abandoning Renewables as Ineffective and Unreliable...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
EU Abandoning Renewables as ineffective and unreliable...

You can not make this stuff up..

After spending over 1.2 trillion dollars and gaining nothing due to inefficiencies and unreliable renewable energy schemes, the EU is now building a massive gas pipeline to run power plants and for heating of homes. Control by Russia of their gas and power has the EU running scared. The harsh winter has shown that renewables can not support base load demands in winter. The EU is running away from both the Russian natural gas and the unreliable and inefficient wind and solar.

The cost of internal infrastructure to use renewables has become so costly that they are abandoning the scheme.

The EU wants to fight climate change – so why is it spending billions on a gas pipeline?
The EU isn't abandoning renewables. It says that in the very first sentence of your article.

Over the past few years there has been exponential growth in clean energy investment – while fossil fuel assets are increasingly considered to be risky. ...

A key problem is the message this sends to the private sector, where renewable energy is increasingly seen as a good investment. Technologies once perceived as too risky and too expensive are now delivering worthwhile returns thanks to reduced costs and breakthroughs in energy storage. The price of electricity generated by solar, wind or hydro is now comparable with the national grid.​

It's hard to take the OP seriously.
The EU isn't abandoning renewables. It says that in the very first sentence of your article.

Over the past few years there has been exponential growth in clean energy investment – while fossil fuel assets are increasingly considered to be risky. ...

A key problem is the message this sends to the private sector, where renewable energy is increasingly seen as a good investment. Technologies once perceived as too risky and too expensive are now delivering worthwhile returns thanks to reduced costs and breakthroughs in energy storage. The price of electricity generated by solar, wind or hydro is now comparable with the national grid.​

It's hard to take the OP seriously.
Its kind of hard to take alarmists seriously...

It also says that they are unable to expend the monies necessary to build the infrastructure necessary for a renewable scheme to work. If you can not build the necessary infrastructure to make it work your throwing your money away..

Some times you must dig through the alarmist clap trap to find out what is really being said..

Thanks for proving that you are a partisan who only see's what you want to see.. You ignore the facts presented.. That is why it is hard to take alarmists seriously...
Also a pipeline from Med Sea headed to Italy....
I was reading a couple of articles in the EU news and found that the greens are upset about this. the monies spent on the pipe are a minute portion of the massive spending they have done on renewables and they feel this pipeline is cutting the green energy throat. They are livid..

Defenders of the pipeline are citing massive cost of Russian gas (the fact they will use it as a weapon) and the unreliable nature of renewables.. Its hitting home with the populace who has spent many nights very cold due to outages..
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this sums up part of the argument very well....

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #288



Wind power is intermittent and non-dispatchable and therefore should be valued much lower than the reliable, dispatchable power typically available from conventional electric power sources such as fossil fuels, hydro and nuclear.

In practice, one should assume the need for almost 100% conventional backup for wind power (in the absence of a hypothetical grid-scale “super-battery”, which does not exist in practical reality). When wind dies, typically on very hot or very cold days, the amount of wind power generated approaches zero.

Capacity Factor equals {total actual power output)/(total rated capacity assuming 100% utilization). The Capacity Factor of wind power in Germany equals about 28%*. However, Capacity Factor is not a true measure of actual usefulness of grid-connected wind power. The following paragraph explains why:

Current government regulations typically force wind power into the grid ahead of conventional power, and pay the wind power producer equal of greater sums for wind power versus conventional power, which artificially makes wind power appear more economic. This practice typically requires spinning backup of conventional power to be instantly available, since wind power fluctuates wildly, reportedly at the cube of the wind speed. The cost of this spinning backup is typically not deducted from the price paid to the wind power producer.

The true factor that reflects the intermittency of wind power Is the Substitution Capacity*, which is about 5% in Germany – a large grid with a large wind power component. Substitution Capacity is the amount of dispatchable (conventional) power you can permanently retire when you add more wind power to the grid. In Germany they have to add ~20 units of wind power to replace 1 unit of dispatchable power. This is extremely uneconomic.

I SUGGEST THAT THE SUBSTITUTION CAPACITY OF ~5% IS A REASONABLE FIRST APPROXIMATION FOR WHAT WIND POWER IS REALLY WORTH – that is 1/20th of the value of reliable, dispatchable power from conventional sources. Anything above that 5% requires spinning conventional backup, which makes the remaining wind power redundant and essentially worthless.
* Reference:
“E.On Netz excellent Wind Report 2005” at

"Anything above that 5% requires spinning conventional backup, which makes the remaining wind power redundant and essentially worthless."

Anything above about 5% will destabilize the grid and cause collapse (generation/load changes and speed at which they change). A problem our southern Australia folks learned the hard way last year. All of the massive number of turbines didn't help them.
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Its kind of hard to take alarmists seriously...

It also says that they are unable to expend the monies necessary to build the infrastructure necessary for a renewable scheme to work. If you can not build the necessary infrastructure to make it work your throwing your money away..

Some times you must dig through the alarmist clap trap to find out what is really being said..

Thanks for proving that you are a partisan who only see's what you want to see.. You ignore the facts presented.. That is why it is hard to take alarmists seriously...

I work for an investment organization that is investing a lot of money into renewables - even though we've invested a lot more in oil - not because of some namby-pamby feel-good liberal political agenda. We are investing in it because renewables are becoming economically competitive with fossil fuels and we can generate a decent return. That the entire infrastructure has not yet been built out for renewables does not change this fact.

You even ignored your own article, instead selectively reading what you want to read to confirm your massive and ignorant cognitive biases. You are a clueless political hack and can't be taken seriously.
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Here is an analysis from Lazard, a Wall Street bank. This was released a few months ago.

Here is an analysis from Lazard, a Wall Street bank. This was released a few months ago.

View attachment 176090

lol.......interested parties need to read the preface just above the tables!!:hhello:


Lets see... We won't attach, distribution costs, back up generation costs and intermittentcy problems.... All the problems that are major issues....Nice!

:desk::highfive::lmao:Anyone stupid enough to buy into that is in for a surprise.. Speaking of Clueless partisan hacks... Toro sure took that one full stupid...
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A major portion of Austria gets 100% of their power from renewables.

And Tesla is building solar farms with grid scale batteries that supply electricity 24/7. You silly assholes have no idea how many nations are turning to renewables for their future power, the biggest being China.
And in October of last year, Germany generated 44% of it's total energy from renewables. And Germany is investing more into renewables. As are many nations. Trump is by far the stupidest President we have ever had, and is working hard to hand the leadership of the world to China.

We can reach 100% renewables for the whole world by 2050, or even sooner, and have cheaper electricity. No need for nuclear, coal, or gas.

We can reach 100% renewables for the whole world by 2050, or even sooner, and have cheaper electricity. No need for nuclear, coal, or gas.

I still think nuclear power is our future, especially thermonuclear, and in 2050 we will probably have controlled thermonuclear fusion and receive energy.

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