Etch-A-Sketch: it's the new flip-flop


Jun 27, 2009
[ame=]Mitt Romney Adviser: Romney Is Like "Etch A Sketch" - YouTube[/ame]

Not that it was any surprise, of course.
Everything that comes out of Obama mouth is a flip flop. HE tells the people what he thinks we want to hear then he does the complete opposite of what he said
Etch-A-Sketch: it's the new flip-flop

no matter how you shake it up, the Republicans eventually are going to realize what they have is a 1% candidate that has no reason or accomplishment to run for President other than sheer Boredom ...
The best part of this is that its Mitten's "top adviser" who said it.

What we all think of as Mitt's "gaffes" are really just his opinions. He really is as stupid as he sounds and as self-unaware. He knows only one thing - doing the worst to people in order to get their money. That's what a corporate raider is and does. As for his "saving the Olympics", it never happened. He got the biggest bail-out in Olympic history so, in fact, it was the tax payer who "saved the Olympics".

Pity the poor rw's - they're stuck with a very successful populist president who (OMFG!) black -or- an utterly callous nincompoop liberal fool who won't know what he thinks each day until someone tells him.

Etch-A-Sketch: it's the new flip-flop

no matter how you shake it up, the Republicans eventually are going to realize what they have is a 1% candidate that has no reason or accomplishment to run for President other than sheer Boredom ...

I don't see great satisfaction with Obama.
Etch-A-Sketch: it's the new flip-flop

no matter how you shake it up, the Republicans eventually are going to realize what they have is a 1% candidate that has no reason or accomplishment to run for President other than sheer Boredom ...

I don't see great satisfaction with Obama.'d be happier with a person who runs on one thing in the primaries, and then goes with an "etch a sketch shake" to change positions to pander to the votes he'd missed in the primary (and thereby pissing off the people voting for him in the primary).

If Romney keeps this up (and I'm pretty sure he will), Obama is going to win in a landslide come November.
no matter how you shake it up, the Republicans eventually are going to realize what they have is a 1% candidate that has no reason or accomplishment to run for President other than sheer Boredom ...

I don't see great satisfaction with Obama.'d be happier with a person who runs on one thing in the primaries, and then goes with an "etch a sketch shake" to change positions to pander to the votes he'd missed in the primary (and thereby pissing off the people voting for him in the primary).

If Romney keeps this up (and I'm pretty sure he will), Obama is going to win in a landslide come November.

Barring election fraud/fixing or a new Republican candidate entering the race at the convention, thats already a done deal.
Romney is right...He will have to go towards the center if he wants to get the moderates(40 percent) to beat Obama. This is just a fact! Sure you can make a case that your conservative beliefs are the best way forward, but I'm scared the far right isn't going to allow Romney to shift towards the center! To make a case on why they should vote for the republican. We will lose the election and hand another 4 years to someone way worst. I was Newt or Paul, but it's time to get onto the romney train.

Of course hammer Obama on
-Hit him hard on social issues and people like holder, chu, etc.

Why is this a big deal? We all know the canidate will do this from Obama, Romney, Newt, Paul...I'm most scared of Santorum as he likely won't!
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Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....
Romney is right...He will have to go towards the center if he wants to get the moderates(40 percent) to beat Obama. This is just a fact! Sure you can make a case that your conservative beliefs are the best way forward, but I'm scared the far right isn't going to allow Romney to shift towards the center! To make a case on why they should vote for the republican. We will lose the election and hand another 4 years to someone way worst. I was Newt or Paul, but it's time to get onto the romney train.

Of course hammer Obama on
-Hit him hard on social issues and people like holder, chu, etc.

Why is this a big deal? We all know the canidate will do this from Obama, Romney, Newt, Paul...I'm most scared of Santorum as he likely won't!

Is moving to either side of the truth what WE as a nation have become?
Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....

The far right is willing this election to give Obama another 4 years to stop that. Kind of sad:eusa_shifty: You try forcing the voting population to shift Santorum far to the right this fast then they will vote Obama.
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Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....

Yeah.........but how many of them let their top advisors give away the big dirty secret on national television?
Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....

Very few have a campaign advisor stupid enough to actually admit this on national TV.

Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....

Yeah.........but how many of them let their top advisors give away the big dirty secret on national television?

Think that guy is gonna be invited to any future campaign brunches?
Every candidate in every Presidential election follows the same basic strategy: appeal to the base to win the primaries, secure the nomination, then move to the center to win the general. Yawn.....

Yeah.........but how many of them let their top advisors give away the big dirty secret on national television?

Think that guy is gonna be invited to any future campaign brunches?

Probably not, and if that's the case, it would be funny if he got butthurt over this and quit Romney and defects to Santorum or Gingrich.

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