Establishment politicians are going nuts...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
They can't stand the fact that the new freshmen class in congress can't and won't be bought. No more shady deals done under the cover of darkness. The new class are not even concerned with their re-election. They are doing what they were hired to do and I thank them. No more passing around pork for votes!

If we get lucky we can get a majority in 12 and do the following

Repeal Ocare
Repeal Dodd Frank
Get a BBA sent to the states for approval
Institute term and electoral spending limits
Ban lobbyist from the houses of congress

I forgot to mention that the msm is absolutely beside themselves as well. They are completely baffled that someone actually has core values that can't be compromised.

Too funny
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Any one else seen any of the news coverage today? It's comical watching these pundits say "its refreshing" and in the same sentence "its dangerous". They don't know what to think.

On a side note does anyone see the similarity to when O insisted on the bailouts? Of course "that" was smart. Too damn funny...

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