Eric Holder should be proud; We're no longer afraid to talk race


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Eric Holder should be proud. We're no longer too cowardly to talk race. We are talking raw truth.

Now...the convention isnt going how he and the left hoped it would...with whites pleading guilty and bowing down.

But hey...we're having that talk you guys wanted. Game on.
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.
Eric Holder should be proud. We're no longer too cowardly to talk race. We are talking raw truth.

Now...the convention isnt going how he and the left hoped it would...with whites pleading guilty and bowing down.

But hey...we're having that talk you guys wanted. Game on.
Damn you're so lame

Ah. Too cowardly for the race talk?
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.

Pick one of those questions. Whichever one you wish. I will give you a few minutes of my time. I'll explain it to you with some links for you to look over. I will also explain why your question is faulty. When you refuse to learn, I will make fun of you like I always do.

So....go ahead. Choose one.
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.

Pick one of those questions. Whichever one you wish. I will give you a few minutes of my time. I'll explain it to you with some links for you to look over. I will also explain why your question is faulty. When you refuse to learn, I will make fun of you like I always do.

So....go ahead. Choose one.

You choose. Im open ears for some excuses.
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.

Pick one of those questions. Whichever one you wish. I will give you a few minutes of my time. I'll explain it to you with some links for you to look over. I will also explain why your question is faulty. When you refuse to learn, I will make fun of you like I always do.

So....go ahead. Choose one.

You choose. Im open ears for some excuses.

No....please....choose the one you'd like to discuss most. I'm willing to discuss any of them. my guest.
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.

Pick one of those questions. Whichever one you wish. I will give you a few minutes of my time. I'll explain it to you with some links for you to look over. I will also explain why your question is faulty. When you refuse to learn, I will make fun of you like I always do.

So....go ahead. Choose one.

You choose. Im open ears for some excuses.

No....please....choose the one you'd like to discuss most. I'm willing to discuss any of them. my guest.

I did. The last one. Other poor and oppressed races have made it. Why not blacks?
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

The Manipulation Factor An Asian American Take on O Reilly Race and Asian Americans Race Files
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Once you read the links.....please come back and tell the class what you have learned.

Or...if you don't agree with what I've written and linked to...please tell us what you attribute the different experiences of black Americans and other immigrants to. Some detail would be appreciated.
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

We imprisoned Japanese people just for being Japanese.

Mexicans here arent even allowed to DRIVE.

Jews were slaughtered by the millions.

White mill and mine workers were basically slaves. They were "paid" with store credit..given a "house" and all deleted from the pay check...which is more than the the bosses said they had to work off the debt.

Sorry buddy. Blacks shared the same poverty every other race has.
Hispanic immigrants today have far fewer rights than blacks. They cant vote. Or drive. Or get benefits (in theory). They fear deportation any minute.

Yet...their neighborhoods are surpassing blacks. Why? Work ethic. Family structure.
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

We imprisoned Japanese people just for being Japanese.

Mexicans here arent even allowed to DRIVE.

Jews were slaughtered by the millions.

White mill and mine workers were basically slaves. They were "paid" with store credit..given a "house" and all deleted from the pay check...which is more than the the bosses said they had to work off the debt.

Sorry buddy. Blacks shared the same poverty every other race has.

You have failed to do your required learning. You deserve every bit of the mocking you will receive.

You keep asking that question. How about answering it. What is your theory regarding why the black American experience hasn't matched those of Asians or Jews?
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

We imprisoned Japanese people just for being Japanese.

Mexicans here arent even allowed to DRIVE.

Jews were slaughtered by the millions.

White mill and mine workers were basically slaves. They were "paid" with store credit..given a "house" and all deleted from the pay check...which is more than the the bosses said they had to work off the debt.

Sorry buddy. Blacks shared the same poverty every other race has.

You have failed to do your required learning. You deserve every bit of the mocking you will receive.

You keep asking that question. How about answering it. What is your theory regarding why the black American experience hasn't matched those of Asians or Jews?


Black Americans werent gassed by the millions by Nazis in Europe and forced from the continent.

Black Americans werent brutally killed and raped by imperial Japan or oppressed by a brutal communist Chinese government and then sought out a desperate boat trip out of Asian and into America.

Jewish and Asian Americans have gotten far fewer benefits from welfare and affirmative action.

The race card works far less for Asians and Jews.

Asian and Jewish culture doesnt glorify guns and drugs and prison stints. Their cultures emphasize respect...personal responsibility. ..a strong family structure...respect for elders and authority.

All combined....

Is that a good start for how the African American experience differs from Asian and Jewish Americans?
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

We imprisoned Japanese people just for being Japanese.

Mexicans here arent even allowed to DRIVE.

Jews were slaughtered by the millions.

White mill and mine workers were basically slaves. They were "paid" with store credit..given a "house" and all deleted from the pay check...which is more than the the bosses said they had to work off the debt.

Sorry buddy. Blacks shared the same poverty every other race has.

You have failed to do your required learning. You deserve every bit of the mocking you will receive.

You keep asking that question. How about answering it. What is your theory regarding why the black American experience hasn't matched those of Asians or Jews?


Black Americans werent gassed by the millions by Nazis in Europe and forced from the continent.

Black Americans werent brutally killed and raped by imperial Japan or oppressed by a brutal communist Chinese government and then sought out a desperate boat trip out of Asian and into America.

Jewish and Asian Americans have gotten far fewer benefits from welfare and affirmative action.

The race card works far less for Asians and Jews.

Asian and Jewish culture doesnt glorify guns and drugs and prison stints.

Is that a good start for how the African American experience differs from Asian and Jewish Americans?

You are a retard and haven't read a word I've posted nor the links I gave you. I've decided that I will make fun of you now. You blew your chance to have the discussion that you claimed to desire.
Eric Holder should be proud. We're no longer too cowardly to talk race. We are talking raw truth.

Now...the convention isnt going how he and the left hoped it would...with whites pleading guilty and bowing down.

But hey...we're having that talk you guys wanted. Game on.

That was as lame as a limp dick.
Since you're probably "catching" almost all the time, you limpness should not be a problem.

You know you probably wouldn't be derided that much if you just came out of the closet. We all understand. I mean it's even obvioulys a Jewish thing but let that cliche guilt thing go!
Ok the last one. Every race in America has suffered oppression and poverty in the past. Why have so many overcome it...but blacks havent?

Jews. Asians. Irish. Mexicans. All dirt poor and oppressed. All have done better here.

Excellent! You've chosen a wonderful question for discussion.

The black American experience has no comparison when it comes to Jews, Asians, Mexicans and especially Irish immigrants.

None of those groups were brought here and held against their will, completely separated from their roots, bought and sold like property, denied all forms of formal education and ......once released from the bonds of indentured servitude.....given second class status clear up to the mid 1960's.

Then....when legally equal to their former masters.....subjected to bullshit policies like redlining and a fucked up grade school to prison pipeline which served to institutionalize their lower class status in this nations economy.

Dear Fox News Please Stop Using Asian Americans to Attack Black People - The Daily Beast

We imprisoned Japanese people just for being Japanese.

Mexicans here arent even allowed to DRIVE.

Jews were slaughtered by the millions.

White mill and mine workers were basically slaves. They were "paid" with store credit..given a "house" and all deleted from the pay check...which is more than the the bosses said they had to work off the debt.

Sorry buddy. Blacks shared the same poverty every other race has.

You have failed to do your required learning. You deserve every bit of the mocking you will receive.

You keep asking that question. How about answering it. What is your theory regarding why the black American experience hasn't matched those of Asians or Jews?


Black Americans werent gassed by the millions by Nazis in Europe and forced from the continent.

Black Americans werent brutally killed and raped by imperial Japan or oppressed by a brutal communist Chinese government and then sought out a desperate boat trip out of Asian and into America.

Jewish and Asian Americans have gotten far fewer benefits from welfare and affirmative action.

The race card works far less for Asians and Jews.

Asian and Jewish culture doesnt glorify guns and drugs and prison stints.

Is that a good start for how the African American experience differs from Asian and Jewish Americans?

You are a retard and haven't read a word I've posted nor the links I gave you. I've decided that I will make fun of you now. You blew your chance to have the discussion that you claimed to desire.

I read it. My last post outlines the difference.
Why are violent crimes so often committed by blacks?

Why are priorities in the ghetto so fucked up?

Why have tax payers spent $20 TRILLION over the past two decades on welfare and social programs....and hasnt worked.

Why hasnt black leadership in cities like Baltimore worked?

Why have poor and oppressed Jews and Mexicans and Irish immigrants and Asian immigrants come to this country dirt poor and been discriminated against...AND had fewer handouts than blacks...yet as a group they've done better!? wanted to have the talk. Lets go.

Pick one of those questions. Whichever one you wish. I will give you a few minutes of my time. I'll explain it to you with some links for you to look over. I will also explain why your question is faulty. When you refuse to learn, I will make fun of you like I always do.

So....go ahead. Choose one.

You choose. Im open ears for some excuses.

No....please....choose the one you'd like to discuss most. I'm willing to discuss any of them. my guest.
Other poor and oppressed races have made it. Why not blacks?

I don't recall the Jews, Mexicans and Irish being chained and working on plantations for 211 years. (1654 - 1865) Do you really think white people just did an about face after the Civil War and suddenly respected blacks, gave them jobs, and let them move into their neighborhoods? Really?

Chris Rock, the comedian, said that in his neighorhood there are two other blacks besides him, Jay Z and Mary Jo Blige. And he lives next door to a white dentist. Do you think whites of the same celebrity status as these three live next to dentists?

Get real.

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