Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence that Holder was aware of the tactic, in which ATF agents tried to track the flow of illegal guns into Mexico but instead lost track of many of the weapons.

More: Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'

I agree, Mr. Holder. Darrell Issa should be first in line to kiss your ass. Thanks for your honorable service to our country. Have a happy retirement, Sir.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence that Holder was aware of the tactic, in which ATF agents tried to track the flow of illegal guns into Mexico but instead lost track of many of the weapons.

More: Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'

I agree, Mr. Holder. Darrell Issa should be first in line to kiss your ass. Thanks for your honorable service to our country. Have a happy retirement, Sir.

There may be fellow prisoners lining up for that job in the future.

I hope and pray Trey Gowdy is the next AG.

Half this administration belongs in GITMO, but, I expect Obama clears GITMO and brings them here.

That is where these traitors belong, in a Federal Supermax with their brothers from GITMO.
Watergate was a 2nd rate burglary by "black bag operatives" that worked for both republican and democrat presidents up to that time. Liberals pretended to be outraged by Nixon's abuse of power and since there was no fair and balanced media at the time, Watergate became an impeachable offense. "Fast and Furious" is similar to the abuse of power inherent in Watergate but nobody died during the alleged Nixon abuse of power. Americans died and Obama lied during the federal funded operation apparently authorized by the A.G. as well as the president. The gun running operation allegedly caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens by guns furnished by American federal law-enforcement to criminal Mexican cartels. At least one American Border Patrol officer and probably two or more Americans were killed by the weapons supplied to Mexican drug cartels and the president personally withheld documents relevant to the congressional investigation citing "executive privilege" and the mainstream media didn't give a damn. It's pretty clear that former A.G. Holder authorized the operation but the democrat administration refuses to come clean about it.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence that Holder was aware of the tactic, in which ATF agents tried to track the flow of illegal guns into Mexico but instead lost track of many of the weapons.

More: Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'

I agree, Mr. Holder. Darrell Issa should be first in line to kiss your ass. Thanks for your honorable service to our country. Have a happy retirement, Sir.

Thanks for your honorable service to our country.
So you're thanking Eric Holder, a corrupt piece-of-shit for his so-called "honorable service". :cuckoo:

Too funny! :lmao:
Thanks for all the billionaire RW bs, hater dupe. FACT- No evidence anyone in EITHER Bush nor Obama administration knew about ATF gunwalking, and the ATF chief said the same. You are a brainwashed functional MORON.
Eric Holder may not have been the greatest U.S. Attorney General, but I believe he served honorably. I wish he had shown more courage by going after the too-big-to-fail Wall Street crooks.
So the nations top cop thinking he is above the law is somehow a good thing.

Aside from NaziCon accusations - what has he ever been convicted of?
I didn't say he had been convicted of anything I said he thinks he's above the law. Do you work at looking this stupid shitting bull or does it come natural to you?

How and why do you believe he thinks he's above the law? He IS the law - and he's been thoroughly investigated and nothing was found where HE broke the law.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence that Holder was aware of the tactic, in which ATF agents tried to track the flow of illegal guns into Mexico but instead lost track of many of the weapons.

More: Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'

I agree, Mr. Holder. Darrell Issa should be first in line to kiss your ass. Thanks for your honorable service to our country. Have a happy retirement, Sir.
As a Native American don't you feel ashamed to kiss a ******* ass, Tonto?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence that Holder was aware of the tactic, in which ATF agents tried to track the flow of illegal guns into Mexico but instead lost track of many of the weapons.

More: Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics: 'Kiss My Ass'

I agree, Mr. Holder. Darrell Issa should be first in line to kiss your ass. Thanks for your honorable service to our country. Have a happy retirement, Sir.
As a Native American don't you feel ashamed to kiss a ******* ass, Tonto?

We minorities have to stick together against white racists.

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