Erdogan to visit Gaza?


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
McCain, Lieberman and Graham visited Erdogan in Ankara last week.
On 21st July, Erdogan will visit Cairo to establish the Egyptian-Turkish Strategic Council.
According to the article, there is the possibility, that Erdogan might cross Rafah gate and meet with Gaza Authority:
US Senators deliver message to PM Erdoan: ‘Turkey can convince Hamas' - Hurriyet Daily News

Egypt State Information Service -

Cairo is looking forward to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Egypt on July 20 to discuss the future of bilateral ties.
Within the same context, a higher Egyptian-Turkish strategic council will be launched during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 21,(...)

Mr. Erdogan will be accompanied by the Turkish Government Cabinet and as part of the inaugration of the Strategic Council both countries will have their 1st intra-governmental meeting to deepen cooperation.
It will be Erdogan's 1st foreign visit after Turkish elections.
Erdoğan Mısır'a Gidecek

In the election we already flew in people from Egypt's 6 April Youth Movement and other revolutionary groups, who were hosted by Turkish President to "monitor" the elections and see how that works.
April 6 Youth Movement |April 6 Envoy to Turkey Encourages Turkish President to Increase Economic Cooperation with Egypt and Presents Him with an Honorary Shield to Commemorate Turkey
We had elections and domestic debate was occupied mostly with Turkey itself the last months.
Our Israeli "Friends" didn't hear much from us in that period.

First foreign Statesmen to visit Ankara after elections were Hamas leader Halid Meschal and Mahmoud Abbas.

Hamas chief Meshaal in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

You're back...where have you been? Ive missed you talking to yourself.
And here ropey and i thought you got jumped by some girls brother for making a pass at her.....

That or you have recovered your injuries now and can finally post........
A leading Egyptian journalist, Ibrahim Al Darrawy, has told (...)

"Erdogan will visit Cairo to support Egypt's foreign policy as well as promote economic, political and diplomatic cooperation with Egypt, especially with regard to opening the Rafah border crossing; supporting the Palestinian reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah;
and strengthening the Egyptian authorities in dealing with Israel."

Egyptian journalist: Erdogan to visit Egypt to "support the revolution"
I hope that he does visit Gaza.

Lifting Gaza blockade has become official State policy.
In Parliament was read Government program of 61st Government just some days ago.
Look what they read in that document:

First, Israel’s apology for the attack on Mavi Marmara, second, compensation payment for the families of the martyrs and the third is lifting of the embargo imposed upon Gaza.
The Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, government, while maintaining its support of the Gaza people, now is upgrading this issue as an element of bilateral relations.

Is the third clause necessary? - Hurriyet Daily News
I hope that he does visit Gaza.

Lifting Gaza blockade has become official State policy.
In Parliament was read Government program of 61st Government just some days ago.
Look what they read in that document:

First, Israel’s apology for the attack on Mavi Marmara, second, compensation payment for the families of the martyrs and the third is lifting of the embargo imposed upon Gaza.
The Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, government, while maintaining its support of the Gaza people, now is upgrading this issue as an element of bilateral relations.

Is the third clause necessary? - Hurriyet Daily News

Yeah... I'm sure they'll get right on that:lol:
Yeah... I'm sure they'll get right on that:lol:

Both the Israeli Army and the Defense Ministry have assumed a clear stance which considers offering an apology to Ankara for a bloody raid on a Turkish ship bound for Gaza last year, Israel’s Channel 2 television has reported.

The Israeli Army and the Defense Ministry “assumed a clear and sharp manner in favor of apologizing to Turkey,” the Anatolia news agency cited Channel 2’s prime time news bulletin as saying.
The military officials recalled that a report -- that was prepared by a UN panel inquiry into the deadly Israeli raid on an aid flotilla in May 2010 that killed nine civilians in international waters and expected to be announced in late July -- blames Israel for using force prematurely and causing “unacceptable” deaths, while underlining that Israel has not been able to make any “explanation” to justify the killings. The stances of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon against offering an apology are, thus, inappropriate, according to the same officials who said that the interests of the Israeli Army and the security institutions require offering an apology.

Israeli Army, Defense Ministry in favor of apology to Turkey

2 days ago.
So, when will the Israelian Army putsch Liebermann out of office?
UN Report will be published on 27th July. Tick-tack.
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Peres to Haaretz: Israel must urgently end the diplomatic crisis with Turkey

Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Why the urge all of a sudden?
For 14 months we read, that these are Islamists and need to be kicked out of NATO.
From all the audio-visual faking immediately after it even not to speak of.

Economic growth is an important factor in determining influence abroad. Turkey’s economic growth and increasing exports, especially out of central and eastern Anatolia, where the rapidly growing city of Gaziantep is a hub in the center of the new Levant, have influenced and shaped its foreign policy.

In central and eastern Turkey over 20 cities now generate over $1 billion of trade each, and emerging small- and medium-sized businesses in formerly neglected parts of the country are aggressively developing new markets abroad. Their products, many of which are in construction and semi-advanced industries, such as textiles, are hugely successful in the greater Middle East. Turkish companies are managing a substantial part of the reconstruction work in northern Iraq. Syria is another major frontier of Turkish trade expansion, as the 2004 Free Trade Agreement preceded a quadrupling of Turkish exports since then. Turkey has also quadrupled trade with sub-Saharan Africa in the past three years.
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Yeah... I'm sure they'll get right on that:lol:

Both the Israeli Army and the Defense Ministry have assumed a clear stance which considers offering an apology to Ankara for a bloody raid on a Turkish ship bound for Gaza last year, Israel’s Channel 2 television has reported.

The Israeli Army and the Defense Ministry “assumed a clear and sharp manner in favor of apologizing to Turkey,” the Anatolia news agency cited Channel 2’s prime time news bulletin as saying.
The military officials recalled that a report -- that was prepared by a UN panel inquiry into the deadly Israeli raid on an aid flotilla in May 2010 that killed nine civilians in international waters and expected to be announced in late July -- blames Israel for using force prematurely and causing “unacceptable” deaths, while underlining that Israel has not been able to make any “explanation” to justify the killings. The stances of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon against offering an apology are, thus, inappropriate, according to the same officials who said that the interests of the Israeli Army and the security institutions require offering an apology.

Israeli Army, Defense Ministry in favor of apology to Turkey

2 days ago.
So, when will the Israelian Army putsch Liebermann out of office?
UN Report will be published on 27th July. Tick-tack.

Yeah ..ok..Hold your breath on that one, it's not up to the army or the defense ministry.
Lifting Gaza blockade has become official State policy.
Opening little Gaza in Turkey and populating it with gazastanians should become the next official one, of course.
In Parliament was read Government program of 61st Government just some days ago.Look what they read in that document: First, Israel’s apology for the attack on Mavi Marmara, second, compensation payment for the families of the martyrs and the third is lifting of the embargo imposed upon Gaza. (...)The Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, government, while maintaining its support of the Gaza people, now is upgrading this issue as an element of bilateral relations.
Since they exhibit much pain about Gaza there's no doubt medical marijuana was involved.
Opening little Gaza in Turkey and populating it with gazastanians should become the next official one, of course.

Get used to it, in December 2011 the USA has redeployed.
Even the French get it and French Senate has published Statement for Presidential Candidates not to make the same as Sarkozy did and keep Turkey-EU out of French Presidential elections, not to regret the outcomes later.
So, tiny Israel isn't going to regret and apologize?

We believe it would not be in the interest of France to leave the relationship and connection to Turkey continue to deteriorate. This country, who found a geopolitical centrality since the end of the Cold War, impresses with its dynamism, economic growth and its growing cultural influence. We found that the words spoken in each of our countries often face far greater resonance than was expected and that the injuries caused by certain statements are slow to heal. It is clear from our interviews that a new verbal escalation would likely be fatal to our relationship and we hope that the campaign for the upcoming legislative and presidential elections will not be the scene of statements that we might regret later.

It's this:
(...) it is hard to ostracize a country that has the largest army in Europe as well as an economy that grew at 8.9 percent last year and that occupies some of the most strategic real estate in the world.

And this (Victory Speech by Erdogan after elections):

He started his speech by hailing "all the friendly and brotherly nations from Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, Cairo and Sarajevo to Baku and Nicosia.

"Beirut has won as much as Izmir. The West Bank, Gaza, Ramallah and Jerusalem have won as much as Diyarbakir. The Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans have won, just as Turkey has won," declared Erdogan.
Al-Ahram Weekly | Region | Learning to walk again
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In July 2010, Iraqi foreign minister Hoyshar Zebari identified Iran and Turkey as the biggest players and rivals inside Iraq.5


Iraqi nationalists note that through the combination of its opening with the KRG, its ties with ethnic Turkoman in the northern cities of Kirkuk and Tal Afar, and its
role in stitching together the Arab nationalist bloc of Al-Hadba in Ninewa province, Turkey now has close ties, and in some cases client relationships, with the major political actors in the Iraqi provinces that make up the historical Ottoman vilayet (state) of Mosul.

Senior Sunni and Shia politicians have privately raised the question of whether Ankara is seeking to control northern Iraq’s economy and politics, in effect drawing the former Mosul vilayet into an explicitly Turkish orbit. For example, when asked about the 50/50 split of the March 2010 election results in the disputed province of Kirkuk between Iraqiyya and the Kurdistan Alliance, a senior adviser to Prime Minister Maliki caustically remarked that “some external party” had arranged this neat division.38 Likewise, one of Iraq’s most senior Sunni politicians said that Turkey’s ever-increasing activity in northern Iraq is a source of concern to Iraqi nationalists in light of the ideological underpinnings of neo-Ottomanism.

To complete the circle, though enjoying the benefits of transformed relations with Ankara, some Kurdish politicians worry that Ankara seeks to use economic dependence to turn the Kurdistan region into a Turkish vassal.


Consequentially, Turkish state-owned and private energy companies have directly invested in six gas and oil fields in southern and central Iraq and are major players in oil exploration efforts in Iraq’s Kurdistan region.

From the recently published document "The Coming Turkish-Iranian Competition in Iraq.".
What the Authors fail to explain is, why there should be any competition given that Turkey only has economic interests in S.Iraq but not really a use for Shiite Iraqis living in the South and we seem to have the North (Sunnis) regions already under grip.
Opening little Gaza in Turkey and populating it with gazastanians should become the next official one, of course.
Get used to it, in December 2011 the USA has redeployed. Even the French get it and French Senate has published Statement for Presidential Candidates not to make the same as Sarkozy did and keep Turkey-EU out of French Presidential elections, not to regret the outcomes later. So, tiny Israel isn't going to regret and apologize?
An ottoman reich drivel.
Turkish PM wishes to visit Gaza
ANKARA (AFP) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday he wants to visit the Hamas-run Gaza Strip and officials were looking into possibilities to arrange the visit.
"If the conditions allow, I'm thinking of visiting Gaza," Erdogan told reporters. "The foreign ministry will be working on it. I wish to make such a visit, depending on the outcome."

Turkish PM wishes to visit Gaza - Yahoo! News
Turkish PM wishes to visit Gaza. ANKARA (AFP) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday he wants to visit the Hamas-run Gaza Strip and officials were looking into possibilities to arrange the visit.
We wish him a great therapeutic experience, of course.

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