'Erdogan-led Turkey can't broker talks'


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan "has lost all credibility as an honest broker in peace discussions," a senior Israeli diplomatic official told The Jerusalem Post Saturday night, citing Erdogan's recent anti-Israel rhetoric.

"As long as he is the prime minister of the country, Turkey has no place in peace negotiations or discussions," the official added. "It is not a trustworthy diplomatic partner anymore."

Until recently, Turkey had played a key role in quiet discussions between Israel, Syria, and other regional players.

The loss of the Turkish diplomatic channel was a serious blow to these discussions, said Foreign Ministry officials.

"The only parties that could reasonably play that mediating role now are the Americans under Obama, or, in theory, a European party," the diplomatic official surmised.

At the Davos World Economic Forum on Thursday night, Erdogan launched a blistering attack on Operation Cast Lead, Israel's offensive against Hamas infrastructure in Gaza.

This was followed by an impassioned defense of Israel's actions by President Shimon Peres, Erdogan's fellow panel member at the prestigious conference.

When Erdogan tried to respond, he was cut off by the moderator, and quickly stormed off the stage, accusing Peres of lying.

"It's not that he criticized Israel," said the Israeli official. "Other countries, such as the French, criticize Israel whenever they see fit. But Erdogan launched accusation after accusation and did everything possible to be disrespectful, including telling outright lies. He went as far as to publicly shame the president of the state of Israel," the official said.

The Davos incident was the culmination of a month of angry tirades against Israel by the Turkish prime minister. Throughout the Gaza fighting, Erdogan blamed Israel alone for the escalation and called for it to be barred from the UN.

He accused Israel of "inhuman actions which would bring it to self-destruction. Allah will sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents," he said.

In a January 13 speech to Turkey's parliament, he accused "media outlets supported by Jews" of "disseminating false reports on what happens in Gaza, finding unfounded excuses to justify targeting of schools, mosques, and hospitals."

'Erdogan-led Turkey can't broker talks' | Middle East | Jerusalem Post
Turkey is one of the few friends Israel has in the Muslim world! Israel should try to make up with the Turks ASAP!

I would say that Syria is more of a non-peace partner than Turkey is of a peace mediator!
Turkey is one of the few friends Israel has in the Muslim world! Israel should try to make up with the Turks ASAP!

I would say that Syria is more of a non-peace partner than Turkey is of a peace mediator!

Erdogan has made it clear that while he's in office Turkey is not going to be a friend to Israel. We'll have to wait and see if the Turkish military, which operates with more independence from civilian control than we are accustomed to, will continue to cooperate with Israel or not.

I never thought much of peace talks with a country that will not sit at the table with Israel. If Syria is interested in peace, they can negotiate directly with Israel.
Turkey is out, so who is in?

Xenophon, Turkey is not out. USA sent representatives to Syria after George Mitchell was introduced into the matter of Israel-Syria in Ankara. Hillary Clinton in Ankara announcing USA talking and wanting to improve ties with Syria. This is no coincidence that this announcement has happened in Ankara, it shows USA has moved to the position of Turkey. The Bush administration was whining Turkey not joining the pressure campaign against Syria resulting in pressure campaigns completely failing:
USA has cautioned, even warned Ankara many times, not to have close relations with Damascus, but Turkey has ignored such threats. Several bilateral high level visits have taken place, the last one was in December by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Bush has only produced a situation to isolate Syria and move it closer to Iran, former UN representative of USA John Bolton declareing Syria on the Axis-Of-Evil
John R. Bolton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Bush withdrawing US ambassador to Syria in 2005.
Whilst Turkey was working constantly for Syria to stay unisolated. It was Turkish mediation which let Syria withdraw from Lebanon.

US now wanting to better position with Syria goes congruent to Turkish policy, not independent from it. This position of Bush was the main obstacle for any real chance of peace between Syria and Israel, because Bush policy resulted in Israel behaveing like haveing no fear of consequences.
THIS is now clearly over. The Bush factor is now gone for Turkish shapeing of Israel-Syria matters. We will shape it now efficient.
I predict here, that in the near future there will be peace between Syria and Israel. Geo-political reality arises such need.
And Turkey is not out of this, but Turkey will be central to that peace declaration. That senior diplomat in the introduceing Article lives still in the Bush world, he should wake up.

Syria announced that it wants again Turkish mediation:
Syria wants Turkish mediation to continue
It had withdrawn from peace talks after Gaza-Operation by Israel. Now it wants again peace talks, because Syria knows too, parameters for Israel have changed significant.

Israel has no other choice to subdue to this shaping on them. We constantly overestimate Israel over its true capabilities and standing, there is a difference between Israelian entitlement and actual reality.
Bush factor was crucial for actual reality moveing to Israelian entitlement then the other way round. That is over.
Read, what Stratfor says about this issue in a Free-Article:

Instead of rushing to cater to Syrian demands over Lebanon, the United States is probably more interested in using the Syrian talks (largely a Turkish-backed initiative) to send a positive signal to Turkey — a resurgent regional power with the ability to influence matters in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans. Turkey is beginning to throw its weight in the region around again, and will have a major say in how the United States interacts with states that Ankara perceives are in the Turkish sphere of influence (Syria and Iraq, for example). The United States will need Turkish cooperation in the months and years ahead, particularly as it reduces its military presence in Iraq and attempts to deal with another resurgent power, Russia. It comes as little surprise, then, that one of Obama’s first major trips abroad will be to Ankara. Rather than revealing any true U.S. interest to accommodate the Syrians, the U.S. diplomatic opening to Syria is more likely a gesture to the Turks, whose agenda for the Middle East includes reshaping Damascus’s behavior through negotiations with the United States and Israel and containing Iran’s regional ambitions.
Obama's Diplomatic Offensive and the Reality of Geopolitics | STRATFOR

Existence right for Israel yes, but no Israelian entitlement over the region acting as a catalysator for Anti-Israelian forces joining strengths together, shaping the region in blocks over this issue. With Israelian-Syrian peace Iran stays alone in the region.
toomuchtime said:
(...)If Syria is interested in peace, they can negotiate directly with Israel.
It is not Syria not wanting peace, as peace means rejoining of Israelian occupied territories to Syria. It is Israel not wanting peace and loosing Golan heights were rivers start to flow. Predictions are clear for this region, excludeing Turkey, that water will be the oil in the past 2030 period. Water is even now limited over there.
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