"Equal Justice" Spoof on Britney Spears (Just Like a) Circus


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District

Spoof on Britney Spears (Just Like a) Circus

"Restorative Justice" Song

"Equal Justice" in the style of
(Like a) Circus by Britney Spears

There're only two kinds of people in the Game:
Those who correct their faults,
Or pass the blame.
Who's not a hypocrite? We all fall short.
Before you criticize, be a good sport!

For liberal Democrats,
Health Care's the law.
But for Republicans,
Rights come from God.
Can't we protect them all?

(And) Let the Constitution cover the range
(From) Left to Right, forcing neither to change.
Stop abusing power, for imposing one way.
Can't we be equal, treating people the same?

Why can't we seek
Where parties agree
And call it Justice?

Uniting sides
To stop the fight
And drop the bias?

Not just complain, pointing fingers,
Attacking some other group.

Demand government
By the people's consent
for Equal Justice.

[...for Equal Justice Under Law...]

There're only two main religions I have found:
Ones that restore your faith, or cut you down.
They're either universal, or they divide;
Whether God is or isn't

Whether you're saved by Grace,
Jesus is God,
Or you believe in Justice
By natural laws,
Why not embrace them all?

And let the Heavens welcome Gentile and Jew?
Healing Nations with love of the truth?
Forgive one another, that's the path we should choose
Whatever laws of God or Science you use.

Why can't we mend
Our wounds and end
Retributive Justice?

Learn to accept
And not project
Religious bias?

Not just condemn, preaching against,
Attacking opposing groups.

Can't we agree
Christ Jesus means
Restorative Justice.

[...for lasting Peace on Earth for all...]

[Chorus repeats]
Why can't we seek
Where people's agree
And call it Justice?

Uniting sides
To stop the fight
And drop the bias?

Not just complain, pointing fingers,
Attacking each other's group.

Demand government
By public consent
for Equal Justice.
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"Don't Blame Victims for the Crime"

[How dare you blame me
After you rape me]

How dare you blame me
For things beyond my control
How dare you make up lies
That I consented
I clearly was passed out cold
I'm not the one on trial. Don't
Point your filthy little guilty
Fingers at me. I'm lucky I'm alive
This almost killed me

Why am I judged by society?
While you deny what you did to me?
If I'm not crazy I'd lose my mind
Reading the headlines
Blaming victims for the crime

Will Lady Justice
Get sold to the highest bid?
Is every Jury biased?
By what I'm wearing when
Nothing that I said or did
Could ever justify this

Laws were not intended to be
Used to shame
And silence every witness
To this sickness

Why is due process denied to me?
While you get off with lunacy?
Have we gone crazy and lost our minds
Believing the headlines
Don't blame victims for the crime!

[How dare you blame us
And not the rapists]

My baby sister,
She takes this upon herself.
I told her maybe
It would have been someone else...

Who cries in the dark
Her life torn apart
While dangerous killers walk free
Till we cure the real disease
Abuse can be healed
Prevented in time
Till then who's paying for the crime?

We won't put up with society
Condemning us, while crooks go free
Sign our petition, tell all your friends
Everyone online:
Don't blame victims for the crime!

Let Justice prevail
It isn't for sale
Like criminals courts, where drug lords
Traffic women through the jails.
The cycle can break
When we make up our minds:
Don't blame victims for crime!



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