EPA Rewards Official Who Watched Porn at Work for 2-6 Hours Each Day


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
May 7, 2014

EPA Oversight Doesn’t Matter? Award-winning Bureaucrat Watched Porn 2-6 Hours a Day & Given a Bonus

There are a great many good hard working people in our federal government. But then again, there are many who should have been fired along time ago.

In most agencies such behavior as this official would have resulted in some kind of discipline if not being fired, but the EPA and the SEC are not among those conscientious agencies.

Federal Workers Caught Watching Porn at Work | PCWorld
Apr 25, 2010
Several senior staffers at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) spent hours daily watching porn on their work computers even as the massive financial crisis was unfolding in 2008, according to agency's inspector general.

In a report prepared by SEC Inspector General David Kotz at the behest of Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), Kotz cited 31 investigations of workers who had violated SEC rules regarding the use of government computers and time to view pornographic and sexually explicit images. The probes covered a two-and-a-half year period dating back to 2007.

Seventeen investigations involved senior SEC staffers earning between $100,000 and $222,000 annually. In many cases, the Kotz's office obtained on-the-record admissions from the employees involved, though the report does not say how, or even whether, the employees were disciplined.

EPA Employees Not Fired For Watching Pornography, Stealing Money | Red Alert Politics
May 7, 2014
DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION – The Environmental Protection Agency has not been firing employees for watching pornography and falsifying federal documents, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa.

“How much pornography would it take for an EPA employee to lose his job?” Issa asked EPA officials, including the agency’s second-in-command, testifying before the House Oversight Committee. Issa chairs the committee.

“This individual spent four consecutive hours on a site called ‘sadism is beautiful,’” Issa pressed the EPA employees. “You are running an organization from which no one can get fired.”

Issa was pressing EPA officials to answer his question on whether or not falsifying documents is a crime. It is a crime, but Issa wanted an answer from the panelists. The EPA officials testifying before the House Oversight Committee struggled to answer Issa’s questions about agency employees falsifying federal documents by saying they are working while they were not.

An EPA employee has been viewing pornography while at work, and has even received performance awards for his time at the agency. The employee was even watching porn when inspector general agents visited his office. The employee had 7,000 porn files on his computer and had been watching porn for two to six hours per day since 2010. This employee still works at the EPA.

Another EPA employee was actually selling jewelry and weight loss pills out of her office. Renee Page is the director of the the agency’s Office of Administration, but that didn’t stop her from using her from selling her own products during business hours using her government email account, according to the OIG.

Page also hired 17 of her family members and friends as paid interns. She also paid her daughter — who also works at the EPA — from her agency’s budget account. But instead of being punished, Page received a prestigious Presidential Rank Award in 2010, for which she got $35,000 in cash.

“There’s a title that says it’s a crime right?” Issa asked again. “People defrauded the American people, and I’m hearing from the IG that they’re still on the job.”

Pentagon whore mongers:
August 03, 2012
Stop watching porn on work computers, Pentagon tells employees - Los Angeles Times
The Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency has told employees to stop using work computers to peruse pornograpy and visit porn sites -- just the latest example of public employees behaving badly.

Bloomberg News service obtained a memo that agency Executive Director John James Jr. wrote on July 27 revealing that government employees and contractors had been detected in recent months "engaging in inappropriate use of the MDA network," including "accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images."

According to studies done, watching porn while on the clock is common at federal agencies. Date: 01.09.2013
Study: Federal employees spend most of the work day watching porn - see you next tuesday
According to a new watchdog investigation, porn surfing during work hours is rampant among federal employees. Finally, we have an explanation as to what our tax dollars are paying for. This should explain plenty…

- In August, the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency had to tell it’s staff to stop watching porn during work hours. It turns out that several staff members were downloading porn on their government issued computers. Keep in mind, a lot of porn downloads are infected with viruses, and criminals or foreign intelligence agencies can use them to gain access and harvest data. Way to go, ‘Missile Defense Agency’.

- For years, dozens of Security and Exchange Commission staffers regularly downloaded porn onto their government issued computers. Several of these employees held senior positions, earning between $99,300 and $222,418 per year. A senior attorney at the SEC in Washington admitted to spending up to 8 hours a day masterbating to porn on his office computer.

- Federal employees for the Minerals Management Service really fucked up. They were supposed to oversee offshore drilling down in the Gulf. Instead they were taking gifts from oil companies, smoking meth, and watching porn. Then, this happened.

- A senior executive at the National Science Foundation spent 331 days watching porn at work on his government issued computer. He also chatted with naked webcam girls. When caught, he explained that he was helping provide financial assistance to these overseas women who were poor. The investigation into his ‘habit’ cost tax payers between $13,800 and about $58,000.

- Another NSF employee that was busted watching porn at work was asked by an investigator if he had done any actual work the day he downloaded the porn. His response was, “Um, I can’t remember.”

- The National Park Service refused to take any disiplinary action against John A. Latschar, the superintendent of one of the agency’s most popular facilities, Gettysburg National Military Park, after he was busted watching porn all day at work. His government issued computer had 3,400 sexually explicit images on it. He still has his $145,000-a-year job. You’re welcome, tax payers.

- US Attorney General Eric Holder would not comment when asked by the Washington Times why an Assistant US Attorney was not fired or arrested for using his government issued computer to download child porn and watch it all day at work.

- Hundreds (if not thousands) of Pentagon employees download and watch child porn. And they get away with it. No, really.

While working at the DoJ in DC, there were several lawyers there of whom it was said you really need to knock on their doors loudly and give them a moment to clean themselves before going in. If they had secretaries, they sometimes had buzzers that would unlock the doors so people couldn't barge in unannounced. But most of the lawyers there were jack offs even if only metaphorically.

Some really weird people are employed by the federal government. Most are good and respectable people but the surprising thing is that you really don't have to be.

If you have a habit of stopping in the middle of the hall suddenly and then licking the nearest wall, or would spend the nights in the janitors closet pretending to be a gimp, no one cares as long as you suck the right cocks.

This is why throughout most of Western history sexual perverts were dismissed from service as a standard rule, but even that could have major exceptions. Once the pervs run the roost, the organization of any kind goes down the toilet.

The federal government is feeding itself on toxic morality and if it doesn't clean itself up soon, it may not be around much longer.

God is not mocked for very long for good reason.
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Welcome to the Obama Administration, where bad behavior get's rewarded.

Yep rewarded and protected by law. The officials were probably protected by some regs prohibiting discrimination against jack offs.
I'm surprised the sites are not blocked

Lol, the network admins were probably threatened with firings if they did.

When I left after my herniated disk, everyone was harping on not watching porn, and no one did where I worked my last ten years. But I know people who still work in the federal government, and they say the craziness is rumored o still go on, but its kept more secret now.
Welcome to the Obama Administration, where bad behavior get's rewarded.

That was 2008.

as the massive financial crisis was unfolding in 2008, according to agency's inspector general.

Obama wasn't in office then.

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Welcome to the Obama Administration, where bad behavior get's rewarded.

That was 2008.

as the massive financial crisis was unfolding in 2008, according to agency's inspector general.

Obama wasn't in office then.

Another lying PC Nazi, whoring for his masters. The guy was still given promotions AFTER these things came out during the OBama administration, and the EPA refused to say how much porn was unacceptable to watch at work.

Everyone of these reports came out in the Obama administration. When are you idiots going to stop blaming Bush?
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I'm surprised the sites are not blocked

Lol, the network admins were probably threatened with firings if they did.

When I left after my herniated disk, everyone was harping on not watching porn, and no one did where I worked my last ten years. But I know people who still work in the federal government, and they say the craziness is rumored o still go on, but its kept more secret now.

When I worked for the Federal Government, anything that could be remotely construed as porn was blocked

The network administrators were Nazis
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This kind of stuff is independent of who's in the White House. Our government is inefficient, bloated, wasteful and filled with too many that sponge off of the private sector. And act like they're doing us all a big favor.
This kind of stuff is independent of who's in the White House. Our government is inefficient, bloated, wasteful and filled with too many that sponge off of the private sector. And act like they're doing us all a big favor.

The private sector is good, but it can't do a lot of things. Why even elect a government if we're not going to use it for its purpose? Wake up and demand efficiency and push for better.
This kind of stuff is independent of who's in the White House. Our government is inefficient, bloated, wasteful and filled with too many that sponge off of the private sector. And act like they're doing us all a big favor.

The private sector is good, but it can't do a lot of things. Why even elect a government if we're not going to use it for its purpose? Wake up and demand efficiency and push for better.
I wasn't calling for anarchy. We need government but it has grown over the years and become fat, dumb and happy. It needs to go on a serious diet.
I'd rather have them watching porn than making stupid laws! ;)

It is easy to see why you are confused, but it is supposed to be elected CONGRESSMEN who make the laws, not obscure apparatchiks in the federal bureaucracy.

I would rather see these frauds do some jail time and then work elsewhere.
This kind of stuff is independent of who's in the White House. Our government is inefficient, bloated, wasteful and filled with too many that sponge off of the private sector. And act like they're doing us all a big favor.

The private sector is good, but it can't do a lot of things. Why even elect a government if we're not going to use it for its purpose? Wake up and demand efficiency and push for better.
I wasn't calling for anarchy. We need government but it has grown over the years and become fat, dumb and happy. It needs to go on a serious diet.

The size isn't the main problem but the scope of the governments powers and the reach it has into everyone's lives.

With modern technology the government can become much smaller and still be as intrusive and burdensome as it is now.

We need to put the genie back in the damned bottle and curtail government authority. We shouldn't have to check with the government n the legality of everything we do in our private lives.
Government bureaucracy at its finest.

So, throughout the entire government empire of workers how many thousands of others fritter their work days away in such fashion or other endeavors not at all a related to their job descriptions?

Money for nothing and the chicks are free...
I could care less who is in the White House when it comes to a Federal employee who violates the rules in such a way. These people bring dishonor on the many hard working Federal employee's out there and if someone had applied a little common sense here, fire the person right then and there. The same goes for what has gone on at the VA Hospital here in Phoenix, had someone actually paid attention to the many Vets who were making these complaints and common sense was applied and they fired these folks then and there , then some very good people might still be alive. So this guy who spent most of his day entertaining himself at taxpayer expense gets no sympathy from me.
I could care less who is in the White House when it comes to a Federal employee who violates the rules in such a way. These people bring dishonor on the many hard working Federal employee's out there and if someone had applied a little common sense here, fire the person right then and there. The same goes for what has gone on at the VA Hospital here in Phoenix, had someone actually paid attention to the many Vets who were making these complaints and common sense was applied and they fired these folks then and there , then some very good people might still be alive. So this guy who spent most of his day entertaining himself at taxpayer expense gets no sympathy from me.

Agreed, but the problem is that this White house is protecting the EPA wankers because th EPA wankers are loyal PC Nazis who are making their Global Warming agenda law bypassing Congress.

PC Nazis like the Obamaphoners never punish loyal apparatchiks and will defend them to the last possible lie, and that is what is happening here in this case.
I could care less who is in the White House when it comes to a Federal employee who violates the rules in such a way. These people bring dishonor on the many hard working Federal employee's out there and if someone had applied a little common sense here, fire the person right then and there. The same goes for what has gone on at the VA Hospital here in Phoenix, had someone actually paid attention to the many Vets who were making these complaints and common sense was applied and they fired these folks then and there , then some very good people might still be alive. So this guy who spent most of his day entertaining himself at taxpayer expense gets no sympathy from me.

Agreed, but the problem is that this White house is protecting the EPA wankers because th EPA wankers are loyal PC Nazis who are making their Global Warming agenda law bypassing Congress.

PC Nazis like the Obamaphoners never punish loyal apparatchiks and will defend them to the last possible lie, and that is what is happening here in this case.

My only opinion on people who look the other way while people like this man violate the taxpayers trust, are just as guilty as he is, regardless of what party they happen to belong too. Again, it's my humble belief that our Govt. has lost the common sense Americans used to be known for, and have created a Govt. of self protection and job enhancement. While this is not the case with the vast majority of those Federal workers who go to work each and everyday and are by and large good hard working folks, what is lost, especially on the political management side is the ability to look past one's political beliefs for the good of the nation and remember that they are ALL there at the pleasure of every single taxpayer( i.e. they work for us) , and just fire those people who violate that public trust, not only because they are doing things like the man mentioned above, but because these folks paid by us and should have a higher sense of duty.

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