Environmentalist Heaven: Whole Foods


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. As if the recent election were not enough of a test of “dunce-hood,” how about a more down-to-earth test: do you shop at Whole Foods for the organic fare?

2. The Whole Food Stores are enormous, well stocked, and best of all…the food is good for you and for the earth! So what if it costs a little bit more. You cannot put a price tag on doing right by the environment! True?

a. Repeat the mantra:
“Shopping at Whole Foods will make you healthier, smarter, and more moral than everyone else.” Oooommm….

3. Well, the customers are well-educated, upper class, armed with reusable bags and organic soy lattes….they quietly walk from their Priuses, into the Whole Foods store with an attitude of reverence, for it is a utopian vision of a progressive future: it is the church where they can pay tribute to their most cherished ideas about food, health, and the environment.

4. The reality is that what truly unites them is that they are just more gullible than everybody else.

5. Example?
Sure…at a Whole Foods in Seattle, customers are greeted by signs that warn them to avoid genetically modified (GM) food.
Let’s explore the myth. In Europe, such new foods are made to prove that they are not harmful. Think about that.
Here, the procedures is for those who believe them to be harmful are asked to provide proof, some cases. There is not a single documented case of GM foods causing even a stomach ache, let alone lingering health problems.

a. Get it? Whole Foods promotes organic food as a wholesome alternative to the poison those competitors are foisting on their customers!

b. It is a business model founded on selling a feel-good lifestyle based on a lie. The same as environmentalism!
The above covered fully and in detail in Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” chapter three.

6. How’s this for a full-house: Organic foods, Prius-driving, composting, anti-vaccines, Progressives.
Why the 'Prius Driving, Composting' Set Fears Vaccines - ScienceInsider

a. Stick a pin in a map to indicate Whole Foods stores, and in that community, 81% voted for Obama. Do the same for Cracker Barrel, and 36% went for Obama. Will the 2012 election be a contest of Whole Foods vs. Cracker Barrel shoppers? - Washington Post

b. And, get this: Whole Foods founder, John Mackey, is an Ayn Rand fan. Seems he’s a granola conservative. John Mackey, C.E.O. of Whole Foods : The New Yorker

7. Mackey has created an enormously successful food store chain by appealing to folks who are health and environmentally conscious, even to the point of rejecting technology and opting for ‘natural.’ This simple-minded reasoning of progressive thinkers is, basically, the raison d'être for the organic food movement.

Have you seen the OP Ed Mackey wrote in opposition to ObamaCare? It was great.

8. Now, back to the religion of the Leftists:
“ We are energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment, just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs imbibe.”
Michael Crichton.
Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore - Forbes

Wise up.
Since getting off the FDA Food Pyramid (Now called the Food Plate) my wife and I have not only lost weight, but our garbage production has plummeted! We went from 1 1/2 to 2 trash cans of garbage a week to 1/2 of one can a week. I sh*t you not!

Fresh vegetables and meats and poultry have FAR LESS packaging than production line, non-nutritive, plastic food. And not only that, you eat less of of it so your food bill actually goes down!

The only confusion is that some people think "natural" always means "good for you", but it doesn't. For instance Sugar is "natural" (it's just burned and sometimes bleached) but Sugar is what really makes you fat.

Fat doesn't make you fat, Sugar and Processed Carbohydrates which are in most all processed, plastic, FDA Approved food, are what make you fat. Along with Bread, Grains, Pasta and the like, but that's for another time.
And this is revelant to what? Other than to your very odd alternative universe.
If you actually cared about the environment (which you don't) you'd look into Big Agra and Production Line Food Model which they advocate and Lobby Congress to FORCE all Farmers to go with.
And this is revelant to what? Other than to your very odd alternative universe.

Rocks...you silly boy....why pretend that you can't read the tea leaves that I've provided....

...I bet you understand exactly what I was getting at.

But...I do so appreciate the opportunity to review the precis.....here goes:

The basic scam known as environmentalism, as well as it's attendant ramifications, such as fear of man-made global warming, the magical anodynes known as organic foods, the fabrication that only conservationists know how to treat the land, and that human beings are the malefactors out to destroy your sacred Gaia....

....all false.

And with every new permutation of the 'control everything and everyone' pseudo-science....

well....here's your response every time:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdFLPn30dvQ]Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle - YouTube[/ame]

But I will admit this: you're clearly better at following orders than I.
We don't have a Whole Foods where I live, but we have Earth Fare, which is similar and I shop there frequently and I do not fit the stereotypical description of the OP at all.

As far as genetically modified foods not being harmful, that is a statement steeped on ignorance. There is a lot of evidence out there that the wheat we all eat, which was genetically modified years ago in order to feed more people, is a major factor in American obesity today as well as all kinds of allergies and ailments we experience. Dairy is another category that isn't really good for you either. It's incredibly fattening and we're the only species on the planet that doesn't ween our young off of milk as they get older.

I only drink almond milk and I've cut back on wheat products and sugar. The last time I had my body fat measured it was only about 7%.
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We don't have a Whole Foods where I live, but we have Earth Fare, which is similar and I shop there frequently and I do not fit the stereotypical description of the OP at all.

As far as genetically modified foods not being harmful, that is a statement steeped on ignorance. There is a lot of evidence out there that the wheat we all eat, which was genetically modified years ago in order to feed more people, is a major factor in American obesity today as well as all kinds of allergies and ailments we experience. Dairy is another category that isn't really good for you either. It's incredibly fattening and we're the only species on the planet that doesn't ween our young off of milk as they get older.

I only drink almond milk and I've cut back on wheat products and sugar. The last time I had my body fat measured it was only about 7%.

"As far as genetically modified foods not being harmful, that is a statement steeped on ignorance. There is a lot of evidence out there that the wheat we all eat, which was genetically modified years ago in order to feed more people, is a major factor in American obesity today as well as all kinds of allergies and ailments we experience. Dairy is another category that isn't really good for you either."

Bring it on, Bro.....

And...speaking of 'steeped in ignorance'....

"Genetically modified food has quietly become second nature in the U.S., and it may surprise you just how many foods you are eating that you never knew contained a genetically modified ingredient.

Experts say 60% to 70% of processed foods on U.S. grocery shelves have genetically modified ingredients. The most common genetically modified foods are soybeans, maize, cotton, and rapeseed oil. That means many foods made in the U.S. containing field corn or high-fructose corn syrup, such as many breakfast cereals, snack foods, and the last soda you drank; foods made with soybeans (including some baby foods); and foods made with cottonseed and canola oils could likely have genetically modified ingredients. These ingredients appear frequently in animal feed as well."
Genetically Modified Foods (Biotech Foods) Pros and Cons

"...evidence to date has not indicated that any foods developed for human consumption using genetic engineering techniques pose danger greater than foods produced using traditional methods."

That includes getting you fat.

Whole foods has opened more groceries here in SF then any other chain in decades. That is not from lack of other groceries trying to open here... but becasue they did not fit into the "liberal ideal" Whole foods fits that feel good ideal.

In a city that needs to help its poor... we are allowing more high end expensive groceries to open...then ones that do not charge as much... but are not part of the liberal ideal. Then again... if food stamps is paying for it who cares right?
recent research has shown that people who follow organic direts are just as likely to drop dead.

People who follow the organic food rules like a religion are mental cases.

Stay away from high fructose corn syrup and pure cane sugar and you're golden. Stuff is poison.
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Whole Food is the most fun grocery store I was ever in. I can't speak for all of them, just the local one. The employees are hired on the basis of bizarre so there are several employees with heavy facial piercings (Think Pinhead) on duty at any one time as well as employees completely covered with artistic or not so artistic tattoos. Both male and female as well as heads shaved in graceful patterns. But, they are aren't as fearsome as they look, they are pleasant, but I wouldn't take a child to the store.

I used to have to go there for my husband whose diet was incredibly sensitive. I paid four times for chicken that wasn't commercially processed as in Ralphs. Okay, it didn't taste any different, but I had hopes it would help.

Then there are the customers, who are all from the same yuppie tribe. It's no fun to be superior to to ordinary supermarket shoppers. They can only get into competitive food shopping at Whole Foods. You want salt free, HAH. I'll take your salt free and raise you a gluten free! MY cereal is both natural and organic, with no added sugar, or flavor, or an nth of vitamins either. It's called HAY and it's good for horses, so there!

You don't have to actually buy anything at Whole Foods, just go for the entertainment.

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